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Monday, May 30, 2011

McCain: Palin Can Beat Obama

(CNN) - She was his running mate in the 2008 presidential election and now Sen. John McCain thinks Sarah Palin can beat President Barack Obama in 2012.

"Of course she can. She can. Now, whether she will or not, whether she'll even run or not, I don't know," the Arizona Republican said on "Fox News Sunday."

"But she certainly is a major factor and I believe she can be very competitive."

While he said she inspires "great passion, particularly among the Republican faithful," he also said her high unfavorable ratings have something to do with the attacks she's sustained in the national media.

"I've never seen anyone as mercilessly attacked and relentlessly attacked as I have seen Sarah Palin in the last couple of years," McCain said.

Palin's public flirtation with a bid for the White House reached new levels this week with the announcement of a bus tour that begins Sunday in Washington, D.C. The former Alaska governor has declared the "One Nation" trip an opportunity to "educate and energize Americans about our nation's founding principles, in order to promote the fundamental restoration of America."

But McCain acknowledged the campaign will be a "roller coaster" before the Republicans find their nominee.



Anonymous said...

Obama ran on false promises. And, gullible Americans fell for it. Now that he hasn't brought back troops over two years into his presidency; the economy is falling apart; his Obamacare is useless and littered with State lawsuits; the bailouts were a waste of money; and more!! Much More!!! Space doesn't avail itself to write about all his failures. I think an idiot in a joker's costume would be more credible and SHOULD beat him. I'm hoping Americans give ANYONE a chance after this total failure as a President! He has been nothing less than a joke and an embarassment to our country.

Anonymous said...

Scott Brown will be the GOP runner and our next president!

Anonymous said...

hey 11:34
You forgot why he was elected , his color , nothing more.
All of the interviews we saw proved it.
He's dumb as a brick and everyone knows it.

Anonymous said...

To 11:34-spot on the money! The question becomes, with acorn, the black panthers, Eric Holder and the rest of the criminals in place, can he be beaten by anyone? I am afraid that fair democratic elections may be a thing of the past.

Anonymous said...

If you think Palin can win you're dead wrong. I don't trust anyone who writes books but doesn't read. That speaks volumes. ;0)

Anonymous said...

Palin doesn't want to be president she knows it is beyond her and a lot of hard work she is just fueling her celebrity and the cash wagon that goes along with it
she can make more not being president and having that kind of responsibility
she is smart
in many ways I'm suspect of anyone that would want that job

Anonymous said...

This is a joke right? Palin as the President of the United States?

Anonymous said...

1:37, I'm a Republican who agrees with your sentiments. So McCain thinks that Palin can beat Obama? One factor in McCain's loss in '08, I think, is his choice of Palin for runningmate. I thought at the time, given his age, if something should happen to him then look whom we would have as President. A scary thought, indeed!

Anonymous said...

At this point I think anyone would be a better President than Obama. Palin has a lot of conservative and traditional values. She loves our country and would not make a joke of the USA to the rest of the world as Obama does. So YES I would vote for Palin and I believe a lot of other voters would too. If you would take time to listen to her instead of the media attacks, you would know she is more intelligent than most of the people making these negative comments about her. You go Sarah Palin and tell everyone what a great country we live in and if they don't like that, then tey can leave and find another country to complain about.

Anonymous said...

Palin is interested in nothing but padding her bank accounts and the American People are playing right into her hands. The woman can't even hold an intelligent conversation. There is no way in H*^! she will become President of the U.S.!!!!

Anonymous said...

Palin appeals to people that don't want to right what is wrong with America they just want a candy coated old fashioned Baseball hotdogs apple pie and Norman Rockwell placebo it is that type of blind faith pseudo patriotism since Reagan that has gotten us in the sad state we are in now
it works for them as long as they have someone to blame for the nations ills minorities, immigrants and non christians democrats etc.
its just a lazy lost dream to think someone like Palin is any kind of saving grace she is just a greedy snake like the rest posturing on old nostalgic notions that make us the laughing stock of the western free world
it's all a part of the deliberate dumbing down of america preying on peoples raw emotions with "issues" whilst the real work to maintain our superiority in the first world is sublimated
and people were worried about Communists
this sort of vapid ideology is far more dangerous and stupid

Anonymous said...

#1 you dummies are the ones who actually thought a woman who couldn't answer "what books do you read?" was worth being a heartbeat away from running the country.

#2 11:34, Obama is far from perfect, BUT seems to me our troops are slowly withdrawing from Iraq (as promised) and scheduled to withdraw from Afghan. (as promised), which would not have happened under the plans touted by the McCain/Palin ticket. In case you didn't notice during your swooning sessions over Palin, the economy was falling apart WAY before Obama came to office. Plenty of objective analysts say the stimulus was good for the economy, although it didn't live up to the hype. And you can argue the merits of "Obamacare" but it seems like it's conservatives filing the lawsuits (can't blame that on the Pres.). And the biggest provisions haven't even kicked in yet so you can't really rule whether it was good or not yet.

Alex said...

Wingnuts really believe that there is someone out there who even has a chance against Obama? That's funny. Thank god for Palin running, would some circus during the primaries.

Anonymous said...

NObama is just as dangerous to America as Osama was. He is ruining our country. He is an elected terrorist on the American way of life. He is so socialist, he should have roots in East Germany rather than Ireland (yeah right!). I can't wait to cast my vote against him in the next election. He hasn't kept any of HIS promises and has made EVERYTHING worse. His healthplan will kill more people than the bombing of the twin towers. I used to respect the office of the presidency but he and Bill Clinton (what is IS? I never had sexual relations with that woman) have ruined it. And, it is sad he has so many robots who follow his twisted ideas and worship him like he's the anti-Christ.

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 0920 -

You certainly have a right to your opinion. The evidence certainly supports that he is a socialist. However, a terrorist?

Thoughts? said...

McCain now knows he will face Health care rationing like that was predicted. He wants Palin in to reverse Obama-care; since the courts will not lock up Obama for failure to carry thier direction out.

What do you think would happen to you if a Judge told you what to do and you snub your nose at the Judge?