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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wargotz Sees Hope In Latest Rasmussen Poll

Mikulski at Lowest Point in Decades

- Commissioner Eric Wargotz M.D. sees hope in the latest Rasmussen poll. The latest Rasmussen Report Survey of the Maryland Senate Race shows Senator Mikulski is at her weakest point in decades.

The survey found that Eric Wargotz starts the campaign with the same percentage as the Republican received against her in 2004. This signals Commissioner Wargotz has a solid base on which to build.

Some analysts may say Mikulski has a strong lead, but many analysts forget that in December 2009 prior to Scott Brown's victory in Massachusettes, Democrat Martha Coakley had a 19 point lead over Scott Brown. She was viewed as a lock for the Senate seat held by the late Senator Kennedy in a state with a 3 to 1 Democrat to Republican registration advantage. Scott Brown won because voters are tired of one-party rule in Washington.

"Voters in Maryland are tired of one-party rule in Washington." said Wargotz. "This poll shows Senator Mikulski is vulnerable if the right candidate runs a voter focused campaign."

One particular area of strength in the Rasmussen poll for Senator Mikulski was with women which is an area Dr. Wargotz can make serious gains. Dr. Wargotz has specialized in providing medical care to women throughout his career. He is a recognized expert in pathology of the Breast and Gynecological Tract. He has published over two-dozen peer-reviewed research papers in a variety of medical journals on a variety of topics. He is a member of the prestigious Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists and is a recipient of the Miller teaching award for excellence in medical student teaching He was recently honored as a recipient for the third consecutive year being rated as one of "Americas Top Physicians, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2007-2008 " by the Consumer's Research Council, Washington D.C. In March 2009 Dr. Wargotz received the " "Physician Patient's Choice Award" for 2008, Maryland.


Anonymous said...

Excellent news from Rasmussen and your campaign, saw the segment on Fox about it as well, and yes I have reviewed the Democratic pollster's results as well. I'll believe Rasmussen over PPP any day of the week. Go Dr. Wargotz. I agree, push your experience in women's health and advocacy. That can be "key" to your winning and is one more unique feature of you above the rest in the race, which can help you win!

Anonymous said...

He's toast. Mikulski is a shoe in because of the Western Shore. Republicans need to spend their money on races they can actually win.