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Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Deficit Is Not Default Of Obama

Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" gave debtors' prison a bad rap. Too bad. I'd say that locking away GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a penitentiary for deadbeats seems like a darn good idea.

Let's talk about how we ended up in this pickle, bucking up against the "debt ceiling." From 2001 to 2008, a Republican president took an annual surplus of $86 billion left for him by Bill Clinton and ran up the budget deficit to over half a trillion in a year ($642 billion in 2008). Altogether, George W. Bush blew up the national debt by over $3 TRILLION - then left the bills to Barack Obama.

For eight years, Bush spent like a drunk monkey. The world was the GOP's Bergdorf and they had our credit card. If there was a shiny, new war on the shelf, they just had to have it: Iraq, Afghanistan, and let's not forget the Fantasy Wars, the half a trillion dollars a year on fancy-ass weapons for a war that won't happen. (Example: the Virginia Class submarine. (The V-class was designed to attack Soviet subs. There are no more Soviet subs, but Bush ordered three dozen anyway - at $1.8 billion each.)

And tax cuts? Don't get me started!


Anonymous said...

Yup George Bush ran up the debt by 3 trillion in 8 years and Obama has run it up 5 more trillion in 2-1/2 years

Cory said...

Barry aka Obama is more worthless than Jimmy Carter i cannot wait until the election so his butt gets kicked out and someone replaces him and fixes all the crap he has broken or created like Obamacare

Anonymous said...

The reason why Clinton had a surplus was the housing boom that he created by making the banks give bad loans to people that couldn't afford them and was riding on the e-commerce boom. He also reduced the US military to the point where we were getting attacked on a regular bases all over the world. Just a lame attempt at a blame Bush article. Keep flying in circles by flapping that left wing.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of liberal progressive bull crap.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone get tired of pointing the finger of blame?

I'm tired of hearing he, she, it, is to blame.

Fix the dang mess. THEN you can blame the pope for all I care.

Anonymous said...

10:01 Right on!

Anonymous said...

6:45 Anon
That's because the current President got stuck with the ongoing costs from George W. Bush!
It's simple math! Take away what it's STILL costing us and we're once again lucrative!