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Monday, June 20, 2011

Pawlenty Calls Romney a “Co-Conspirator” on ObamaCare

In his speech at the Minneapolis Right Online conference Saturday afternoon, former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty again took a sharp jab at primary rival Mitt Romney.

“If we’re going to have political charges against Barack Obama about health care reform, we better do it with somebody that is not a co-conspirator leading the charge,” he said — a line Pawlenty also used on Fox News Thursday night.

Pawlenty seemed in overdrive, walking the stage to give a fast-paced speech without notes. His plane was late, so he arrived on stage 10 minutes behind schedule straight from the airport. His speech was short -- about fifteen minutes -- without many pauses for applause.



dan said...

Say it to his face next time.

Anonymous said...

romney wants to be all things to all people! just what we need! NOT!

dan said...

We don't need that, but we also do not need a President who only caters to the wishes and whims of one sliver of the American people.

Anonymous said...

Romney spent more $$$ per vote than any other politician in 2008. He's linked to the hip to Obamacare, which will ensure he won't be the nominee of the GOP. But Pawlenty won't either, that debate will haunt him for his entire campaign.

Anonymous said...

RINO Romney

ConservativeAtheist said...

wow... so I will probably catch heat for this...

What scares me most about Romney is his Mormonism. He is bound to the will and whims of not JUST his faith, but is bound to the whims/wills/proclamations of the Mormon figure head/prophet. If we elect Romney... we are really electing the will of whatever prophet is in charge of his church.

To me... this is a terrifying thought.

Do some learning on the Mormon faith system and the structure of their faith system... and then ask if this is a person you want in charge of the "free world".

Anonymous said...

1254-You're in with the same group that believed voting for Kennedy would mean the Pope would run the country. That's a terrifying way of thinking you have.