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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

POLICE BRUTALITY - Punk Cop Pushes Woman Down Stairs, Then Charges Her With Assault


Anonymous said...

He looks like a PUNK!!! Video clear as day!!! What an idiot!!! Above the LAW!!! HAHAHAHA on him......He shouldnt be working at all....

Anonymous said...

she deserved it. watch her. intentionally holding up the entire line. at 1:51 in the video (the longest clip of the incident), it clearly shows her holding up intentionally, the cop throwing his hand up as if hes saying "come on!", then she stops at the next step. he pushes her (looks to be lightly). im not saying he should be innocent, but im not saying she didnt ask for it either.

Anonymous said...

11:49 seems a bit harsh. I don't see where she is "intentionally" holding up any "line", there isn't really a line behind her and I see where she "paused" on the step as she was clearly turned facing the officer speaking to him and he pushed her. It is not uncommon for people to pause when facing the opposite direction they are walking while speaking.
Wrong is wrong, and he is clearly not a good officer.

Anonymous said...

Most cops are sincere and looking out for our safety. They only give out tickets because they care about us.

Anonymous said...

11:49 If you did that it is assault whats the difference between him and you. She may have been holding up the flow but that is not a reason to put hands on her period. Clearly assault and the lady should be compensated fully! As for the cop he needs to be finding employment somewhere like the dump or scrubbing toilets.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Most cops are sincere and looking out for our safety. They only give out tickets because they care about us.

Do I detect a hint of sarcasm, I guess they are all just looking out for womens boobies to when they give out tickets to guys for minor traffic offenses when most women who speed recieve a "warning" more then likely a phone number. And @ 11:49 please do us all a fvor and stop commenting since your obviously to intellectually challenged to comprehend the situation. This COP PUSHED A CIVILIAN DOWN THE STARIRS FOR TAKING TO LONG, a COP whose sworn to PROTECT us as his job decided he was being held up to long and wanted her to hurry up. Another great example of how COPS use their power whenever they secide they want. Then she gets charged with an assult, hilarious. If I had this video I would already have filed the court documents suing this cop and the entire force he works for. What a joke, regardless of what the situation is this lady did not deserve to be pushed down the stairs. End of discussion.

Anonymous said...

Big deal obey the stinking law and this won't happen !

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Big deal obey the stinking law and this won't happen !

Obey the law and you wont subject to force from the police. How about minding your business in line, how about taking to long for a certain police officers liking, when does it stop. Today we "trust" cops to ensure our safety yet we keep seeing videos like this, or the one of the police with night sticks beating a drunk college kid, or even stories about corrupt police officers. It is time to stop trusting cops the way we do now as they are only human too. If you are going to be a cop you should have to wear some type of monitor or have a camera attached to your clothes at all times I believe that way they can be held accountable as well. If this were YOUR MOM 1:29 you would not be singing the same tune. Get a grip and live in the real world where corruption happens and cops just maybe dont do the right thing 100% of the time as much as they would like you to think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I posted this on facebook yesterday along with some others showing police brutality.

I was surprised to find so many abuses, especially on video.

Anonymous said...


so you saw it too? so, as i said, hes not innocent, but she asked for it. sounds like you agree with me.

Anonymous said...

Completely overblown incident

Anonymous said...

Man this chick is playing the system like a flute. Its plain to see that the guy didn't push her with enough force to make her fall down like she did. You can also see her turn around quick enough to catch herself if she wanted to. I think the guy did nudge her to get her moving but I don't think it was enough force behind it to cause what you see here. There is always two sides to every story, and I'm guessing he will admit to nudging her and explain that he didn't push her with any amount of force to cause her to fall like that. It's been proven that video isn't always worth a thousand words, only that it is worth thousands of dollars to people quick to make buck.

Anonymous said...

no one asks to be pushed down a flight of stairs. if you're in a hurry go around. what a couple of morons you are for suggesting its her fault.

lmclain said...

Assault. Let ME do THAT to YOU. YOU would have the police there in a second! Further, is there a law against filing a FALSE POLICE REPORT? Or is that law only for use against civilians? Know this -- if not for the video, that woman would be plea bargaining to save herself from jail. A gun and a badge are NOT authority for assault. But I'm sure there are lots of cops (video at 6pm) who believe otherwise.

Anonymous said...

1:55 I live in the real world and people are ignorant to the police no respect at all. Follow instructions or end up on the ground punk !

Anonymous said...

anon 7:07 PM Obviously you're a cop. "Follow instructions or end up on the ground punk!" What kind of attitude is that you jerk?! You're the punk, punk. I bet you're one of those hero's that run 75 and 80 going no where too but never in too big a hurry to bust somebody for running 58 in a 50. It's no wonder "people in the real world are ignorant and have no respect" for you. Did I forget to tell you you're the punk, punk!

Anonymous said...

7:07 PM

I sure hope you're not a cop, if you are you deserve what you got coming.

Anonymous said...

7:07 and all other police officers, people don't respect police becuase of attitudes like this person and the things that are on these videos. Prosecute the police the same way or at a higher standard than we do regular citizens. Hold them just as accountable too. Get rid of the ones with attitudes like 7:07 and those who break the law and MAYBE people will start respecting them again. You gotta earn it. Wearing a badge just isn't good enough. I know they teach this and most officers do this. I'm not a cop hater. I'm not a tree hugging liberal. I didn't vote for Obama. Etc etc etc. You break the law, you lose your job. Period. What has happened in the past is the past but this has got to be the stance in our local community. If the perception of police is not turned around, one of them is going to get hurt or killed unncecessarily. The bad guys know who the bad cops are and I fear one of them will some day take matters in their own hands. And much of the community does not trust or respect them, especially in Wicomico County. And, 7:07 and people who think like him/her are a big part of the problem. I pray for them each day: their attitudes, their ability to be fair and to be safe. I never want to pick up the paper or read on one of these blogs that a person died needlessly. I'd rather them quit the force and find a new job than place their lives at risk.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:07 PM - "1:55 I live in the real world and people are ignorant to the police no respect at all. Follow instructions or end up on the ground punk !"

Well, well, well, show your true colors you idiot. I'd bet you're one of those cops that used to get beat on regularly by your playmates, and didn't have any friends in school, so you became a cop to pay the whole world back and teach them a lesson. Rave on, you'll eventually end up with what you're looking for ...... and deserve punk!