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Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Letter To The Editor


Today around noon I was traveling from Salisbury to Berlin on Rt. 50 to pick up my daughter from work at a health care facility. The roads had not gotten bad yet but just before Pittsville I ran up on slower traffic. There were four dump trucks (not county) spread across the highway traveling at a speed of from 10 - 20 MPH. Traffic was backed up behind these trucks as far as you could see. I repeat the roads at that time were not bad mostly just wet. These trucks traveled this way all the way till the county line. I saw nothing they were doing except impeding traffic. They finally pulled into the median just past the county line and traffic got on its way. I traveled on in to Berlin and on my way back the four dump trucks were sitting in the same place they were when they pulled off. I realize what a terrific job most of the plows do, I just have no idea what these trucks were doing. If the county was paying for this service they were certainly not getting anything for their money. I didn't know if anybody else had brought this to your attention or might have know what was going on. Thanks for all you do for the community.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like grown men acting immature like little children. What do you expect from a person with a small brain who drives a truck all day? These fools had to find a way to amuse themselves.

Balanced Libra said...

They're called plow trains. They are very common in northern states and are very effective in clearing a wide swath at one time. Unfortunately, the draw-back is that no-one can pass, but then again if you could pass the roads would be bad in front of them.

Balanced Libra said...

Actually, the state is paying for this service.

The state starts plowing before the road gets too bad so they keep ahead of the storm. When they get to the end, they do sit for a bit of time because if the roads do not have enough on them to restart their route, the plows will be damaged as well as the road.

Believe me, these drivers were not a waste of money.

Balanced Libra said...

Joe, sounds like the idiots (8:38)are up early this morning with nothing to do but bad-mouth those trying to help their lazy azzes out.

Anonymous said...

1 leave your daughter in BERLIN
4 If you are worred about the cost of the men and women on those trucks you will get over it

Anonymous said...

anon8:38 i drive a truck all day and i would put money on having a higher iq than you do. what to you do for a living work the drive thru

Anonymous said...

If the roads weren't bad, you and the cars ahead of you could have passed the trucks.

Do people ever do anything besides beetch about things here?

Balanced Libra said...

My husband is one of the drivers of these plows. When not plowing, he runs his own successful trucking business. He, and our other drivers have their Class-A CDL, and 2 of them have their tanker and Hazmat endorsements as well. I'd like to see 8:38 try to go through the testing required for these certifications.

Just another jerk trying to start trouble.

Balanced Libra said...

The plow trains take up the whole road and cannot be passed.

Anonymous said...

9:07AM, I can tell by the way you write that you have a very high IQ. Just for future reference, when you begin a sentence you start with a capital letter.

Anonymous said...

9:31AM, Also, he forgot to end a question with a question mark!

Anonymous said...

First, if you saw 4 trucks in line on Rt 50, they were not working for the county - they are hired by the State of Md. Second, any time those of you complaining want to get out of your warm bed and go out in the freezing, snowy weather to clear the roads for ungrateful people, be my guest. They do get paid, but it is not enough for the crap they have to put up with while trying to clear the roads.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been on the road and seen them plow like this before as they always do. They are clearing both lanes at once. Give them a break they have been working all night long for days. If they need a break I think they well deserve it. What the heck? People just love to dog other people.

Anonymous said...

They are hired contractors, without them people who complain about everything would have no bread or milk! When they work in groups like that they get the road in good shape quick. People just love to nit-pick about things they no nothing about!

Anonymous said...

9:31 and 9:38 should be ashamed of themselves; and I suggest they get a hobby.

Anonymous said...

Great answers, everybody. I always say things might not be as YOU think they appear 8:25 (author of this great piece of bs) and 8:38
who probably collects food stamps). Many should use some common sense before typing.

Anonymous said...

8:38, 9:31, & 9:36: All three of you present yourselves to be self righteous a$$holes! Truck drivers make your lives possible; think about the fact everything you get comes off a truck before passing judgment on others. Not to mention the greater majority of truck drivers that I have the pleasure of knowing would help a person out in a heartbeat because that's just the kind of people they are. What have any of you done for a complete stranger here lately..or ever for that matter?

Sure are some judgmental "highly" educated idiots in my opinion to be judging someone based on a short post. Go read another grammar book so you can feel high and mighty up on your pedestal.

Anonymous said...

Another case of someone who doesn't know the full story thinking they know better than the people who do. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Umm, maybe the roads weren't "that" bad because the trucks in front of you had just plowed them for you?? Duh.

Anonymous said...

Quoted from Article: "I just have no idea what these trucks were doing"

So why would you write an ignorant letter to the editor about them if you didn't know what they are doing?

Its called a train and its a more effective way of plowing the snow across the road. You probably didn't see any snow on the road because they cleared it off. I actually ran a grader up north doing the same thing. I was in the front and had numerous trucks behind me. At full speed I was running about 20 to 25mph. You wouldn't believe how many cars and tractor trailers would fly by us. Eventually we would see them again in the ditch as we blow by them.