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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Only One Lane Open On Naylor Mill


"Only one lane on Naylor Mill Rd. from Millpond to Bob Evans. Traffic trying to
get on Rt 13 is backed up darn near Vernon Powell! Red"


Anonymous said...

Stage Road in Delmar also is only one lane, right by the Wells Appliance place. And, if you notice, the snow is higher than eye level on the west side of the road there. Really weird!!!

Orsonwells said...

Husbands everywhere are out escaping the house from wives disappointed in their V-Day gifts;-) either getting something else or going to a friend's house 'til things cool off!

Anonymous said...

over the years i've noticed, sometimes when you get a lot of snow and the roads aren't cleared fully you'll get backups at heavy traveled areas. now if you know somebody like mr. joe & his snowblower, something will get done.

Anonymous said...

We ran into that yesterday, what a mistake to go that way.
It took 10 mins or more to get by that intersection

Anonymous said...

What;s going on and how long will it last?

Anonymous said...

The kids will be lucky to go back to school on Tuesday. I came down Morris Leonard and it is one way in some places. The county should have been out in force today trying to clear up this mess up while it was soft enough to plow. There are still many intersections that are ice covered and snow covered. You actually had to put it in 4-wheel drive to safely get across 50. If people are traveling this evening, please be careful.

Anonymous said...

Is this due to poor road conditions or something else?

Anonymous said...

The streets in the City of Salisbury are very dangerous due to the thick ice. Where are the trucks and plows from the city roads division? They need to get off their butts and do their job, this is ridiculous. I guess they're waiting for the sun to melt all the ice away!

Anonymous said...

I was in mardela today and sneathen church rd was nasty. i know buses have to travel that rd. to pick up kids for school. even tho it is a back rd it is still used by the wicomico co. school buses. and if we get any snow tomorrow school is out again for who knows how long.

Anonymous said...

I actually scraped bottom on some ice on a side street in Salisbury. T Also, you have to be careful turning onto some streets (example Nanticoke Rd onto Rt 50E) because the lane you're turning into has snow still in it forcing you into the other turning lane. Also College Ave right by Bennett is 1.5 lanes in a lot of places. I'm surprised there hasn't been more accidents from people taking up more than one lane.

Anonymous said...

9:44 you made some good points. I travel the area by Bennett School on my way to work and once you drive through the intersection heading north onto Eastern Shore Drive there are still big mounds of snow blocking the right hand lane. This has been going on since the first blizzard and was never taken care of before the second snow came.