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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Commenter On Daily Times Tries To Suggest I Murdered Sarah Foxwell

dirtyjoe wrote:

"You all assume that Leggs is guilty of homicide. What if it was some guy in Delmar DE that had intimate details of the case? What if that person had a website and attempted to make people believe it was a convicted sex offender that they shot pool with on that night? Good scapegoat huh?"
1/25/2011 6:48:33 AM
Some people are simply warped in the head. What's worse, the Daily Times doesn't moderate their comments. I'm not exactly sure who is spreading a rumor that I shot pool with Thomas Leggs, (ever) but again, they couldn't be more warped.
Just to clear this matter up, I have never met nor ever spoken to Thomas Leggs in my entire life. It's amazing how desperate the Anti Albero people have become. Talk about a group of people trying to screw up a murder trial! Shame on ALL of them.


co3153 said...

What people don't know, they make up. I have seen some of the evidence and have no doubt that the proper man will be tried for the crime

Ron Brawl said...

The Daily Times absolutely deletes comments, Joe. They have censored mine in the past. It is interesting that they let this one through. I bet if this was one about Ireton or Greg the non-editor it would not have been allowed to see the light of day.

Karloff said...

what a moron

justmyopinion said...

they now have anti-joe signs out around town. i saw one in fruitland. it was or something like that...across the top it said "want to know the truth about joe?" i saw it today, i'll pull it up first thing in the morning... these people are just freaking sick...i'm embarrassed to be part of community with so many sickos.

LadyLibertarian said...

Well, I did my part. I went to the story and reported the vile, vicious comment as a "personal attack." I just hope that the Daily Times will remove it. I hope so, but I'm not holding my breath.