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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Consumers Not Yet Warming To New Light Bulbs

Retailers set stage for phase-out of Edison's invention in next three years

Americans are about to suffer a cruel breakup: Their 130-year love affair with the incandescent light bulb is coming to an end.

Home décor retailer IKEA sent a reminder of the bulb’s dwindling shelf life this month, announcing it would halt the sale of traditional venerable bulbs at all of its U.S. stores.

Under federal law, incandescent bulbs are being phased out beginning next year when American manufacturers no longer will be allowed to make 100-watt bulbs. By Jan. 1, 2014, the only incandescents left on the market will be three-way bulbs, plant lights and appliance lamps – plus the final, old-school stragglers from 2013 assembly lines which could become pricey novelty items.

GO HERE to read more.


route12south said...

More environmental lies and "green" nonsense. The whole green movement is nothing but a way to control and tax you. CFL bulbs may last longer (although that is also debatable) but they are filled with toxic Mercury! They are more expensive than regular bulbs and the light they give off is ugly. In 2014 you won't have a CHOICE (control) and that is what this is really all about.

Bullard Construction said...

It's okay, everybody. Even though I have had most of my cfl bulbs go out within 2-4 years, and have released polluting mercury into the environment upon disposal, I won't have to do it much longer...

WHY? Because regular bulbs are now being made and will in the future in both China and Mexico! So, I'll be able to get those babies at my local Wally World and watch my dollars shipped out of the country along with those jobs! And just think, America can continue to lose jobs at slower rates each month of this "recovery" as people quit buying those short life polluting cfl's!

I feel better now. Think I'll have some more Kool-Aid!

Mr. Sketch said...

I hate the light given off from these bulbs- very bright and harsh. I like the warm glow of an incandescent bulb.

Joseph Albero said...

Sketch, buy the warm white lamps only! They are the closest you'll get to an incandescent lamp.

Bullard Construction said...

Sketch & Joe,

Do you not get it? We're shipping our jobs overseas, and are going to pay "greenhouse credits" to buy our incandescent bulbs!

Mercury flourescents are NOT GREEN!

Why are we outlawing a really green bulb?

Joseph Albero said...

Orson, let me explain a little something about fluorescent and incandescent lamps. First of all, you can claim you'll be able to buy incandescent lamps at your convenience but you're wrong. Owning one the largest specialty fluorescent lamp companies in the World, I think I know a whole lot more about the market than you'll ever know, with all due respect.

That being said, compact fluorescents are here to stay. My sincere recommendation is led lamps. Their future will far outweigh the fluorescent lamp market in energy savings and longevity.

As for the compact fluorescent lamps being green, I agree, it's complete BS. However, the mercury is nowhere near the levels you're trying to scare others with. The only argument I'll give you is there is none in an incandescent.

Get used to the CFL's because they're here to stay BECAUSE OUR GOVERNMENT HAS SHOVED THEM DOWN OUR THROATS WITHOUT ANY SAY. Just as they did with the T-8 lamps vs. T-12 lamps.

Bullard Construction said...

I agree with you on the LED side, Joe. That's the next technology they are sending us. I just hope we can get past the ridiculous cfl phase soon enough, as they are complete garbage.

LED's are certainly energy efficient, but will take some science to replace our current dimmer switches and variable controls.