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Monday, February 08, 2010

Now They Tell Us! Someone Is Watching This Blog


Anonymous said...

Maybe they can send out a press release explaining why City streets still look like Black Diamond mogul runs and main county roads are pretty clear? City snow clearing is NON EXISTENT !! WTF do we pay taxes for?

Anonymous said...

There is no way the city is prepared (or ever has been) to deal with this much snow and the thaw/freeze that put the ice layer at the bottom of it all.
They're doing all they can to keep the main roads open, but there isn't the manpower or equipment to deal with hard packed snow in this volume.
Bigger places aren't doing much better.
I think the Public Works department could use a pat on the back for all they've done with such limited resources.

Anonymous said...

So they don't have the expertise? the manpower? the equipment? which is it? There have been NO plows down our street, College an Camden Avenues are main streets and they are rutted bumps, yet turn onto Snow Hill road and it is clear. City vs. County??

Anonymous said...

interestingly enough I live just outside the city, and the streets here are worse than the city. Chesapeake Waste came today and picked up our trash! must be the difference between private enterprise and the government!

Anonymous said...

Any word on Fruitland trash pick up for tomorow???

Anonymous said...

City roads in the Camden/Pinehurst area are REDICULOUS! Cars are getting stuck in the snow just driving down the street. Today I saw two plows driving down College Ave with their plows up! They need to turn down these side streets and do a little plowing!