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Friday, February 26, 2010



Just went to a PTA meeting last night and nothing was mentioned about the end of
Year Round Education at Delmar Elementary. I've heard nothing on this and I'm
concerned. Are they just going to vote on this without the parents or kids having a say? Is there a session coming up where parents can speak out about this? My kids love being in this program, and I'd hate to see it just get swept under the carpet without a fight. Please let me know so I can at least say something about it, or get some of the YOE parents involved. I also learned that the teachers were not allowed to send anything home with the children informing parents of the impending end of the program. This is being done very quietly and I don't like it. there is supposed to be a vote on this proposal on March 9th. I also don't agree with sending the 5th graders over to the high school because Delmar Elementary is overcrowded. I just found out about that this week as well. We are supposed to invest in our children's education, not take it away.


Delmar, MD


Anonymous said...

I totally aree with him, my children are in the YRE program too, and do very well with it. I as a mother am ready to stand up and fight for my childrens future, and there education. I hope that the BOE doesnt think that they are going to just end this program without a fight.

Anonymous said...

You should have stood up and asked right in the PTA meeting. Bring it to the attention of other parents who also may not know what is going on.

Anonymous said...

The problem with the YRE program is it does not go all the way through 12th grade. Why only have it until 6th grade? Makes no sense to have it at all if they aren't going to have it from start to finish.

Anonymous said...

Ken: what is your SOLUTION to the overcrowding at Delmar Elementary. Had Dr. Ring not put forth the idea of moving the 5th grade to Delmar Middle the clear alternative that the WCBOE was prepared to act upon was moving Delmar, MD, kids to East Salisbury. Perhaps you are ok with that, but I assure you the rest of the parents in town are not. Perhaps you don't remember the redistricting of 1999?

Anonymous said...

Two of my kids are in year round. I've asked if they're doing away with it next year & was told that they don't not yet.I'm `not happy with the idea of the 5th grade going over to Delmar Middle.

Anonymous said...

How about all the kids whose parents lie about where they live in order to attend Delmar Elementary. Go to the school and see all the cars lined up for car riders and all the kids who are signed out- How come they don't ride a bus? It because they can't go home to the address they are using because it is not theirs. True, some are car riders because the parents choose to pick them up, but most are not.

Anonymous said...

That's how the WCBOE works. They keep everything hush hush until it is too late. There was a meeting to keep YRE, but no one was told about it. Same thing for the magnet program, but the principal told parents and they have fought for the program.It's called leadership and Delmar has NONE.

Anonymous said...

I think it is time for Delmar, MD to become part of DE. We are not too big for one state. No more Wicomico County taxes and no more crap from the WCBOE.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:05 I know what you're talking about. My Aunt lives in Salisbury and said the kids that live next to her goes to Delmar Elementary School.

DelmarMomOf4 said...

Well Delmar is the better school system but I was under the impression that for the YRE program residency isn't such a major factor since it's the only one of it's kind in Wicomico Co. I would also like to add that I am a Delmar DELAWARE resident as a direct decision I made in response to the 1999 redistricting. It became my conviction that I would NEVER again pay tax in Wicomico Co and fund the stupidity and self serving politics that they became and that was 1999. My children were in YRE from the first year it began. I can still attest that my children are academically ahead of their peers as a result and have scored higher on all aptitude tests! The transition to Delmar Middle/High school wasn't so bad. It was natural. Though they missed it and the challenges the program offered. I removed one child from the precious Magnet program because YRE promised to offer so much more. And my other child with learning disabilities not only thrived but grew into an incredible writer/author who loves science. Interestingly those 2 out of 4 want to be teachers! I am proud to say YRE delivered on the promises! It breaks my heart that such an innovative ingenius approach to learning may be lost to the children lucky enough to be a part of it. So SAD for people! They really really don't know what they are losing and how well children adapt to this year round education and the difference it could make for so many. I have the next to the last one graduating this year and the last child next year. I am so disappointed for the little ones who will never know this type of education.

Joe, please stay on this so parents supporting this maybe will fight for the program. I hope so.