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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wicomico Schools’ Food Services Feeds Children In Summer Food Service Program

The Wicomico County Board of Education is participating in the Summer Food Service Program, with funding support from the Maryland State Department of Education.

Meals will be provided from June 16-Aug. 5 on all weekdays except July 4. Meals are available to all children without charge. Acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows:

Wicomico County Housing Authority, 911 Booth St., Salisbury
Breakfast: 8:30-9 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m.-noon

The Christian Shelter, 334 Barclay St., Salisbury
Breakfast: 8:30-9:15 a.m.
Lunch: 12-12:45 p.m.

Family Center @ East Salisbury Elementary School, 1201 Old Ocean City Road
Breakfast: 8:30-9 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m.-noon

Contact the Wicomico County Board of Education Food and Nutrition Services at 410-677-4442 for more information.


Anonymous said...

And we wonder why the sate is broke

Anonymous said...

Why is it that it is all in Smallsbury?

Anonymous said...

Yeah 12:52, God forbid we should feed children.

Anonymous said...

2:09 where were they eating up till now?

Anonymous said...

Somerset County they bring kids by the carload to the schools that offer free summer meals.

Anonymous said...

Who is paying for this?
The school budgets tend to hide the food figures-- what is being spent on feeding everybody's kids?
I know it's in the MILLIONS.
This is welfare, dressed up as charity, and protected by a bunch of anti-discrimination laws.

Anonymous said...

Some of these kids don't eat at home. . .they look forward to school meals as their only meals. . .if you suffer like they do then you can complain.


Anonymous said...

Why stop with food let's buy them shirts, pants, shoes, and what ever else they may need, we have plenty of money right?

Anonymous said...

Many times clothes will be donated to kids in need. . .some people have a heart and don't like to see kids suffer for no fault or their own. . .I guess in your view we should just watch them suffer even though we can help. You are what is wrong with america. . .just wanted to clear that up for you.


Anonymous said...

3:47 Now you get it, Churches and donations from other orginizations and my self will see that no child goes hungry. I'm just saying not with tax dollars that we do not have.

Anonymous said...

The last word is often better left unsaid, 4:02

If you are planning on donating so generously, why do you care if it comes from taxes or out of your wallet right this minute? I doubt your claims of generosity highly!


Anonymous said...

I have money the state of Maryland does not!

Anonymous said...

Then you can keep it and rest easy knowing your tax dollars have been spent on a cause that you find honorable. Does not matter what pile they are taking from if you were planning to give anyway. The hungry kids thank you.


Anonymous said...

It makes a great deal of difference where the money comes from, bleeding heart.
It is not a government function, nor the responsibility of the taxpayers to feed all these kids (nor to clothe them, give them a cell phone or buy them a car)
The reason this country is BROKE is because of all these 'entitlement' programs that have absolutely no basis in the Constitution-- I believe it was Thomas Jefferson that said once everyday citizens were given access to the treasury, the end was at hand.
You don't take money from people under threat of force and give it to others who haven't earned it.
If they want to give their money away, it's their right, but the government has NO authority to take it and give it away based on somebody's perceived 'need'..
If their parents aren't feeding them, MAKE THEM DO IT.
I feel sorry for those kids, but the best thing I can do for them is kick their parents in the arse, not make them dependents of the state.

Anonymous said...

Charity is not the job of government. They have no business taking tax dollars from people and feeding others. Charity should be left to charitable organization not a government that removes money from people at gunpoint to buy votes. :()

Anonymous said...

4:55, i'll drive you over to the poor side of town. . .and you can kick those kids parents in the arse. . .and if that doesn't help the problem then you can walk home. Bring a comfortable pair of shoes.

Anonymous said...

This is so crazy!!!! Are you serious?! How about the parents are responsible for feeding their own kids!!!!!!! Mu husband and I work for a living and we provide for our kids, With no help from state or government money!!! Yes, we work for the private sector!!!! I am tired of providing for others - We are conservatives and pay our own way!!! This is our tax dollars paying for this crap and let the parents handle their own children! Yes - I am sure these are the same people who voted for Obama and will again so they can get everything for nothing!!!! Please send ALL of us working people a Thank You card!! If you can't afford to have kids - then don't have them!!! Birth control is cheaper!!!!!

Anonymous said...

4:55 nailed it

Anonymous said...

The poor might use birth control if you republicans were not closing clinics all across this country. . .seven in new jersey in the last few months. . .women can't get the birth control that they need because republicans are ending funding for planned parenthood. I think you're on the wrong side , miss. If they can't afford food. . .do you really think they are going to pay for birth control? Think.

Anonymous said...

7:36. . .tell me how you make them pay. . .kick them in the arse? Do you want me to drive you over there when I take the other "arse kicker"? Remember to bring comfortable shoes. I'll rent a van.

Anonymous said...

7:22 Amen

Anonymous said...

8:16 Now Now let's not get ugly

Anonymous said...

His words, not mine. 8:40

Anonymous said...

I meant kicking them in the arse figuratively-- put the legal responsibility back on them and ENFORCE it.

The reason this goes on and on is that there are absolutely no consequences to the behavior.
Just have sex, get pregnant, have a child and the 'system' will kick in and do the rest... pay for your daycare (so you can work to pay for your cellphone, cigarettes and alcohol/drugs), feed you and your kid(s), pay your electric bill, pay most or all of your rent, etc etc.

Don't cry the blues to me.. I don't have much, either. But what I have I earned, and I use it to buy what I need instead of expecting my neighbors to support me while I just do whatever I want to do.

It's time to give these folk some 'reality therapy.'
If their Mommies and grandmas had to take care of them instead of the gummint, you can bet there'd be some arses kicked.

Time to slowly but steadily pull the plug on it.

Don't make the little children suffer, cause it isn't their fault, but let mommy know that the party is OVER.

Anonymous said...

When I first read the story I thought it was nice kids who may be hungry are getting fed. But feeding the hungry should really not be a function of the board of education. It is a function of the food banks, shelters, churches, and other charitable organizations. I do feel badly for these children but I agree the parents having them should instead get on birth control. I have two children and realize how expensive it is to raise children. I could not afford to have more so I take birth control. I can never understand why some women who desperately want to have children cannot, yet others who abuse/neglect them pump them out like an assembly line. I wish I knew the answer to stopping the reproducing of the poor or the ignorant who cannot afford to take care of themselves, let alone their children. I'm sure some of these parents spend money on cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and cell phones, nails, etc.

Anonymous said...

Ok, how do we end mommy's party while not hurting the little children? The only "arses" you're going to end up kicking are the kids arses. I await your brilliant plan around this reality. (Reaches for popcorn. . .this should be good)


Anonymous said...

Remember folks: you can ALWAYS depend on those wealthy people to spend those massive tax cuts on things like charity and new jobs! Thank God we can count on the good nature of the greediest Americans! They always do the right thing and never screw the rest of us! Who cares if proportionally we pay WAY more of our hard earned income? Those rich people look out for their fellow citizens! The free market will make sure everybody is A-O.K.!

But really, if you have a problem with feeding children you are an @$$hole.

Anonymous said...

We send BILLIONS to other countries to feed their poor. People bitch about that and say take care of our own first.

Then when we take care of our own, people bitch about that.

What am I missing here?

Anonymous said...

The article fails to mention if the BOE is funding this. They could be just using the facilities to provide the service.
While I don't agree with enabling a population of people by constantly giving them things, I hate hearing of a child in our country going to bed hungry, aside from my own when they don't eat what is givin to them at dinner :).

So what do we (taxpayers) do in situations like this? We can complain about it till the end of the day but still tomorrow it will be the same. I don't have the answers just curious if anyone else has a rational solution.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I agree it is not our job to care for everyone elses children.If the parents are not feeding them then they should be investigated.You cant tell me that some girl with a $100 hairdo and nails is too "poor" to feed her kids.It is all about priorities.If you will not get off your butt and feed your own kids you do not deserve them,I bet if they start cutting TANF checks by a percentage everytime a complaint was made they would straighten up and become parents of the year.I am not a liberal or conservative I am just a working person who feeds my own kids and I am SICK of scrimping and saving while some welfare heifers kids eat on my dime.

Anonymous said...

investigate them then, 2:42, but that don't put food on the table! Where is your plan, conservatives, where is you damn plan?!