David Icke is an excellent New Age author who explains very well the history of, and the nature of, Zionism - the political movement of the Rothschild Dynasty. He distinguishes Zionism from Jewish Race so the reader can gain a fair understanding of how Zionism uses the attack angle of "racism" whenever it is under seige. Most people are hesitant to discuss Zionism publicly because the Zionists have falsely identified their political enemies as "racists".
Count your blessings that we have the First Amendment and you're free to post schlock like this. What garbage that picture is!
David Ickes is clearly nuts. Just read the Wikipiedia entry on him. As it says, "At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood are manipulating humanity in order to form a global fascist state, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie."
If you want to link to something from a guy who believes reptilian humanoids are conspiring to enslave us, that's your business, I guess.
The picture probably tempted you to read the linked article.
Wikipedia is quite unreliable. But that's not the point.
Allow the article here to stand on its own merit.
There has been some great discussion on this blog about Zionism and its meaning. The post is intended to contribute towards that discussion. This article details the nature of Zionism and its history.
Perhaps you have some thoughts about Zionism?
Dees Illustrations - his art is fabulous!
This is real political satire art.
I take pride in who I am. Always have, always will. I've worked hard my whole life and have never taken anyone's charity, and I'm not about to start now, no matter what. I'm telling you, there's no way I'm going to sit back and let some black president of the United States try to devise a structure to help me pay for the dialysis treatment I so desperately need to survive.
Not over my dead body.
Just who does this Afro-American occupant of the highest office in the land think he is, anyway? Look, I've got nothing against black people, but some of them act like the whole world owes them something. For example, important government subsidies on my dialysis.
You know, I don't recall asking for some black commander in chief to embrace protections that would prohibit insurance companies from dropping my coverage on a whim and operating as if my continued existence on earth were nothing more than a strategic liability. Plus, if I go along with this progressive health-benefits scheme, he'll probably hold it over my head every time I receive vital care with the aid of the government to which I already pay taxes.
Sorry. I've got too much self-respect for that.
Obama needs to know that there's still one American willing to watch his body drown in its own deadly internal toxins rather than have long-overdue reform crammed down his throat.
Fact is, nobody wants some too-big-for-his-britches black president butting in to suggest that everyone, including me, needs to be treated with dignity. Yet this Obama thinks he can just waltz in and and tinker with a health care system that destroys people like myself every single day.
Can you imagine what'd it be like if he weren't just half black?
Seriously, when Obama's done drumming up support for legislation that might allow me to see my daughter graduate from college and prevent me from dying before my 50th birthday, what's next on the agenda? Will he try to keep my life's savings from evaporating in a stock market that operates free of serious governmental oversight? Is there any aspect of capitalism run amok that this guy won't tamper with? Really, Obama, thanks but no thanks. The last person I need help from is some black leader of the federal government in a position to perhaps improve my quality of life.
The worst part is that I'll have to put up with this guy being a black president for at least three more years. I guess all I can do is try to hold out for the 2012 election. Maybe then we'll get a white president back in office. Maybe he'll have the common decency to let me suffer in peace
I am speechless. I simply cannot believe you thought all of that, much less actually wrote it!
Next time click the "anonymous" button. It is made for people who have comments like yours.
Is the Bible part of this false conspiracy theory?
Zionism, at its core, is the belief that Israel will and should be restored to the the boundaries set by God in the Biblical book of Genesis. If Israel hadn't given up some of the land they won when they kicked their Muslim attacker's asses in 1967, that would pretty much be a reality today. So, I guess God is part of wacko Icke's crazy theory? We should have the good sense to laugh at wackos like Ickes and Wymzie!
Now Mr. Nobel peace prize is going to step up the troops in Afganistan and get the job done lmao
He needs to cut off the biggest funding to terrorists and napalm all those poppy fields. I guess cutting off the herion would upset some mafia people right here and might get upset and try and have him bumped off.
He's got no stones. Wanna cut off herion, cut it off at it's source.
Don't waste time feeling sorry for "poor red neck" Dan Laird. He is actually supporting Mr. Obama with a well written bit of satire mocking the president's critics.
I apprehend, that while humorous, it doesn't reflect accurately on those exercising their constitutional right to criticize this or any president's agenda. Outside of some hard core racists, I don't think anyone really cares what color president is as long as he is leading us in the proper direction. So, I find Dan's well written piece of satire funny but totally irrelevant since it labels anyone who legitimately disagrees with Obama's agenda as being a racist. Come on, Dan! Someone who can disguise motive and write believable satire is surely smart enough to propose a better argument!
5:34 Boo freakin hoo. You are a white racist that's typical of the area. Your white founders brought our Black ancestors to this country under the most inhuman circumstances for pure greed. You think Hitler was a monster. Well that's what we think of washington and jefferson and Lee....they were our Hitlers.
So now with God on our side we have risen from the ashes to have a Black president and those you chained oppressed and denied civil rights for so long are not your slaves anymore but will set laws to be fair to all not just rich white predators. Choke on it you racist monster
Idiots of the world unite. Drive the few sane people out and you will have a home in Salisbury.
9:07 I laugh in your face at your rantings ! You are the racist here how about a little history lesson . It was your ancestors who made slaves of your own people like they still do today and sold them to the highest bidder which happened to be Jewish owned companies . Yes white farmers bought them but white people also freed them directly from the church s urging the same church Obama who has NO slave blood is trying to destroy consider yourself smarter from this history lesson !
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