An appeals court has indicated it is listening to arguments in a case that challenges Barack Obama's occupancy in the Oval Office with a ruling that gives special permission for an extra-long document to be filed in the case.
WND has reported on the case brought by attorney Mario Apuzzo in January 2009 on behalf of Charles F. Kerchner Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James Lenormand and Donald H. Nelson Jr.
Named as defendants were Barack Hussein Obama II, the U.S., Congress, the Senate, House of Representatives, former Vice President Dick Cheney and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The case alleges Congress failed to follow the Constitution, which "provides that Congress must fully qualify the candidate 'elected' by the Electoral College Electors."
The complaint also asserts "when Obama was born his father was a British subject/citizen and Obama himself was the same." The case contends the framers of the U.S. Constitution, when they adopted the requirement that a president be a "natural born citizen," excluded dual citizens.
According to a posting on Apuzzo's website, the rules of procedure for the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals provide that an appellant's opening brief is not to exceed 14,000 words.
However, Apuzzo wrote, "because of the extraordinary nature and complexity of the question of whether putative President Barack Obama is an Article II 'natural born citizen' and therefore eligible to be president, whether my clients … have standing to bring an action against Obama and Congress in which they maintain that Obama is not a 'natural born citizen' and that Congress failed to meet its constitutional duty to protect my clients by assuring them that Obama is a 'natural born Citizen…' I was compelled to file a brief which contained 20,477 words."
"By order dated February 22, 2010, the Honorable Circuit Judge Michael A. Chagares on behalf of the Motion's Panel of the 3rd Circuit Court of appeals granted plaintiffs' motion for leave to file the overlength brief."
"This is great news because the case will now continue forward as scheduled," he said. "Obama's and Congress's opposition brief was initially due on Feb. 22, 2010. The Department of Justice obtained a 14-day extension to file that brief, making the new due date March 8, 2010.
"After they file their opposition brief, I will then have 14 days within which to file a reply to that brief," he said.
It should be noted that a tremendous number of appointed positions within the cabinet are people of dual citizenship with Israel including the Chief of Staff, Rham Immanuel.
Israel has infiltrated our government extensively and these opperatives use their power to funnel money and control policy towards Israel.
Most of our problems in the Middle East stem from satisfying Israel's goals and are in direct conflict with America's best interest.
Perhaps we will finally get an answer as to where Omama came from.
But wait, you guys said he was Kenyan. Now he's a British muslim terrorist?
Are you really that thick. His father was from Kenya. At the time Kemya was under British ruke, thus making his father a British subject
You guys are like a dog on a T-Bone. Give it up, the man is a natural born American citizen...oh yea and he's both black and white. Get over it.
AMEN!!!! Prayer does get answered!!!!
10:02am is paid by the administration to occupy and purposely thwart and slander with fact-less opposition, any information on web sites and blogs trying to get facts to citizens, they announced this several months ago. You can tell which person this is and what days their here on this site.....
Keep banging that "secret terrorist muslim" drum, idiots.
I hope he's hung by the neck until dead on the front lawn when he's found guilty. We can NEVER allow America's security be compromised again! Now if we can figure out a way to UNDO all the damage they've done.....
10:58, actually I'm just a regular dude in front of the computer on a snowy day. You guy's hysteria is quite funny
10:39am ....then how the heck do you think this has made it way to the highest court? You think he spent millions hiding all the info, just for fun? Maybe skipped all the procures because they felt it wasnt important? Just give it up bone boy and let it get to court....
The problem as I see it is thus:
If we get rid of Obama we are then stuck with Joe Biden...Not good.
If we could get rid of Biden we are then totally screwed by getting Nancy Pelosi.
We are screwed period.
atleast joe wouldn't purposely destroy America, he cant be worse!
Re: "How do you think this made its way to the highest court?"
It isn't the Supreme Court, it is an ordinary appeals court, and the job of appeals courts is to hear appeals.
As to the "millions" allegedly spent on hiding information. This is a manufactured myth. There was never a lawsuit against Obama just for his birth certificate or just for documents. The vast bulk of cases were attempts to stop the election or to stop the Inauguration, which Obama naturally opposed. Of about ten cases that I read, none even asked that Obama show his birth certificate to the court.
Obama has shown his birth certificate. He has posted it and shown the physical copy to both FactCheck and Politifact, and it is the official birth certificate of Hawaii and the only birth certificate that Hawaii issues. Hawaii no longer sends out copies of the original birth certificate.
And the facts on Obama's birth certificate--that he was born in Hawaii in 1961--were confirmed twice by the two top officials of the Department of Health of Hawaii.
Yes and those Isreali's just keep blowing up things too right?
You have no idea what Mossad and the CIA are capable of doing.
False Flag operations are just the tip of the iceberg.
2:05, you're completely full of crap.
Just like the rest of your buddies on the White House staff.
How do you undo what Obama has done / signed into law has a simple answer. It was done illegally and is not valid. All would have to be revisited. He has never showed his Birth Certificate. It is a Certification of Birth. There is a difference and the Original or copy of his Birth Certificate should have to be presented. Maryland does not even recogonize their own Certificate of Birth at Motor Vehicle. You have to bring them a copy of your Birth Certificate. Why should the President of the United States not have to present a Birth Certificate for the position of President?
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