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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Gay Federal Workers To Get Benefits

Federal benefits extended to same-sex partners
Obama orders extension for workers under existing law

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is extending child care, medical leave and other benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees.

Obama on Wednesday directed federal agencies to immediately begin allowing domestic partners and their children some of the same rights available to spouses and children of employees. That includes child-care services and subsidies, expanded family and medical leave and relocation and other benefits.

Obama's memorandum covers only benefits that can be extended under existing law, without congressional action.

GO HERE to read more.


Balanced Libra said...

As stated in a previous comment on the proclamation of LGBT month, I support benefits to gay couples. However these couples should be married or entered into a legal civil union. If not, it would be like giving benefits to a straight person's boyfriend/girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

marriage is between a man and a woman. gay couples should be entitled to benefits from the government like any married couple would, but it should never be referred to as marriage. they are a family unit for sure. I'm not sure what you should call it. civil union seems to work.

Alex said...

Who cares what it's called.
Good move, finally a step forward.

Anonymous said...

It is immoral to be gay and it is wrong to facilitate this abomination in the eyes of the Lord. Judgment day will be the time of reckoning.
This country needs to get back to our moral roots. We are in a decline just like the Roman empire and all great civilizations before us. I fear it is too late to turn this nation around, yet I will still keep my moral principles and will never willingly accept immoral behavior.

Anonymous said...

another step backwards

Anonymous said...

Then my girl friend should be covered as well or it's discrimination .

Anonymous said...

This is all a part of the Freemasonic plan to destroy the family.

There are multiple facets to this attack upon the family and this is just one more of them.

It is working! How many real families do you know these days?

Anonymous said...

Why don't they take the money that they're spending on the special friends and send them to a treatment center to cure them ?

Anonymous said...

CURE them? You idiot! I just can't fathom that degree of stupidity. Being gay is not something that people choose, just like you can't help it if you're straight and moronic. I'm sure you don't know what moronic means, so I'll help you out- it means STUPID! As for 8:01, I knew we'd have the obligatory holier than thou comment. I bet you're great fun at a party!

Alex said...

What have gay people ever done to you or anyone you know for that matter?
How can you be so backwards? You keep screaming you want to get back your moral roots. Let's be honest you really want to go back to 1950's.
Oh man, those were the times:
No blacks
No latinos
No Gays
Women at home in the kitchen
Segregated schools
Segregated water fountains
No evil liberal colleges.
The only worry was those pesky russians accross the pond.

Your nostalgia is obvious.

Anonymous said...

8:01 are you a virgin or a closeted homosexual?

Anonymous said...

There are proven treatments that cure this affliction homosexuality is a perversion and these people need help how can you deny them their mental health . Anger is the first stage of acceptance your on your way .

Anonymous said...

I'm 8:01
I've never been personally wronged by any LBGTs to my knowledge. I don't believe they were created that way; I believe it is a choice. We are all responsible for the choices we make in life. The consequences on Earth are not the same as they are before the Lord. No one is without sin. I'm not judging. I just believe it is wrong to practice and facilitate homesexuality as I believe it to be a sin. You are entitled to your opinion and your practices. I will be held accountable for my actions and you will be held accountable for your actions. We all have free will. Choose as you please and be prepared to accept responsiblity. You may be able to pass the buck while mortal but you won't have that luxury in front of the Lord. You will be the one held accountable.
BTW, I'm very fun at parties.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 9:02 it really isn't your business what I am; however, I'll share it with you. I am neither a virgin or a closeted homesexual. I am happily married with children and have been exclusively with the same woman since 1987.
What are you? It's none of my business if you don't want to share. Please notice that I did not insult you or make any judgments. You can do as you please. It is your life.

Anonymous said...

8:01, it's not a choice. How do you know you're straight? Did you choose it? No, you just know. It's not like you "recruit" people to be gay and win a toaster oven. As for 9:16, there are no "cures" for homosexuality, but there ARE cures for your run-on sentences and various grammatical errors. It's called EDUCATION.

Anonymous said...

12:24 I have to laugh ... You can always tell when you've beaten a liberal they go after grammatical errors over substance . and there are cures would you like me to send you some links good luck and I hope you recover .

Alex said...

I think 12:24 covered the substance very well.
You can always tell when you've beaten a wingnut they start personal attacks.

Anonymous said...

Homosexuality can be cured in our life time !

Anonymous said...


Chimera said...

OK,so what about straight people who "shack up" lol do they get benefits too?

Anonymous said...

Alex your the one who always makes the personal attack I have made none . game ,set & match

Anonymous said...

The next thing to come along will be it is okay for pedophiles to nasty things to children because they are born tat way. Society continues to decline. Lookup cause Jesus is returning soon!

Anonymous said...

Ever notice how most pedophiles are straight?