At about 5:00 the Princess Anne and Mt. Vernon Fire Companies were called to respond to a chicken house fire 4 miles west of Princess Anne. Allen Fire Company was called for back up. The fire companies did a great job on saving it as there was a lot of fire.
Photos courtesy of: J. D. Simpkins
Is that a West Virginia chicken house fire?
Did someone say " BBQ " !!!
Tell it to the judge.
i think this place is near the landfill in salisbury, close to rockawalkin ridge rd.
With all do respect Anonymous 6:47 CAN'T you read ? It say's Princess Anne . The last I checked Rockawalkin Ridge Rd is in Wicomico Cty .
I knew I smelled something GOOD!
Reminds me of the "Wonder Roast", all the wonderful wonder roast. I got 5 pounds of "Wonder Roast" seasoning and I aint tellin you how I got it.
Wow! From overheating?
Mmmmm extra crispy, my favorite!!!
Were there any chickens in there?
You people with the "funny" comments are not funny at all. Someone has suffered an econmic loss at a time that for most of us we can use every dollar we make. If this farmer has insurance it will probably not cover the profit he would have made on the flock. Save your smart*ss comments for another time.
I am from West Virginia and never saw a chicken house made like these around here. Must be an
Eastern Shore chicken house and yes it sure would smell gooooood. guess I am hungry..
I hope they got it all under control in time before it spread and killed all the flock.
if there were any chickens in there I think all of Delmarva would of smelled them and probly would of been on thier way to see if they could get a little taste of what would of smelled soooo good- if ya dont believe me call up wboc and ask mr. food, oh sooo good!
This is that family's income and it is no joke. How can anyone joke about a situation like this. Think about all those bird's that were lost from the colasped chicken farms. Thats just not nothing to make fun off. No different then your home burning with your pets in there. Unbelievable that people can make such harsh comments.
Looks likes a sowsuit from PETA.
All of you saying how good it smelled -- have you ever smelled feathers and chicken poop burning?
I hope they weren't trying to melt the snow off the roof and started it by accident.
A lot of fire??
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