Office of the State’s Attorney for Worcester County
The William G. Kerbin, Jr. Building
106 Franklin Street
Snow Hill, Maryland 21863
Michael W. Farlow Paul Haskell
Deputy State’s Attorney Deputy State’s Attorney
Circuit Court Division District Court Division
February 26, 2010
From: Joel J. Todd
Re: Identification of Human Remains
On February 26, 2010, the Office of the Medical Examiner for Maryland advised the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation that the human remains located in Snow Hill on February 19 were the remains of Christine Marie Sheddy.
Sheddy has been missing since November 14, 2007. Since that time, the case has been handled as a “missing person” case by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation. Assisting in the investigation is the Maryland State Police and the Office of the State’s Attorney for Worcester County.
No cause of death has yet been determined. All involved law enforcement agencies are treating this as a suspicious death.
Because this is a pending investigation, no further details will be disclosed at this time.
Yeah, her body was buried, yet they're considering it a suspicious death?
The go to another state and talk to an inmate, return to the exact designated location and find the remains and it's suspicious?
I don't know Folks!
wording it like that is probably just a formality. at least they didn't say "no foul play is suspected at this time" right?
Super sad that her life was cut short but i'm thankful that the family can move forward with some sort of closure. Not the outcome everyone was expecting but at least she's not missing anymore.
an inmate in TX i hear
atleast the family can have some kind of closure now.
I think it's labeled suspious because if no cause of death has been determined, then the manner of death would still be unknown.
So for investigatory purposes this death can only be labeled at this point in time, suspious.
Ok! Many of us felt it was Sheddy's body the day it was found. That's verified today, but honestly, do you really think they should disclose every detail of the investigation, that is likely a homicide? I really don't understand why there is this sudden expectation to know everything that is occurring in an on-going investigation by the police. As I surf by shows like Nancy Grace, I wonder how any of these cases actually make it into court and how a jury can be seated. I will agree, many police agencies are slow at giving out details of the cases, but they should only be brief synopsis and thats it. The details should not come out until the case is presented in the court room. We want a guilty verdict, why should we jeopardize that by forcing the prosecution to lay out its entire case in the media before the court case?
Clarence/Junior Jackson has always been the player.
Well, there you go.
Inmate is in Tenn. and he is probably going to blame it on the 16 year old who was 14 at the time. Probably say it was an accident and tried to hide body to protect kid. That would make it suspicious!!
Hey Billy Burke, stay on your own Blog and not on Salisbury News. I'we really couldn't care less about your opinion on any metter, hence your lack of only 8 visitors a day to your Site. YES, I said 8 visitors, on a great day.
Sorry Folks but Billy is trying to use Salisbury News to promote his own agenda.
Thanks for your comment regarding the Burkes.
One of the searches For Christine Sheddy was organized by Stephanie Burke. As a result of her "I know it all, I am in charge attitude", there were several excellent search and rescue team members that almost withdrew from the search before it started. She was determined that she was going to be in charge that day. After several heated exchanges between the search and rescue team and Mrs. Burke, it was agreed that she would remain in the area where food and refreshments were being served to the search teams.
Many of us were appalled by her actions. Who in the hell is she to be running an operation such as that? We have had many years of training and the experience of many searches under our belts. We know what we are doing; she does not!
It was very clear that she was using this event to further her agenda, as she was running for the city council in Pocomoke at the time of the search. She managed to achieve a new all time low for a candidate for public office. I think that her actions that day will be remembered for a long time to come.
To Ms. Dodenhoff, I am happy that our search is over and that you and your family can have closure in this matter. I have felt all along that the discovery of these remains would lead us to Christine. Although it did not turn out the way that we wanted it too; I think that we knew as more time passed that it would not be a good outcome. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this tragic time in your life. May God bless Christine, you, and your family.
Thank goodness her family can now have some sort of closure. They can at least put her body to rest. They are in my prayers.
3:54 Thank you for doing what you do.
RIP Christine
It should also be noted that Joel Todd had NOTHING to do with this investigation. He constantly asserts himself into active law enforcement functions claiming to be the "Top Cop" in Worcester County. Joel Todd doesn't even have the legal authority to issue a parking ticket! Joel is nothing but a lawyer/politician. The "Top Cop" in this county is Charles Martin, Sheriff. Joel is a disgusting leach.
Craig Theobald
I could feel how much you meant that. Years went into that statement.
I hope her kids are doing OK, good as can be expected anyway. At least her mother and family got her back. Im sorry for the loss of your daughter, but she is looking at you through the kids everyday for ever.
I've never heard Joel Todd claim to be anything more than a prosecutor. I think Mr Theobald is mistaken.
Oh, and just exactly where did you end up Theobald, heck even the infamous drunk McCalister kicked your butt!
You go Ironshire - I'm glad you're telling it like it is and Joel Todd I hope you're reading this.
I live in Pocomoke, and can I just comment that the Burkes are ridiculous! Stephanie is also obnoxious. They seem to find nothing good to say about Pocomoke. Maybe they should move.
A wonderful job by all Law Enforcement involved...its great to have closure. Lets all concentrate now on the positives and stop throwing stones.
This is almost too easy. 7:13 The only time I locked horns with Danny McAllister was when I worked for Chuck Martin's campaign to unseat Danny... and we all know how that worked out. 6:54: I'm a retired law enforcement officer. I have been an active member of the county FOP for over 15 years and served as it's VP for 5. The cops do not trust Joel, never have. The only time I actually had an interaction with him, he told me one thing and then did the opposite 2 days later. And I'm not unique with that experience. Joel's nickname hung on him by the locals is "Weasel" Nuff said.
Craig Theobald
And not afraid to sign my name to anything I write.
Mr. Theobald is NOT mistaken...What he says is the Truth!!!...So much crap has gotten out on these crap blog websites..and I THANK Mr. Albero for not leaking much out...Please let the Law Enforcement Officers do their jobs and when the time is right a press release on more info will be given out...But not to jeopardize the case we all need to NOT assume anything but let the L.E. Officers do their job...Good job to all of the WCBI officers...Sheriff Martin has a great group of Officers over there!!!!.....Prayers go out to the victim's family
I hope that her family can finally have closure but I'm not sure if they will ever have peace until the person(s) involved get their justice. I am almost positive that they will see that. Christine happened to be staying with a couple in Pocomoke, one of them now in a TN jail. I can feel that there is going to be alot to this story once it comes out. We, as the public, need to sit back and be patient and let the professionals do their job, so that justice can be properly served. No matter what type of "lifestyle" this mother had, she didn't deserve to die.
Why is it that people are using the identification of a young woman's remains to further political agenda's?
Maybe or maybe not the stories are true about Joel Todd but to come underthis post about Christine and trash political rivals is just unbelievable. It sure says a lot about the chracter of people who are doing it.
Right now, who cares? It's time to let Christine's family find closure not time to rant about political BS.
Everyone needs to quit the speculations about "who done it" and let the case develop through LE and the SA's office. After all we do want everyone involved with Christine's death to get the justice they deserve - don't we?
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