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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why Bush Didn't Win Nobel Peace Prize - Bush At UN


NOT intended for those under 18 years of age.

This video has cursing in it.



Anonymous said...

NOW that IS funny.

Anonymous said...

Thats how its done.

Anonymous said...

If only we could find a president that had the balls.

Anonymous said...

too bad Liarton can't talk to Chiefy like this

jefferson said...

Funny Stuff! But the real reason Bush did not win the Nobel prize is he started (whether correctly or not. I have to say I miss the guy

Anonymous said...

With Bush and Cheney we had strong competent men in charge. With this man-child muslim protector and poor Biden, the weak spineless defend us. Heaven help us.

Anonymous said...

I wish Bush was my president. He kept us safe from domestic terrorism for eight years. With Major Hasan's massacre last week, Obama has already failed in this regard. It appears that apologizing for America, kissing up to power Muslim leaders and increasing political correctness doesn't keep us safe here at home. We've been hit here again, my friends. Yet another Obama failure. How many days until Obama leaves office? I am beginning to count.

Anonymous said...

How can Obama be blamed for everything that went on before he was elected? There is a reason people make fun of the farmers on the shore. Each time you open your mouth it shows your ignorance.

I didn't vote for Obama but I also don't blame him for everything under the sun. Grow up people!

Anonymous said...

4:05 You ask, "How can Obama be blamed for everything that went on before he was elected?" O.K. I cannot hold back any longer: Idiot, Hasan shot the American soldiers last week, when Obama was in office!

Since Obama has been in office, he has created and fostered a global culture that questions America's motives and activities all over the world: We are the exploiters! We are the torturers! We are the polluters! Hasan was simply following the lead of his psychotic president!

Take off your blindfolds.

Anonymous said...


Hahahahaha, are you serious? Did you start drinking to early? We are the torturers because of the policies that Cheney put in place. We are the exploiters because people believe we started an unjust war for oil. I am sorry and don't usually resort to this, but you sir/madam are an IDIOT. You are everything that is wrong with the right. You have no right to call anyone an idiot, with the crap that comes out of your mouth.