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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hoyer: Military Should Also See Pay Freeze

The second-ranking House Democrat said Monday that President Obama’s move to freeze the pay of civilian federal employees should also be extended to military personnel.

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said including the military would have increased savings and add “an element of fairness." He made the comments in a statement about he president’s announcement of a two-year pay freeze.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Hoyer definately just nixed his political future! Freeze the Military?!?! Have you lost your mind?! You're going to hold back the very people who protect our country? The people who spend months, if not years away from their families who struggle without them because they are off protecting the rest of the the greedy American people?? The ones who risk their lives so you can have a life...AND LIVE IT FOR FREE?!

Wow Hoyer, your approval rating just went through the floor!

Anonymous said...

Time for this man to go if he thinks our military men and women should have their pay frozen!!! Why doesn't he take a pay cut?? In fact, why don't all our Senators and Representatives take a 10% pay cut, or the wealthy ones like Pelosi and Reid forfit their pay for at least one year to do their part in helping this Country get back on track? Our Social Security and Military retired pay has been frozen and the cost of living is going up. We see it every time we go to the grocery store! We've got to get these idiots out of office!

Anonymous said...

Hoyer is stating a smart idea. The young people who are joining right now (I know of 4 teens considering it) are doing so because it is their best employment opportunity and the only hope for a college education once they survive fighting.

Jobs are scarce and pay is lower. The military is competing with private sector jobs and does not need to pay as much to get the recruits.

It makes good sense. It is our tax money he is saving.

Reconciled1 said...

These folks put their lives on the line everyday.. heres a thought, take away the right for congress to vote themselves pay raises and cut their pay. Pay them on perfomance based, we'd cut the budget in no time with the money we'd save..

Anonymous said...

I'm quick to call out dum dum comments/ideas for the right and I've definetly got to jump on the left for this dum dum idea.

Anonymous said...

PGCounty could have elected an honorable, moral and conservative marine but re-elected this pig.

Alex said...

How is this a dumb idea? They are federal employees just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Soldiers are working 24/7 365 days and being thousands of miles away from there families. I understand those joining just for college and the military should stop those people from joining. Its a hazard...I was just deployed and got stuck unfortunately with a National Guard Unit and the majority of those people didnt think they should be deployed and stated they only wanted the money for college....HAZARD they are

Anonymous said...


They are fed employees that actually risk their lives and can be uprooted from their families at the whim of Uncle Sam. The idea that their pay should be cut is complete idiocy. And the fact that you think it's an idea worth considering says to me that maybe a draft might be a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Well, Mr. Hoyer, you just lost a boatload of votes. You seem to have lost touch with your constituents.

I can't tell you how many times the civilian gov't employees have gotten a cost of living raise or across the board "adjustment" while the military has gone without.
If you want a strong, smart military force, you've got to pay them, and pay them what they're worth. After all, what is it again that they're putting on the line for you?

For my money, our miltary needs an across the board merit raise.

Thank you, men and women of our Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard and Reserve!

Anonymous said...

931 while I understand what you are getting at, the salaries of 600 senators and representatives is drops in the pond compared to our $700billion dept of defense budget. Cutting military wages is not the way to go but we can certainly trim billions of dollars of fat from this. Afghanistan alone cost the taxpayers $160million PER DAY. Every day we are there is ruining us.

Anonymous said...

They are fighting for war profits of corporate America and Israel. It is all about profit. We are in no danger.

Underwear bomber?

Tennis shoe bomber with a wet pack of matches?

Christmas tree bomber?

come on now. . . wake up folks. We are in no danger. We are the aggressors in a war for profit. Just admit it and then do the right thing - cut the pay. cutting the pay makes more profit.

What will the young soldiers do? Go to McDonald's instead? Then they don't get to travel and shoot guns at poor Muslims hiding in caves.

Anonymous said...

9:30 It is all about "your taxs" what a selfish attitude. You act like they get rich in the military.

Anonymous said...

More proof of how Democrats detest our troops... at least the straight ones !

Alex said...

10:41 I spend a few years in the military. It's a job just like any other job. Noone forced them to join. There are a lot of federal jobs where people put their lives on the line.
I do not think that draft is a good idea but I do think that every male should go through bootcamp between their junior and senior years in high school.
Furthermore, if you freeze pay for one group but not the other, you may face an equal protection suit.

Anonymous said...

Alex, why just males? Make it for everyone.