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Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Public comments made at the Salisbury City Council’s meeting last night were almost entirely about crime in Salisbury that continues to skyrocket following this year’s election. Some folks asked, and others implied, that Allan Webster should be summarily dismissed as the Police Chief. Not only is he ineffective in fighting crime, for months now he has (figuratively) fiddled while Rome burns.

Beginning in the final throes of Barrie Tilghman’s reign of horror, and thereafter continuing, on his days in town Chiefy has devoted inordinate time to “investigating” the whereabouts of a surveillance tape that, according to his story, the SPD made and gave to someone in 1998 but did not know was “missing” until this year. Ridiculous, to be sure, but that’s the way it goes.

Could it be that Chiefy wants a spot on that “Cold Case” show? In any event, Salisbury’s rapidly growing gang activity and soaring violent crime will have to await his undivided attention until that tape is recovered.

Webster’s latest lawsuit and his posturing in the local mainstream media about the “missing” tape and his conduct – -- is undermining a police force that, despite being undermanned (once again), is generally capable. Morale having already dropped, look for even greater attrition of personnel from the police force. The longer Chiefy remains its “leader,” the worse, and harder to restore, it will become.

Webster is a clear and present danger to public safety in Salisbury, and he should be dismissed now. Make that “must be.”

Mayor Ireton: just do it!


Anonymous said...

Apparently not.

Anonymous said...

Ireton only wants to do positive things. He hasn't got the balls to stand up to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Our incompentent police chief will be the burning issue in the next CC election. Bubba and Louweasal will be dumped in a landslide. If it helps to get rid of them, lets put up with Webster a little longer. Jim is certainly creating the paper trail to dismiss him as soon as he gets a CC that will back him on it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you chuck.

Anonymous said...


If Jim-Beau would fire Webster do you really think that the 3 stooges on the the City Council would overrule him? Two of them (Bubba and the Weasel) have to run again in 2011 and will have enough baggage with higher water and sewer rates, and probably a major tax increase next year.

Anonymous said...

i think its time for national attention. our city is under seige. the council, mayor firedept and city police cheif could care less. our police officers, county and city are stressed and overworked when they are working. it's call after call after call. what is the solution to these problems. We need leaders that actually care about the citizen and not just getting a paycheck. i think in the beginning ireton had every intention of changing things around here. but somewhere along the line things have changed. he needs to man up and do something about all this. IRETON THIS IS YOUR CITY NOW!!! he needs to go back to the campaign ireton and fire those whore are incompetent and let the pieces fall where they may. let the scandals soar let it all happen, but find reliable honest good people to fill the positions.

Anonymous said...

All the cities are under seige. The whole damn country is slipping further and further into the abyss everyday. I never thought the enemies would come from within.

Anonymous said...

Council should take Pogo's comment to heart,"We has seen the enemy and it is us."

Quit bickering and whining. Quit spending a dime to save a nickel.

Get together. Give the Chief his orders,"Clean up crime or pack your bags."

Anonymous said...

We simply aren't outraged enough yet to get real change.

Anonymous said...


Chiefy Webster has noe had more than enough time (about 10 years) to "clean up crime"?

It's time for Ireton to tell him to "pack your bags" and kill the cash cow that he got from Barrie Tilghman.

Anonymous said...

Chiefy has got to be fired ASAP!