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Saturday, July 03, 2010

OBAMA'S Legacy

Millions of un-employed Americans......

Time-lapse time line view of unemployment rising around the country.


1 comment:

lmclain said...

A trillion in 'stimulus" spending and all we got was some temporary census workers and some hyped statistics...unemployment is still raging, despite Obama's promises to the contrary...want to get good picture of what's coming in the next year or so?? Google "Illinios budget problems"...they've been borrowing billions to pay the billions they the interest is killing them and they can't even pay the bills now for basic services...they continue to BORROW to pay for what they have already borrowed! Which is what we are doing at the national level, only in TRILLIONS..economic COLLAPSE is what is coming...and more spending is NOT the answer...and the politicians we may elect to "change" all of this?? They got NO chance, because if they do what they NEED to do, it will be so painful, they will be pariahs. If they DON'T do what they NEED to do, it will be even MORE painful. Again, I recommend guns, ammo, canned food and bottled water...