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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mikulski Calls “Cut, Cap, and Balance” a “Scam”

Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) called the House Republicans’ "Cut, Cap and Balance" legislation "stupid," a "scam" and "cruel," alleging that it "could very well kill the future" of America.

"What a sham. What a scam. I’d be tempted to just blow it off if it were not so cruel, stupid and dangerous. It’s cruel because it invents new rules of how we’re going to calculate social security, what we’re going to do to Medicare," she told reporters, alongside Senators Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) at the Capitol on Wednesday.

"It’s stupid because it doesn’t solve our problems and it’s dangerous because it could bring our economy down. It does ‘Cut, Cap and Kill’ Medicare but it could very well kill the future of our country. What are the plain facts? It cuts spending to 1965 levels – that was 46 years ago – 46 years ago when making $8,000 a year was considered a fantastic salary. Would you want to go back and make $8,000 a year? I don’t think so."



Anonymous said...

You can tell the old girl is not happy to loose her spending money!
Would like to see her plan in writing. She is loud of MOUTH and silent of IDEAS! OH wait! Thats the Liberal way! Keep all the same and screw the people!
The old Battleaxe needs to be sent to the Wicomico Humane Socirty, maybe someone would adopt the old girl!

Anonymous said...

when will she retire!

Anonymous said...

How long has it been since the Gov't even wrote a budget? Seems to me, if the Republicans have written a balanced one that the bozo's in DC would follow, the debt clock could stop, and businesses would not be guessing around a moving target and put people back to work.

This woman needs to go home and stay there.

Anonymous said...

I'm cutting, capping and balancing in my household budget. Is that a scam? I wish she would go away.

Anonymous said...

She better watch out a house might fall on her!

Anonymous said...

So, Babs, what is YOUR plan, as 8:39 wonders? We have to do something to get a handle on our finances, so what does the senior Senator from Maryland suggest?

Anonymous said...

if a democrat is screaming "scam!" than it must be ok!

Anonymous said...

Well if you read the post before this one, it clearly says the reason why dems are against this bill is because 1. they will lose their money to keep spending... (which we know they want because they wont even cut 1.5 trillion over 10 years)
2. because as the dem senator said it will make it harder to raise taxes... if the budget is balanced and always balanced then we wont need to be taxed and the dems don't like that cuz they want money to blow...

Its a shame all there after is money yet money wont be worth dirt soon so what would be the point to stab, trick and steal money from others if it has no value?

Anonymous said...

retire babs. this is the only way we can get her out. the "other side" of the bay just keeps sending her back to do more and more damage. this is one reason why maryland is called the "socialist republic of maryland".

Anonymous said...

I've got news for you! Mikulski is a scam.

Anonymous said...

Sing it sister !! lol She needs to go back to 1965. Same old dem b.s. The same people re-elect her that elected Dixon and Marion Barry need I say more.

Anonymous said...

You people don't get it.

This is NOT a democrat or republican problem.

This is the middle class and poor problem.

If you want to go back to the 1965 era, so be it.

But remember, this was not the happiest time in our history.

Some of us have lived long enough to know what it was like in the

Did we learn the lessons of the civil rights era? No.

This was a time when Americans were fighting one another based on our race, age, sexual perference and anything that some folks felt was different from the norm; right here in America. This was pure hate/hatred fueling this fight. It was like fighting in the civil war once again. Let's be for real, some Americans and other nationalities are still fighting this fight.

Did we learn the lesson of slavery? No.

The truth of the matter is, the rich, big businesses and big corporations are still practicing this behavior through low wages here in this country and abroad. This is why the rich keep getting richer and everyone else continues to struggle.

Do we understand the rich and big businesses greed and disdain for the middle class and poor is affecting this economy? Absolutely not.

If we did, todays tax paying or unemployed Americans, the middle class, the poor, the active duty/veterans, the elders, the homeless and people who can't help themselves would not have to worry about were HELP will come from in the future.

Our tax money was used to bail out wall street, insurance company, oil companies, bank, fred/fannie mac, auto companies, big corporations and greedy friends of the politicans. We ask them to share their wealth by increasing jobs, bring back our jobs from oversea, pay their share of taxes and help raise the debt limit without haggling. Instead, they cried out like little boys and girls and said; "My way or no way" Just ask BOEHNER, MCCONNELL and boy toy ERIC CANTOR.

Congress is a joke. They don't care about us as citizens and tax payer. Let them live off of $866.00 dollars a month from social security at the age of 76 years old. Then, they will know exactly the struggles of a lot of poeple.

The debt ceiling may not be raised before the critical date. Why? Because the Members of Congress is still playing childish romper room games in the playgrounds of the House and Senate.

Some of you are clueless as to what is really going on in this country if you are worried about Senator Barbara Mikulski statement. Shame on you because she is speaking the truth.

This government want to cut the very people who helped them out of their mess by destroying social security, medicare, and medicaid.

If things turns for the worst, blame Americans COMPLACENCY.

Instead of allowing this governments to display their leaner and meaner attitude, Americans need to stand up and make government work for them. That's what we are paying them for.

Not Grover Norquist, big businesses, big corporations, the wealthiest Americans, Boehner, Cantor and McConell.

Come on Americans. Please wake up.

Anonymous said...

It is a scam because these guys math doesn't add up. Nor does it make any sense when one looks at how nations work. But it sure sounds good on Fox News.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't make a difference if she retired. Maryland would just elect another liberal idiot just like her.

Anonymous said...

So stopping the unsustainable borrowing to fund the overspending is a scam?
Okay, Barb, you're loony toons!

Anonymous said...

In my 58 years I have never witnessed an economy as bad as this one. The policies of this administration has strangled the middle class. How many people do you know that have lost their job, their homes or their families.Raising taxes is not a viable solution,as anyone who has ever had to make payroll knows.If we raised taxes 30 percent it wouldn't make a dent in our deficit. We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Unfortunately, liberals know this this but won't admit it.

Anonymous said...

Was it really just the policies of this administration?
Did you just wake up 2 1/2 years ago?
People have been losing jobs and losing thier homes since summer 2008- before Obama was even elected.
Everybody says OBAMA is raising taxes, REALLY?
well lets see, this year if you are employed, you are only having 4.2% of your paycheck come out for social security NOT 6.2% that has come out of every single paycheck for the last 30 plus years.
Sounds like a tax reduction to me.- and I run payrolls for a living.
We have lived beyond our means for the last decade and more. The bill has come due and demands to be paid. You are correct in that an increase in taxes wont solve the problem, but not having any increases in any taxes will only contribute to the problem.
Spending cuts alone wont solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

3:56, you are dead wrong. it's a spending problem not a revenue(taxes) problem.
cut spending at least 30%, cut taxes and regulations that keep business from growing and starting. that's just for starters. then go back and eliminate as many agencies as possible.

Anonymous said...

Taxes were cut 10 years ago.
Debt started piling up 10 years ago.
It is not as simple as a mere spending problem anymore.