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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Vote Would Allow Obama To Appoint Without Senate Consent

S.697 Allows Obama to Appoint Labor Bosses to DOL positions bypassing Senate Approval
OPPOSE this Cronyism.  Ask Mikulski and Cardin to vote NO on today's vote.
Tuesday's vote on Senate Bill 697 would allow President Obama to apoint Labor bosses and partisans to key Department of Labor positions without "the advice and consent" of the Senate.  S. 697 put forth by Sen. Schumer would allow the President to install whomever he wants to these positions without so much as a Senate hearing or vote.
When Obama's pick for the Labor Relations Board, Labor attorney Craig Becker, met with resistance that made Senate confirmation unlikely, Obama skirted the opposition with a recess appointment not requiring Senate approval.  Since being on the Labor Board, Becker has refused to recuse himself on several critical cases in which he had prior involvement. This should not happen again, however, S.697 would negate Senate approval allowing Obama free reign to appoint labor zealots to key DOL positions.
Contact Senators Mikulski and Cardin NOW and ask that they oppose S.697 on all votes including today's cloture vote.
Senator Mikulski at 202.224.4654
Senator Cardin at 202.224.4524


Anonymous said...

it just keeps getting better. hope and change at its best

Anonymous said...

well, when they hold up votes for nominees for issues completely unrelated to the nominee or the position, what do you expect. Both parties have played this game. lets stop the bs.

Anonymous said...

ask barbara and ben to go against their lord n savior?! it aint happenin!

Some of us have to work said...

stop the bs? Are you insane? This could make Obama a defacto Fuhrer, you Democrats and Republicans that vote for this guy again are too stupid to live

Anonymous said...

Vote barbie and bennie out of office they are completely worthless.

Anonymous said...

Since when has Obama respected any rules or laws?
Just another example of him trying to go around our elected representatives.
Nov 2012 HURRY!