Chiefy Webster, (a registered Democrat) has now filed as a Republican to run against Bobby Jones. Clearly Webster was too afraid of an early primary in which he would publicly get spanked, (a figure of speech Chiefy) by Bobby Jones.
The Republican Party should flat out repudiate Webster immediately, he's NOT a Republican! While I hate to admit it, Jones is the better of two evils and it's a shame others didn't step into the race.
The bigger question is, can Alan Webster tell the truth? He certainly won't wear a uniform. He's clueless where he lives. He's blind as a bat and didn't see a thing when Casey Tilghman assaulted Rachel Polk, yet Webster physically removed her off of Mrs. Polk, (according to court testimony) and now he actually thinks he's a Republican. Maybe Julie should run side by side with this guy.
Oh, NO, I will not shave my head to do a Webster interview. Does someone have a really big shiny cue ball I can borrow?
Webster is a scumbag. I will enjoy watching him lose.
You didn't mention that Clarence Bell filed as a dem for sheriff. He is a serious contender for that position.
Sad that Webster felt the need to change party status. Must know he would lose to Jones. Webster, your are still going to lose. Not because of your party affiliation but becasue you are such a loser!!!!
Joe, I am highly offended by this article. A cue ball has way more sense than Webster. No need to insult a cue ball.
Last time I checked this was a free country. He can register as whatever he wants.
ANON 131. your Bell, is crooked. How many times has he been fired? Missing drugs from the evidence room? Yeah, he is a serious contender LOL
I hope Somerset County has been paying attention to what was going on while he was Chief of Police. He'll sue them for every little thing if he doesn't get his way. Crime will skyrocket and he won't give a crap. He'll also tell you there are no gangs in Somerset County.
If his mouth is moving, he's lying. Stick with the devil you know.
Switched parties? Bet that comes as a nice slap to the Democrat dupes he used to bargain his retirement.
Since I am new at this game tell me how many he sued? Was it more than Albero?
1:31 Clarence Bell filed but not as a dem.
Everyone who post needs to do their homework BEFORE commenting, Otherwise it turns into a site of gossip, rumors and lies.
Bruce Billards might just have that shiny cue ball...from the 60's...Disco ...just like Webster...Disco this way and I Disco another way...He should ware a hat at night or the Sea gulls might thing it's a pond....
Anon 5:41 twice that I know of he threatened the city with lawsuits. Twice the city settled before ending up in court. When he left the city on medical leave in Dec he had a suit against the city but settled for 6 months off on paid leave and who knows whatelse he got out of the deal. In other words the city of Salisbury paid him to go away.
if you think for one second that Bell has a fighting chance..think again! He is the kind of person who give police officers a bad name, the only reason he would want the position is so all his drug dealing friends can get away with stuff! Oh for a small price of some crack,weed,or heroine of course!!!
So what did Bell file as?? I agree he and his wife have a reputation of suing everyone that they come in contact with.
Kristy Hickman served on the committee to increase the number of blacks in county jobs. Question is, is she going to support Clarence Bell for sheriff?
I think it is time for the residents of Somerset County to stand up and vott. Webster is not the man for the job, Wicomico County did not want him so why would Somerset County even entertain the idea. There are alot of new candiates that are running for various County Commissioner postions in Somerset County that we do not need or want. It will be up us to put a stop to what we have been against
and this will be our time. Please get out and vote and lets put the right person in office and not just a "name."
Amen to that!! I know where you are coming from. We have a great man in Mr. James East. Lets keep him in the position. He is a pure gentlemen, fair, knowledgeable and experienced. He is the type of person we need. VOTE JAMES EAST!!!!
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