Upon reviewing Maryland Budget Bill HB-150 and its Senate counterpart - SB-140 -I couldn't help but to notice the huge amount of money and resources being expended for employing the many members of our Maryland Legislature. It is a well known fact that this legislative body has probably inflicted more harm than good as it annually proposes new laws and regulations that helps to 'suffocate' businesses and 'handcuffs' taxpayers. These newly enacted laws frequently impose higher licenses, taxes, permits, fees, among many other detrimental economic actions.
What I suggest for O'Malley to consider is to 'think outside the box' and change the Maryland Legislature's term from 1- year to 2- year sessions. If one looks at either one of the above bills it shows that Maryland officials want to appropriate $76,803,300 to fund the Legislature for fiscal year 2011. If Maryland were to go to session - say every two years -instead of one - then we could slash enormous cost from each years State budget with no noticeable effect.
Moreover, it would make a 'bold' statement which might attract more businesses as the news would spread about Maryland taking action to become more business friendly.
It's not like I'm trying to ' reinvent the wheel' as the Lone Star State of Texas has already deployed the same strategy.
How about cutting the number of delegates and senators by 1/3? I'm sure they would be just as unresponsive to the larger constituency as they are to the one they have now. The savings should be substantial.
How about a state wide across the board spending reduction of 10%.
That includes all state salaries, entitlements, office supplies travel etc.
Just cut it back 10%
But spending reductions aren’t in the vocabulary for Dumbocrats!
6:26. State salaries are already generally below the average. No more employee furloughs. Cut entitlements for those who leech off the system but no more state employee furloughs.
You can eliminate state jobs through attrition and hiring freezes. This is much more practical.
Response to 6:26
I've got news for you . . .I wish it were that simple.
Here in Maryland we now support (3) employees for every one that works. Including each retirees benefits,health care package the benefit cost is now so costly that the only way out of this calamity is State bankruptcy.
Like California goes so goes the rest of the nation.
Be prepard because it 'ain't going to be pretty'.
if you were insession every 2 years does that mean the Legislature would take a 50% salary reduction? That is the only time they appear to be working. They claim they work when they are not in Annappolis but everybody knows that is a joke. If so then add that to the savings, minimum $45,000 salary alone not counting all the ridiculous benifits per year.
To 9:46 Post
You have an excellent point. The State of Maryland could realize even more in savings as a result of a 2 year session verses a 1 year.
With that in mind - maybe Maryland should consider a session say every three years. Wow - imagine the savings then.
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