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Monday, June 20, 2011

Bachmann “Glittered” at Bloggers’ Conference

A gay rights activist threw glitter at Rep. Michele Bachmann Saturday as the congresswoman was leaving Right Online, the conservative blogger's conference taking place in Minneapolis this weekend.

The Minnesota representative kept on walking and waving at the crowd after she wrapped up her speech to the group, and barely flinched as she was doused by the "rainbow" flecks of plastic.

The activist, identified by the Minnesota Star Tribune as Rachel E.B. Lang, later told conservative blogger Ed Frank that she did it to bring light to Bachmann's support of an anti-gay marriage initiative in the state.

"She can run but she can't hide from her record of support for anti-gay extremists. So today, I welcome her into the glitter hall of fame," Lang told the blogger.

Bachmann becomes the third Republican presidential candidate to get the glitter treatment. Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich both had glitter tossed at them during recent book signings.

Lang called the attack "a really good-natured, light-hearted way to bring attention to an important issue, which is gay rights."

But taken to task over whether throwing objects -- even tiny, light-reflective ones -- accomplishes anything, Lang said, "Everyone has to choose their own way to get your message across and as long as you're not hurting anyone it's all legitimate."

from FOXNews


Anonymous said...

Anti-gay extremists? So if you oppose gay marriage you are now an extremist? Interesting.

Anonymous said...

She has a right to her point of view without an idiot like this, doing something like this. They should have arrested her for a hate crime. The opposite would've ended with an arrest. There is clearly not a two-way street with regard to the rights of individuals. Christians and Conservatives have no rights anymore and only 2% of the population seems to get more than their fair share of the rights to do things like this without being held accountable. Our society is going down the tubes, all in favor of "politically correctness". Gays should not be discriminated against but they do not have any greater rights than the (98%) of the rest of our society!!!!

Anonymous said...

7:46 just the way a group of Democrats is a protest and a group of Republicans is a mob.

Anonymous said...

like throwin a wiffle ball bat in the closet

ConservativeAtheist said...

These people throwing glitter should be prosecuted for any laws they break in doing so, if there are any. Sure, I get it, they are trying to get a point across.... and they are getting media coverage by doing it.... which the media is just playing into them by getting their message out.... and how the media is eating it up and promoting it.

There are plenty of reasons to not support her as a candidate... and it baffles me that anyone would... minus the glitter