Joe I just wanted to let everyone know how impressed I was with Food Lion! They had restock workers in almost every isle. All greeted me with a hello or can I help you find anything. There was about 7 registers open with baggers. The lines moved quickly for the circumstances. Thanks again for a great experience! Cary Oppel
They sent all the workers over from Delmar.
not by mva is it ?.
Which Food Lion was this? There are only about 6 different ones in the area.
I saw the employees arriving at 3:30. Thought they were just going in to clean up the mess. Love that store--good people!
Were they stocking or un-stocking? Last time I went to a FL before a snowstorm was last winter, and about 12 hours before any precipitation was about to start, they were pulling all the perishables OFF the shelf!!! An hour before might make sense, but pulling milk, eggs, and cheese off the shelf while people are lined up down the aisle and around the corner to get them is just ridiculous! I don't know if they still continue that practice, because I now go to Walmart or Giant to stock up before a storm.
I wish the employees at Food Lion on Snow Hill Road would act like that especially that evil one that works in the deli.
I often go to the one at Tilghman as it is the closest to my home and I am always impressed. Not only is this store always clean, but the employees and managers always pleasant and willing to help. I was there last night after work and saw that numerous isles were being quickly restocked. Thanks Food Lion!
Carey Mayne
I usually go to Giant because we do a lot of organics, but Food Lion on Tilghman Road has a good selection of organic nonperishables. They also have a good selection of internation type foods, which is nice for someone like me who likes to cook and experiment in the kitchen. It's always been clean in there too.
4:16 PM There is only 1 food lion on RT 50!
Yea-the one in Salisbury, the one in Cambridge, and the one on Kent Island in Stevensville. One store only on Rt 50
3:51 just to correct you ... WE had NO help from any other stores . All associates working tilghman rd were from that store. No additional help was used. Other than that we would like to thank the poster for there compliment. Thank you for shopping your east salisbury food lion !!!
The one on Snow Hill Rd is awful anymore. I stopped in there this evening just to get a few things. they had one express lane and one regular lane open and the cashiers were too busy talking to the wanna-be cop they have on duty now to even give a hoot about the customers.
I work at that Food lion and it is so nice to hear good things. We do not hear them enough all we hear is all the b**ching from everyone. We did not have help from the delmar store it was our own employee's that worked 13 or 14 hours to keep everything going.
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