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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Wyatt Young Has Turned Himself In



Anonymous said...

well he does have a little brain left. Smartest thing he could do, least now he has a better chance at living a while longer otherwise he was doomed!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering when he would get sick of the cold, hunger, and downright miserable conditions

Anonymous said...

I knew this would happen, when the police said in a statement last night that they wanted him to give up because they were concerned for his safety. Mr. Young could obviously read between the lines, the police were tired of playing games.

Anonymous said...

Probably the smartest decision he has made in his entire lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Old friend of mine grew up with him, played baseball till we were in high school together. Graduated with a 3.6 gpa and could have played ball in college...good heart, bad decisions.

Anonymous said...

So this kid with no warrants, no criminal history, no beef with the police would just suddenly wake up from a dead sleep and shoot at a cop for the fun of it?
The boy was probably drinking and driving, was to wasted to continue, pulled over on the side of the road to sober up, was scared of sleeping in the middle of no where and had a hand gun for defense. He was still out of it when he saw the shadowy figure next to his car and was scared. He shot because he was scared. Probably during his get away he realized it was a cop and knew he f'ed up.
This kid was scared, no other way to explain what happened. The cop spooked him from a sleep. When those lights are shining in your eyes, you can't see a thing, it's a scary thing.
I'd be eager to know if the cops emergency lights were activated at the time of this incident.
The boy had no reason to do what he did other than pure fear.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:35, while we appreciate yer theories you couldn't be farther from the truth. you have no idea what happened that night, so save yer theories Mr. Newton & let it go. he turned himself in, it's over.

Anonymous said...


underage drinking and gun possession. sorry, i accept no excuses. he put himself in a REALLY stupid position.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what his "excuse" is! He is endangering lives! and he just turned 18 so his record as a juvi are not public record so really you have no clue what he has done and has not done!! Let the MSP do their job any trooper would have done exactly what this one did when checking on suspicous vehicle!

Anonymous said...

If you are not a lawyer you need to go take the BAR exam-now!

Anonymous said...

man, his life is over anyway, might as well have tried to live it up while he could. 10:35 thats one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard. negating drinking and driving under 21. how often do you decide to fall asleep with your gun in your hand? and if you were to wake up to flashing lights (emergency lights were activated) and a light in your face would you just shoot? why? aliens? terrorist coming to wake you from your drunken slumber with blue and red lights? Oh and I believe he lived less then a mile from this "middle of nowhere". And just to close out your first comment about no beef with police and no criminal record, I believe in an earlier posting Joe put up info regarding him running a random person off the road then attacking them with a baseball bat. Kid is an idiot, shoulda been shot and killed by police, but apparently he makes usain bolt look slow and drives like a formula 1 driver. Now we get to pay for his next 30 years.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was drinking Four Loko and went crazy. ha

Anonymous said...

He could have walked from where he was parked to his house in less than five minutes. There's a path that goes from where he was parked through a field to his back yard. There's a whole lot more to this than a sleepy drunk, scared kid. We may never know what the "real" story is.

Anonymous said...

12:30 you are honestly one of the dumbest people ive read on here. theres way more to this story then what people have heard and your sittin wishin death on someone u have no idea about. your real cool man

Anonymous said...

10:35 is probably his attorney andrew liar mcdonald.

Anonymous said...

Hope none of you have children growing up in Salisbury! You need to know what they are doing at all times if they are living under your roof! There are good kids with good families who get in with the wrong crowd....some of which the wrong crowd has good families! Hope we get to why and how this happened? There's alot more to this story! Keep posted! Your child might be involved!

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 8:35, There are no other kids involved and there IS a whole lot more to this story than what has been put out there. I do not want to impede on an investigation but let me assure you, this kid is in very deep trouble. You'll see in time.

Anonymous said...

Hello????? Where did this kid get a gun and why would he be carrying it if he had no intention of using it. Don't you own a gun with THAT intent? It's not like he was a hunter and had a rifle in his car. Isn't this the same kid who last year beat up someone carrying a baseball bat???? It's time to get this juvenile delinquents off the street and make them pay for their actions!

Anonymous said...

I worked out with this young man. He is smart and a good ball player. Just dosn't always think. Last summer he beat a kid with a bat so violence is in his blood. Althoug he can serve a full sentence he wont serve it being able to turn himslef in helps alot.