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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A Letter To The Editor

Question For Local Landlords

I really don't have a lot that I could complain about but today I have 2 serious questions for landlords. First, let me say a bit about myself. I am single and live alone with my dog. I have a great full time job ( ONE income) and although things may be tough at times, I can manage by being careful. Here are my questions. I do everything that I can to cut down on electric, ok, before those who like to condemn, except for my computer, it costs less to read than it does to watch news on TV. I would love to be able to wash my laundry and hang it out on a clothes line but they are not permitted here so I have no choice but to scatter a few things around the place and still have to use the dryer which uses electric which is money I could save. Also, it costs a lot in electric to use oven/microwave and I would love to bar-b-que outside but again, this is also not allowed. I am not talking about the ugly, sometimes, lopsided umbrella clothes lines nor am I talking about a Hibachi which I am smart enough to know that any small grill on a porch can be dangerous. And don't even suggest I get rid of my dog!

Ok..I said my rant and actually feel better for saying it. Thanks! As an addition, I would also like to add that my windows face North, no direct sunlight and a big tree keeps my place cool so AC is only used when necessary and at night's because of the humidity. Turned off before work and when I come home, the place is still very cool inside. Please Landlords, help those of us who ARE paying on time and not bothering you with things like, I hate the color of my walls!


Nikki said...

I feel your pain. I used to live in an apartment and we had similar rules there.

I do want to give you a little info that might help (I work for a local utility co and they give us energy tips and appliance costs to run to help our customers)

The microwave actually doesn't cost much to run. It's alot cheaper than the oven. a 1300 watt microwave oven uses approximately 15 cents per hour - so its really not bad. Versus the oven which is 3 times that, and the oven can also cause the temp inside the room to rise, where normally a microwave doesn't.

For grilling, an indoor grill like the george foremans do not use much either.

For clothing, try washing as much as you can in cold water. One tip with drying clothes is, put a dry handtowel in with the load, it will help absorb moisture so the clothes do not take as long to dry.

Hope some of these help :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm confused what are the 2 questions? Are you asking the LL to let you use a grill and clothesline? Or are you asking LL to lower rent to compensate for electric? The title said 2 questions but I don't see the questions

Anonymous said...

While I can sympathize with your complaints, it sounds like you're living in an apartment or planned community where these things are not allowed and you should know better. It always amazes me that people put themselves in those kind of communities, wanting all the benefits that it offers, but not willing to follow by the rules. Don't like it? Move!

Anonymous said...

Amen 9:28...rules such as those are put in place for a reason. For instance, you may be responsible for shutting off your gas to your grill or disposing of the hot coals, but your neighbor may not be. The landlord offers you a place to rest your head, as nice as alot of the apartments I've seen are, and there is always that ONE that wants more. Its never good enough. You know, you can hang your clothes, grill all day, and keep your dog if you pitch a tent at Assateague.

Anonymous said...

obviously 9:28 and 10:35 are landlords

Anonymous said...


Do you have any "hot rooms" in your home? Break off one room. You can buy drying racks. The amish drying racks are great. Byler's in dover has good ones.

You can get a good small counter oven for $50 or use your crock pot.
A crock pot uses very little electricity, is healthier than B-B-Qing, and makes great BBQ'd pork.

A hot water heater timer makes a big difference in your electric bill. You can have it timed to come on or turn it on for twenty minutes and you are good to go.

The colors of the walls will make a difference in your rooms temperature as well. Use bright colors in the room that you rack dry your clothes.

Unless you get physically dirty, there is no need to use the long wash cycle on your washing machine. Use cold water and the short cycle.

My real advice, get the heck out of dodge city and move to the country where you don't have all of the restrictions. There are many places for rent in these hard times. You can find yourself a real deal.

Anonymous said...

I can understand issues with pets and the hazards of grills but what is anyone's beef with a clothesline

Anonymous said...

4:17pm I think it's mainly for apt complexes maybe -- only place to put a clothesline is on the balcony and then who wants to look our their window and see their neighbors tighty whiteys hanging on the clothes line lol

I lived in an apt complex in Salisbury that only allowed the renters to hang up white curtains because they wanted all the curtains in the building the same color. I thought it was dumb at the time but now I guess I see their point.