Our very successful “Beat the Peak” program helps keep our rates low by alerting you to high energy periods, or peaks when the cost per kilowatt-hour is at its highest and we ask you to reduce your usage, if possible, by turning off lights or not using appliances for the duration of the "peak" event.
When we “Beat the Peak” we save money and because we are a Cooperative you save.
We have developed a "Beat the Peak" In-Home Indicator, a simple device that plugs into any electric outlet and indicates when a "peak" event is occurring.
For your "FREE" In-Home Indicator and three "FREE" CFL bulbs (100 watt equivalent) please click HERE.
Your acceptance of our "Beat the Peak" In-Home Indicator is sincerely appreciated. The In-Home Indicator and 3 CFL bulbs will be mailed separately and should arrive within the next 6-8 weeks.
Remember, when everyone saves a little, we all save a lot.
perhaps instead of getting these "indicators" they could have taken the money spent on them & shared that as savings to their customers?
Why is "FREE" in all caps and quotes? Makes me think this is awfully sketchy.
It does not work for delmarva power there rate is the same 24hrs a day.
They've got to be kidding!
How 'bout, You supply me power, and I'll use it how and when I want to!
6:01 your unneccesary greediness, will hurt the others of the co-op.
This is a great device and I appreciate any way that can help me and any of my co-op members save money. These times are far too tough to be over indulgent in any way.
Thank you Choptank. I don't mind in the least trying to adhere to the beat the peak.
cfl bulbs? another great scam, note: if you break one your house has now become a toxic waste site! Im not kidding, look it up!
anonymous 12:00, there's not enough mercury in the lamp for it to be toxic. Now if you had a hundred of them and you broke them all at one time, that's different.
That kind of thinking is why this country is in such bad shape today.They will supply the power but then will have to listen to you whine about the high prices.
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