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Monday, May 30, 2011

GOP Moves To Tighten Vote Rules In 13 States

Seeking to preserve the integrity of the election process, GOP-controlled statehouses nationwide are stiffening voting laws with changes that include requiring valid photo identification, restricting early voting, and imposing stricter rules on those who can register to vote.

Republicans in 13 states — where changes have either been passed or introduced in the past two months — say they are trying to ensure voters are qualified; Democrats counter the moves are politically based and aimed at weeding out young and minority voters — many of whom comprise the party’s base, The New York Times reports.

Last week, Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Gov. Rick Perry of Texas joined Kansas and South Carolina, and signed laws that would require valid photo identification before a voter could cast a ballot. Twelve states now require photo identification to vote, the Times says.

Gov. Rick Scott in Florida signed a bill this month to tighten restrictions on third-party voter registration organizations and to shorten the number of early voting days. The battleground states of Ohio and Pennsylvania are among those considering voter-identification bills.

“If you have to show a picture ID to buy Sudafed, if you have to show a picture ID to get on an airplane, you should show a picture ID when you vote,” Gov. Nikki Haley said this month when she signed the South Carolina law, the Times says.

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Anonymous said...

it's about time. this has been needed for many years. those who want to cheat are still going to try but maybe this will make it harder......

i wonder how many dead people will vote this cycle.

Anonymous said...

Let me change the first sentence for you.

In order to disenfranchise as many Democratic leaning voters and secure more Republican electoral victories in the future,

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 0923 -

Do you honestly believe that? Are you in favor of allowing non-citizens voting. How about people voting in place on someone else? These are the types of things that an ID requirement helps to prevent.

Anonymous said...

Are you denying that Acorn, which was a liberal organization, did not pick up and deliver illegal voters to the polls? Did you miss the news?
How many deceased people voted? Have you seen the statistics?
If you are worried that voters will be disenfranchised then this would not happen if they had proper I.D. You have to show a picture I.D. to work, cash a check, apply for a loan or credit, board an airplane or train. The list goes on and on.
They cannot even buy a pack of cigarettes or alcohol without showing an picture I.D.
All college students must have a picture I.D. And this was a large part of the electorate that voted Barak Obama in this last go around, so your statement leads me to believe you don't mind the election being corrupt, if it means a Democrat wins.