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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chicago Public School Bans Homemade Lunches

Bye-bye brown bag. A public school in Chicago is banning homemade lunches saying cafeteria food is better for students.

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The FI Witch said...

The video won't load for me. But having attended a public school- at least in the Salisbury area- I must note- Processed chicken patties and nuggets are not healthier than PB&J on whole wheat- also- what abotu kids with allergies? Nut allergies, dairy allergies, even allergies to GLUTEN which is in basically every school lunch I ever saw.

Eating vegetarian at a public school is easy enough, sure, but what about kids whom are in vegan households? Whether they eat vegan for health reasons or personal choices, it's a royal pain in the but for vegan options at public schools too!

This is just an all around bad idea unless the city has a way to treat every one of those issues and any others that may arise BEFORE a kid misses a lunch.

lmclain said...

wow. the government is now telling us openly that THEY know whats best for our children, not us, and they will use the law against citizens to make sure you get the point. Is it any coincidence that this is in Chicago???

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the food. What about our rights? This is nuts!

Anonymous said...

BAD idea!
Next, they'll do like Beaver Run school and talk about eating healthy while out on their notice board on the front lawn, they advertise McDonalds Night for 4/16!

tedh said...

I support it if and only if the teachers and staff have to eat it.

Anonymous said...

This is an instance of the schools talking out of both sides of their mouths!
They want the parents to "control" their kids and now they're taking away parental control when it comes to what they feed their child?

Anonymous said...

The kids are so FAT anyway I agree take away the lunches. GOOD MOVE FATSO...

Anonymous said...

next year you will be required to get a license to have a child

Anonymous said...

What I remember about eating school lunches...

Pizza was a cedar shingle, with so much orange grease on top you needed 3 napkins to soak it up.

Vegetables were boiled until they were mush.

Corn, peas(both a starch) and Ketchup all count as vegetables (thanks for Ketchup, Reagan).

It's better to drink sugary chocolate milk than water.

The grease in found beef is factored into the yield, so they are not allowed to drain off excess, unhealthy fat because it would cost more.

The schools sold sodas and candy.

How is this better than what I can pack for my child? Seriously, I would have to make a special trip to the grocery store just to make a lunch that is nutritionally worse.

Anonymous said...

School lunches are good for your children.

So is a little bit of radiation.

Flouride is good for your children.

Mercury in low doses (as in flu shots and vaccines) is also . . . good for you

Anonymous said...

12:07 PM

that was just mean and ignorant