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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Accident On Bypass

There has been a rollover accident on the west bound side of the Bypass. We're told the traffic is backed up for quite a ways.


Anonymous said...

We have been sitting on the bypass for almost 45 min! Go another route!

Anonymous said...

I very nearly got into an accident at this same spot only 15 minutes before this accident happened. There was a bad patch of black ice. I knew it was there from driving on the bypass so much over the past few days. I slowed down to about 55 mph. However, as soon as I hit the patch, I lost complete control of my vehicle. My car spun all over the highway- if anyone had been in the lane next to me, I would have hit them. I almost careened off the road and jerked my wheel. I ended up doing a complete 180 and facing the opposite direction. A stream of cars came behind me and one by one they all spun out too- even 4 wheel drive vehicles. I was very fortunate that one of them did not hit me head on. I called the state police 10 minutes later when I got home and they informed me about this accident. They really need to keep that area salted- not just a few times! I know a few people who have gotten into an accident at this very same spot! I hope everyone is okay.

Anonymous said...

where is this at on the bypass?

Anonymous said...

Right after the Northwood Drive entrance by the mall- on the little bridge over the river right where the overpass ends.

Anonymous said...

Where *exactly* is this black ice area? Please clarify!

Anonymous said...

We tried to get on 50W at Northwood Dr but the police had the entrance ramp blocked off. Turned around and detoured down Naylor Mill and were able to get on 50 there.

Anonymous said...

Black ice is going to continue to be a problem for a while. The snow melts during the day and runs onto the roadways and freezes at night. Many roads still have not been cleared and many that have been cleared could use the snow pushed back past the white lines.

Anonymous said...

10:19 After the northwood drive and before naylor mill rd exit.

Troopers had us merge into the right lane around 10:30. Traffic is moving once more.

Anonymous said...

I was listening to the accident on the scanner and the MSP dispatcher told the trooper at the scene he had called the State Highway Administration about the ice on the road in that same area an hour earlier. Does it really take an hour to get a salt truck to that area? Why didn't the state police do something such as block the highway and hour earlier if they knew it was a problem. Sounds like some liability issues going on here.

Anonymous said...

The overpasses on the bypass are concrete and concrete freezes before asphalt. The bypass is NEVER safe when the temperatures are below freezing and there is even the remotest possibility of water being present. Seriously, it makes more sense to take another route - my children are not even allowed to drive on the bypass in the winter for that very reason.

Anonymous said...

Yes...Please share the place where we need extra salt and Caution!!
Glad you were ok 10:12

Anonymous said...

you guys just need to learn how to drive really, black ice is going to be on the roads to some extent and there isnt much the SHA can do about it. Realize the risk and adjust how you drive. accidents will still happen at this point.

Anonymous said...

I have pushed snow before for the SHA via private contractor across the bridge. The snow needs to be pushed back past the grass line to decrease the amount of water on the roadway which freezes at night. Especially before the rain we are expected to get. If not, water will be backed up creating ponds on the road which will be very dangerous. They also need to cut bleaders in the snow at low areas on the road to allow the water to reach the ditch. In some cases there is to much snow on the shoulder for a truck or grader to push back. In this case they need to get a loader to push it back. I noticed a grader attempting to push back the snow last week before the 2nd blizzard. I was close to kicking him off the grader and doing it myself. While I commend the hard work and time the plow drivers have put in pushing the snow in the area the guys down here just don't have enough experience or equipment for this amount of snow.

Anonymous said...

8:27 Black ice is not something to take lightly and I don't care how good you think you are. I consider myself a great driver on snow but have hit black ice before in a jeep wrangler. I was shifting in third gear when I was on the ice and started to get sideways. I was able to stay with it and straighten up. I was lucky. The only tip I can give is don't hit your breaks when you realize your on the ice. You will make it worse. Just keep your front wheels pointed in the direction you want to go and ride it out.

Anonymous said...

Do we have word yet on any injuries? Have prayed no one was seriously hurt or killed. Can't find any updates on any news websites. Assuming no news is good news?