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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Video Shows Timeline Of Obama Response To Oil Spill


Anonymous said...

And what gets me is you don't hear the Dumbocrats complaining about this, but they were all over Bush's a$$ about Katrina.

Anonymous said...

He loves DIM BBQ's and basketball

Dee said...

11:51 am...

Katrina was a natural disaster caused by God.

This oil spill was a man made disaster caused by BP (man) who is really responsible? BP or our government?

Why is it that so many people complain about gov't being too involved...then when they do not get involved with private business it's also a problem.

Which is it? BP who make probably trillions off of Americans, or the government...who is really responsible?

Anonymous said...

Dee, you are an idiot. Why get involved? This man made disaster is affecting the lives of millions of people, countless creatures, and will affect generations to come. Are you dumbocrats really that set on defending this clown that you can't see the forest for the trees? You must be the same person that commented in the DT. There are things to get involved in (like this) and things not to. (like free trade) I understand the government is not able to plug the leak, however, they can organize clean up efforts and then bill BP for those efforts. I don't give a sh!t who is responsible. Deal with that later. For now, quit having the barbecues and golf games and start being a commander in chief. Your response is absolutely crazy. As far as your analogy between a man made disaster, and an act of God, you can't control acts of God, but you can control Man Made disasters. Bush tried to get the people to evacuate, and he didn't wait a month to make a cameo appearance. Why is it that the people in New Orleans couldn't get out of there in 4 days, but they could get to DC in 1 day for the inaguration? Sooner or later you all will have to face the music, and start realizing the change you voted for.
