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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Muslim-in-Chief Backs Ground Zero Mosque At White House Islamic Dinner

Speaking at a White House dinner celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, President Barack Obama on Friday forcefully endorsed building a mosque near ground zero saying the country's founding principles demanded no less. He was immediately blasted by Republican Rep. Peter King, who called it “insensitive and uncaring for the Muslim community to build a mosque in the shadow of ground zero.”

"As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country," Obama said, weighing in for the first time on a controversy that has riven New York City and the nation.

"That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances," he said. "This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable."

Obama made the comments at an annual dinner in the White House State Dining Room celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.



Anonymous said...

The right for religious freedom is far more important than insulting those who oppose this mosque. Get over it people. Joe, I find it ironic that you will hide behind the right to free speech, but you are so quick to look past the this right. It's not insensitive, it's what this country was built on.

J.Albero said...

anonymous 9:06, It always amuses me when people like you come here, read someone else's words and then point a finger at me.

A Blog is about putting information out there, (like it or not, believe in it or not) and allow people just like you to have your freedom of speech to express your own thoughts.

It shouldn't be about blame and pointing fingers at others and or attacking the messanger.

By now, I was hoping most people were scratching their heads wondering just where Joe Albero truly stands on most issues.

It entertains me when people like you point their fingers at me personally, acting as if I was the one who believed in ALL the topics we provide here. Do you also write into the Daily Times and blame every article you don't agree with on Greg Bassett? Do you believe WMDT & WBOC support every article they produce as well?

Give it a rest, quit pointing fingers and know that in the very least it was exposed here and NOT the DT's, WBOC & WMDT. Think good and hard about that one.

Anonymous said...

Well, when you label a post "Muslin-in-Chief", it's pretty obvious how you stand on this issue brainiac.

Anonymous said...

I think it is insensitive to build a victory shrine at the place so many lost their lives . Especially when it's funded by the terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Is Obama a "closet" Muslim? His father and stepfather both practiced the religion. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

This is an absolute disgrace to America. I'm in a state of disbelief that an American president could contradict the stance of previous presidents and the majority of the American people by allowing this desecration of a memorial site. I've heard of clueless before; but this takes the cake!

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, when will Christians have religious freedom?

It seems that this country is against White Christians, anything else is okay you can say what you want but you know its true you cant offend a White Christian any other group can do say what they want.

I know there are all types of Christians but if we dont ALL come together and fight these idiots with out being called radical there will be nothing left of this country One Nation Under God - NOT ALA...

I sure even Joe will find this offensive and not post, knowing the IP address it came from Joe you know who I am...

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely right and being a leader means not always taking the popular stand.

Concerned Retiree said...

Why is it Amerians, ones who beleives in the Constitution and what it stands for and the heritage and culture of America, always has to be the ones who have to be tolerate and get their beliefs trampled on? Why do we not have the same right? Why do Americans have to give up their freedoms and culture for other Countries beleifs? Is this not why everybody wants to live in America? You come to America you live by our beleifs, culture and Laws, not make your own or alter ours to satisfy you. Our Holidays are being eliminated or trampled on and symbols which are beleived to be related to these Holidays are being critized. Yet others, from other Countries, are pushing their Holidays and beleifs on Americans. If Americans are forced to recognize the Holidays and beleifs of other Countries then America should be forced to establish the same punishment for breaking the Law, from minor crimes to illegal immigration, as these Countries. That is only fair and would be supported by our non -discriminatory law. As of now we are being very discriminatory and selective in what Americans are forced to accept from other countries and their culture. What is the Liberal Democratic response to this? I would love to hear this rationale and spin.

Anonymous said...

9:06 & 9:18, you're the little morons who backed this muslim clown to start with ignoring all the evidence that was staring you in the face!! Don't believe me? Try to get this clown to eat some pork!! Of course he won't, muslims don't eat pork. See how easy it is? Born in the US, show us the birth certificate! Not a muslim? Chow down on some good ol' homemade porkchops!! Keep ignoring all the signs jacka**es!!!

Anonymous said...

So they can have a dinner at the white house for ramadan but nothing for the national day of prayer. Why doesn't he just come out of his mosque and admit hes a muslim.

Tom Davis said...

I wonder how many of the people here opposed to this had ancestors who came to this country to find freedom of religion.

Anonymous said...

Let me see ... How many Christian church's are tolerated in Muslim dominated countries ? I don't know about my fellow Americans but I'm tired of being tolerant !

Anonymous said...

The muslims will have their way in America. They have Obama and they know it. Ladies get your heads ready to be covered and make me another samich biotch.

Anonymous said...

After November maybe we can discuss impeachment .

Anonymous said...

SO...If we embrace religion freedom so much...why can't we say Merry Christmas,or have a nativity scene?
We honor the Muslim holy period of Ramadan? But a group of students ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM at the Lincoln Memorial?
In my years of service every time we landed in Kuwait during Ramadan, we were not even allowed to drink water, smoke or even chew gum in public so as not to offend our "hosts".
Can we then build a Pentecostal church or mosque in Mecca?, Medina?
Naw didn't think so....

Anonymous said...

Tom Davis at what point did you become so tolerant you are intolerant to any other way of thinking ? Just another example of a person who is afraid to say NO !

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom is anyone denying Muslims religious freedom ?

Anonymous said...

I missed the part of the Bible where Jesus told us to hate everyone, especially those who are different.

Perhaps one of you faithful followers of the Word can enlighen me....

Anonymous said...

So you all hate the first amendment? If you are for religious freedom, you must be for ALL religions! Nobody is preventing you from building a church, or saying Merry Christmas or any of that stuff. That is total and utter nonsense.

Check to see if schools are open on December 25.

I find it unbelievable that anyone who calls themselves a patriot would be against the right of this group to build a mosque there. The Constitution isn't there just to protect you, it is to protect ALL Americans. You don't like religious freedom? Go to Saudi Arabia. And take Newt Gingrich with you.

lmclain said...

Does allowing Muslims religious freedom include the right to (as their religion and holy book, the Koran, demands) kill non-believers and Jews??? And I can't be the only one who thinks we are going waaaay way overboard in kissing the ass of the less than 1% of our population..who, by the way, have already produced (in THIS country) dozens of terrorists and wannabe holy warriors. And I'm sick of hearing about how Islam has "always been a part of America". What a load of political ass-kissing crap THAT is.....The Chinese have a greater history in this country than those murderous religious fanatics will EVER have.

Anonymous said...

Muslims can build what ever they want no one is denying them the freedom to do it . The objection is where . I find it strange people commenting about religious freedom and tolerance in reference to building a shrine to the most intolerant religion there is. I believe it's anti-American to support this project .

Anonymous said...

3:34 wrote 'I find it unbelievable that anyone who calls themselves a patriot would be against the right of this group to build a mosque there.'

You're worthless, can't put it any better. I find it hard to believe anyone who calls themself an AMERICAN would be FOR them putting a mosque there. Let me guess, you're one of obama's wefare kids needing someone to share their wealth because you're too stupid and lazy to get it on your own!! It's clear you're the one who would fit in much better in Saudi Arabia, AMERICA has no use for you boy.

Anonymous said...

So if your OK with building a Mosque are you OK with erecting giant confederate flag near the ground zero site as well ?

Unknown said...

This has nothing to do with practicing a religion or building a house of worship or religious freedom. This has to do with showing respect to the thousands that died there on 9/11. I can't believe that any fireman or cop in this country would support someone in the future who has showed such callous disrespect for the deaths of their former comrades. This is like building a Chinese monument next to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Tom Leonard said...

Well, this is the last straw for someone who voted for Obama. He did not get out of Iraq, he expanded the futile Afghani war (remember the Soviet Union?), and now, he finds freedom in allowing a radical Islamic to back a mosque where thousands died at Muslim hands. I have always said there are no absolutes, no black and white, no simply conservative or liberal. Most of us are mixed. But I have to say this is the most assinine position for our leader to take. Why not just put a picture of "Big Boy" in middle of Hiroshima? Why not a big, smiling picture of Bin Ladin giving the peace sign in front of the proposed facility. Some things are just G--D--- common sense. I am not saying I will vote Republican...I never have...but I will never vote for Obama again.


Thats IT i am DONE with the DEMOCRATS I am changing PARTYS ASAP, How the hell can OBAMA back this TERRORIST MOSQUE in hiding, this will be political suicide for the democrats.

Anonymous said...

Another light comes on.. good for you, Tom!
You might also want to consider the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Barney Frank, et al who are shamelessly erecting a socialist dictatorship on the site of what was once the greatest, most free country on the face of the earth.
And they are doing it despite the deafening outcry of those whose lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by their policies.
Vote your conscience, sir, but I pray you might have an even greater revelation between now and that time.
Blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

It is a direct slap in the face to Americans that has been choreographed since 9/11/01. Can't you all see? They hit us in our weak spot, then they capitalized on the "race issues" that we have all convinced ourselves still exist in this country and brought in the "1st Black president" (who is not even Black mind you) and they continue to prove that we as Americans don't have the common sense to clean up the crap in our own back yard. They won't check his credentials-he's Black and thats what Americans want!! He doesn't need a birth certificate..get him in the time they catch on..harm's done.
Give any fool enough rope...eventually he will wanna be a cowboy.
Wake up America!!!

Anonymous said...

All you folks who want less government control now want the government to come in and tell this person who owns the land what he can and cannot do with it. You don't have to like it; it's his land, privately owned to do with as he chooses. He chooses to have a mosque there. That's what America is all about. And no, I'm not a commie, pinko, wet pants liberal. I just believe in constitutional protection for all, not just the ones we like.

Anonymous said...

3:10...i will enlighten are a muslim who does not believe in the Word of God...the god of the koran is TOTALLY to try to prove me wrong!

Anonymous said...

I've seen it posted before, but for those who may scroll too quickly, like myself sometimes, how do other countries treat those of 'different cultures' when they come to live or visit? you are a guest! become a citizen if you want rights! and then follow our laws and respect our traditions. don't expect us to bow to you.....we won't!
thanks for the space.

Anonymous said...

Another Disraceful position again.
Remeber his first presidential acts doing something for the muslims, we should not be surprised anymore lets just hope his last 2 months in office he doesnt trash the country further.
when are we going to be relieved of this guy
2013 isnt soon enough

Anonymous said...

Is it a slap in the face to the AMERICAN Muslims who died on 9/11? You realize that happened, right? And yes, you have the right to fly a Confederate flag there if you'd like. You could walk down there right now and do it, because we have a 1st Amendment. Of course, if you folks were in charge, you would get rid of the 1st Amendment immediately. You all seem to like the Founding Fathers until you realize that their policies make you uncomfortable. Well, too bad. Freedom of religion cannot exist if it is only for some people. Freedom of speech cannot exist if it is only for some people. You get rid of the 1st Amendment and you might as well be living in Saudi Arabia, where they do not have religious freedom. If you take 1 minute to stop and really think of the implications of what you are saying, you will know that you are flat out wrong. Going to church today? Any church? Did the government write your minister's sermon? Will there be government agents listening to make sure she or he says the right thing? Because that is the America you all seem to want.

Concerned Retiree said...

4:23 do you or your liberal / Democratic / Progress freinds understand that when the Muslim faith declares or there is a perception of a win or they have conquered an area of their enemies they build a Mosque / monument on or as near the site of the most sacred area for the reason of boasting or to desicrate the site as much as possible. This is supposed to show their superiorty. Do you and your friends not know your history? History is repeating it self. Have you not been in the Military? You are supposed to know your enemy. Not be sympathetic to your enemy. Empathy, is the same as deceitful, will get you killed in war.

Anonymous said...

9:34 Just because you can legally do it doesn't make it right ! Your a coward !

Anonymous said...

8:41, you're a jack*ss with no brain, no life and is a traitor to the United States of America! Simple enough for you.