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Monday, November 01, 2010

Super Majority

Hello Joe,
Election day is right around the corner. One party can obtain a super majority vote within their own party.
How can this benefit the citizens of Wicomico County? There are a lot of issue out there that have been around for years with a lot of discussion but little action from county government. Party bickering keeps a lot of issues that the people are concerned about from moving forward. If one party has the super majority and doesn't move the citizens concerns forward then it will be easy to see which party doesn't really care about the peoples issues. I wouldn't want to be in that party and expect to hold onto my seat in the next election. Here are some of the issues that have been brought forward time and again and some issues that citizens probably haven't heard about:
1. should Wicomico County have an elected School Board - let the citizens decide
2. should Wicomico County be in the liquor business or should it be turned over to private enterprise - let the people decide
3. should Wicomico County have a single law enforcement agency - let the people decide
4. should Wicomico County be in the entertainment business with a Civic Center or should it be turned over to private enterprise
5. should the citizens be able to vote on all land purchases - i.e. Civic Center expansions, school expansions, airport expansions, new county businesses
6. should the citizens be able to vote on capital projects - i.e. Drill Academies, waste water plants, schools( new and renovations )
7. should there be a term limit on our County Executive position
These are just a few of the issues that I hear going around and some of them have been around for years.
Isn't it time to either moves these issues forward or drop them according to what the citizens want? I believe our citizens know what they want. Just let them have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote. I'm anxious to hear what the citizens have to say.
John Palmer Jr.


Anonymous said...

I remember reading that Mr. Palmer was talking about putting a bunch of charter amendments put on the ballot for this election. They would do some of what he has on his list. What happened, did he loose his Voice?

Anonymous said...

The executive should absolutely have term limits and the new charter was written with a 2 term limit like all the rest in MD. You can thank Tony Sarbanes for the change in that feature. He refused to have a term limit on the executive.

Anonymous said...

I believe I would answer yes to all the above questions. #3 I would say yes to only if we had people like Sherrif Lewis, who has integrity, honor and informs the public with the truth.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Palmer - you and your VOICE have done more to harm Wicomico County than you realize. IF you guys were actually smart enough to write the petition back in 2002 as a Tax Cap like your VOICE wanted to - instead of stupidly writing it as a Tax Revenue Cap (Two totatly different animals) then we would all be in better shape in Wicomico County. Please keep your VOICE quiet so you don't screw up something else.

Anonymous said...

To 9:39

You ought to go and read the Maryland Circuit Court decision - (Talbot County verses - Talbot County Taxpayers Association) regarding the unconstitutionality of a tax cap.

You see the revenue cap passes the judicial muster test whereas the tax cap does not.

"Better to have been thought as a fool than to opens one mouth to remove all doubt"