Yesterday, The Grand Jury for Wicomico County indicted Thomas Leggs, Jr., for the First Degree Murder of Sarah Foxwell, in addition to First Degree Burglary, Kidnapping, Kidnapping of a Child, and First and Second Degree Sexual Offenses.
Sarah Foxwell was abducted from her home in the early morning hours of December 23, 2009, and was found murdered on Christmas Day in the area of Melson Road, Delmar, Wicomico County, Maryland. Leggs has been in custody since December 23, 2009 for the offenses of First Degree Burglary and Kidnapping. The Circuit Court has ordered that Leggs will be held without bond on the new Indictment.
The State will file Notice of Intent To Seek the Death Penalty and the Notice of Intent To Seek Life Without Possibility of Parole before the end of February.
The Office of the State’s Attorney expresses appreciation to all of the agencies as well as the volunteers who participated in the search for Sarah Foxwell as well as to the many who continue to be involved in the investigation and prosecution of Thomas Leggs, Jr. The community support for Sarah, and for all children, has been overwhelming. Words cannot express the depth of what that support has meant to all of us who have been closely involved in this investigation.
Davis R. Ruark
State’s Attorney
Sampson G. Vincent
Deputy State’s Attorney
I just hope that he will be raped repeatedly in prison while awaiting his execution, because he deserves both!! I just wish that he could die in the same way that poor Sarah did! He is a piece of sh!t and deserves to die! I don't want to hear about his "rights", because he gave them up when he did what he did!
Still think God forgives everyone?
I dont know who the judge is, but I hope he/she denies the change of venue request. He can get a fair trial here as good as anywhere.
It puts a lot of minds at ease to know there is enough evidence to prosecute him. A lot of us have been waiting for this announcement for a long time.
The bastard will get a private cell and guard's protection from his attackers. Can you please stop post this SOBs face, it makes me want to puke! Thanks
When I look at his other mugshot (the one without the glasses) and look into his eyes that is satan in his eyes...pure evil!!
I agree, I hope the judge definitely denies the change of venue request -it's B.S. Why should he get a fair trial, was anything that Sarah went through fair??
Doug I agree with what you have said.. screw his rights!
I just really wish they would put in him general population at the jail and it would save alot of time and money.
In death penalty cases, Maryland law requires an automatic change of venue, so he won't be tried here.
He has rights, and the judge has the right to say"Request/Motion" denied.
It horrifies me to think of what this animal may have done to the little girl before finally taking her life !!! He has no rights , SIX: 'You shall not murder.' Hell shall be his destiny, and most deserving !!!!!!!
I am torn between the death penalty in this case or life with parole. If he gets the death penalty then he will live outside of the general prison population and will live a very long time in MD because the state won't ever support the death penalty. If he gets life without chance of parole then the other inmates might get the opportunity to take care of his execution. So what should we wish for????
It is Maryland Law on a death penalty case that the venue is changed. No matter what a judge wants, it is statatorily mandated. The judge DOES NOT have the ability to deny a change in venue motion in Maryland on a death penalty case.
12:34 the question you ask is not easily debated and can never be argued to an absolute. It just shows how far apart the standard is from God to man and that difference is so great, us mear mortals cannot understand it, let alone debate it. Save your arguments for things like who is the greatest quarterback, who is the greatest baseball player, etc. insteas of the Almighty.
seeking no possibility without parole? SEEKING??!! I would hope that they make sure parole is not possible
to 12:34-yes, God will forgive him, if he asks for it. period. He will still face and should face all penalties that are due him and yes, he should be put to death-no question about it. And yes, I hope that miserable sob suffers long and hard in prison before getting the ultimate dirt nap. But to answer your question-yes-GOD will forgive him-but only if Leggs asks. Its not a blanket policy-GOD is not going to him. Leggs has to make the first move.
Thank you Mike Lewis and everyone else who helped out in this.
death penalty nothing less if you cant do it i can.
I read somewhere that capital cases have an automatic change of venue...
This is where the emotions of the area are trying to override reason. There has to be a change of venue, and all of you know in the reasonable parts of your brain that he cannot get a fair trial anywhere near Wicomico County. It is not "unfair." It is the American system of criminal justice.
It does not lessen the anger, it does not forgive his actions, it does not "disservice" the memory of Sarah for those people that knew her.
Breathe in. Think. These things take time.
They'll have a better shot convicting him away from here. From what I've witnessed here in this county Judges give the "alledged" sex offenders more rights and say than the victims. They don't error on the side of the child victims either. I can attest to that personally. I'd like to see the great Judge stop buying high dollar trash cans and begin giving justice to the victims in this county and put some of this real "Trash" behind bars. Where art thou Oh Great One???
Eye for an eye. Let him burn in Hell.
His only right should be the right to choose which form of execution to be given. God may forgive him but the judicial system can not.
But if he his request for Change of Venue is denied, that opens him up for an appeal. Wasting more tax payer $$
Hang that sonofabitch with piano wire, and sure why not "god bless the evil bastard"
Joe, could you refrain from showing this animal's photo. It make my stomach queazy.
1:33 I did not know that. So his trial is out of this area automatically.
its about time.but its sad to say that in todays world especially in maryland he will get out early on good behavior.
You beat me to it. I think life without parole would be just fine. If he gets the death sentence like you said he will be put away from the other prisoners. Not to mention how much are we going to spend on appeals for this dirt bag. Let the other prisoners have at him, let him live every day of his life in fear. Even that is to good for him.
1:57 you might be wrong about God's forgiveness. Even God will turn a deaf ear to those of a reprobate mind. ("They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." (Titus 1:16))
Leggs is definitely not remorseful, he proved that when he refused to cooperate with the Police during Sarah's search. He will play this out for all it is worth and swear his innocence until his death. He has never thought he ever did anything wrong and has always made excuses for all of his wrong doings. Excuses that have been accepted by his parents and forgiven for his actions, including the first child he molested. The second one more excuses were made and the parents once again accepted his excuses as being truth, same with the third and everything else in between. So to say God will forgive him, I think even God has his limits.
It doesn't matter what he gets.. Becuase of our "fair" justice system he will have a nice cozy private cell away from all of the other prisoners. Thats what happens when you are a child sex offender in prison and with all of the publicity of this case our justice systems feels the need to protect him from predators in jail. The thing I don't understand is why protect an animal like Leggs when no one was there to protect Sarah... I can only hope that a mistake is made and he is fed to the prisoners who can't wait to get their hands on him. That is what I will call justice.
I wouldn't count my chickens before they've hatched. As we have seen in the past, criminals get off pretty easy due to MISTAKES by either law enforcement or the States Attorneys.
I hope he gets what's coming to him for the crimes he's committed but I'm not holding my breath.
I'll believe it when I see it.
What an awesome job done by the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation (WBI) and the other law enforcement agencies that assisted. I am sure that the Investigators at WBI will complete this case and assure justice is brought to Thomas Leggs.
Who are these men and women of WBI who that continue to do an outstanding job for Wicomico County ? These men and women should be recognized for the job they have been doing in this case and many others I have read and followed !
It cannot be denied, it's an AUTOMATIC right in any death penalty case if the defendant wants it.
For the death penalty in MD there needs to be a confession or DNA evidence. Since he isn't confessing, that tells me they have DNA evidence that links him to the crime. That will be very difficult for him to get out of these charges. Of course all the awful details will come out in the trial.
The news has stated there is DNA evidence. I saw a movie once where they let the criminal escape from jail . . . just long enough to be shot down in the yard. That would be the most economical situation for the taxpayers, especially if it comes before his trial.
I don't wan't him shot down in prison. I say we should bring back the practice of having him tied to a pole, and let the townspeople have at him. One stone at a time. He needs to feel it - slowly. And the rest of you urchins that would consider any such actions against a child - you're being watched. trust us.
There is no Death Penalty in Maryland NOW!!! It has been suspended.
^5, anom 9:40. I hope ALL will do the needed research, know who the offenders are, and keep a searchlight up their a$$.
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