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Monday, November 02, 2009

O’Malley Continues to Spend Maryland Into the Poorhouse

While claiming to have “saved” 14,000 jobs, thanks to the Obama PORKULUS, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley continues to spend the once-Free State into the proverbial poorhouse.  O’Malley, like his leftist pals in DC, hope to pull the wool over our eyes.  There is no such thing as a “saved job”.  Jobs are either created, or lost.  In Maryland, we have seen over 25,000 jobs lost since February.

While trying to persuade Marylanders that excessive and wasteful government spending is “saving” jobs, O’Malley continues to head down the path of fiscal destruction.  Money continues to be spent on projects such as taking property off of the tax rolls.

Has anyone in Annapolis bothered to ask what will happen when Federal money dries up?


Anonymous said...

I enjoy the debates on this forum but your opinion pieces would be much more effective if you included some hard facts. Otherwise these just seem like random rants.

Anonymous said...

In my business, I was about to lay off one of my employees. Now that I received some stimulus-funded work, I can keep him on through next year sometime. By then, the economy will hopefully have picked up.

What do you call that, if not a "saved job?"

joealbero said...

anonymous 7:57, you're so full of crap! Dems in CYA Mode.

Anonymous said...

The state recently purchased property in Dorchester County to the tune of $3 million dollars while I and thousands of Marylanders are currently unemployed. O'Malley is such a loser,he should be made to take a cut in pay as well. I'd like to thank the idiots that voted for him.

Alex said...

Why is 7:57 full of crap? How is it not a saved job?

Concerned Retiree said...

Does this not remind you of California yet and how they got into their money problems over the years? Federal money handed out, excessive State spending and Politians not being fisical conservative in this time of economic turmoil. Politians should have to take pay cuts since they force the Tax Payer. The ratio should be, if they make 4x the Tax Payers salary then their pay reduction should be 4x what they force on the Tax Payer. This would force them to be fisical responsible. Until then I stand by my observation of Politians being White collar criminals that illegally steal from the Tax Payer. I say illegally steal because they make the laws that authorize them to steal legally.

Anonymous said...

Joe, what has O'Malley done for state employees. All of us are getting ready for another "temporary" pay reduction to the tune of 4%. the state police is driving around in patrol cars with 200k miles on them spending thousands of dollars to repair them instead of buying new. All of this and the school board are getting raises.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget the MD Judges.

The Circuit Judges set appointments to make appointments but don't show up for their appointments thus costing a fortune in States Atty's, Defense Atty's, clerks, etc. salaries (our tax dollars), plus I'm sure the judge still gets paid, plus a "sitting judge" who won't do anything. How come they don't take a look at that pork?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, how is 7:57 full of crap? That doesn't make any sense. How are jobs ONLY either "created" or "lost"...what about jobs that remain--you might not classify them as "saved" but they certainly aren't in the category of "created" or "lost".

Rather than saying 7:57 is "full of crap", how about you support your statement?

Anonymous said...

If "A" job was saved how much did it cost the taxpayer. I believe I heard on the news that it cost taxpayers 1,000,000 for every job saved or created by the stimulus. At this price I believe all would have been better off without the job.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess was that Fox News?

Anonymous said...

Hey was the associated press idiot! and it is just a fact plain and simple.
Are you crying like a little 4 year old girl regarding fox news like the pesident and his staff do. Liberals can never take the heat but they sure like to dish it out. bunch of cry babies...grow a pair and accept the truth sometimes!

Anonymous said...

The only ones in Annapolis who I have heard ask , 'What happens after federal money dries up?' are those who have very little power to make a difference.

This is a question that needs to be asked to everyone who is up for re-election in 2010(which in Maryland is everyone) as well as those running for office.

Then vote for the one who gives you the answer you want to hear.

To me the only answer to keep present spending and services is to raise taxes. Vote for those who answer, let's eliminate waste. I'm sure there is plenty of it still out there.

Anonymous said...

Gee maybe the state can file for bankrupcy and get the feds to bail them out! They are all of the same mind set 'Not our money and the average tax payer has plenty to give us'!!

Anonymous said...

Looking good gov.

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 0757 (and your cohorts) -
The concept of a "saved job" for the purposes of promoting the PORKULUS is asinine. By your way of thinking every job that isn't lost is somehow a "saved job". It cannot be empirically proven.

This is typical left wing foolishness. It's about "feelings" rather than fact.

The next thing you'll be telling me is that if Obama doesn't spend even more, we won't have anymore "saved jobs".

Anonymous said...

The effectiveness of the stimulus package is definetly up for debate but it seems pretty easy to me to understand that if company/organization A recieves X amount of dollars for a job that provides enough man hours to keep Y amount of employees, you can report Y as the "jobs saved". x/y = cost of each job saved.

I know our current education system is in trouble, but I'm sure most of you can understand this.