Well, boys and girls, today we are letting the fox guard the henhouse.
Tomorrow, the wolves will be herding the sheep!
Obama Appoints two devout Muslims to homeland security posts. Doesn't this make you feel safer already?

Obama and Janet Napolitano Appoint Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development Source for announcement: Homeland Security Press Room. http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2009/06/obama-appointment-arif-ali-khan-asst-secretary-dhs.html

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to announce that the DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council
May GOD bless us! SERIOUSLY!!!
why dont we feel scared when italians are in positions of power. they after all were part of the axis that we fought against in WWII.
So....just because they are Muslims means that you're unsafe? Get a life.
Yes I am saying because they are Muslim they should not be allowed to hold the position . When they put their faith above my safety that should make them ineligible . Do you have a problem with that ?
That can be said about any religion.
I think the problem is the position they were put in Homeland Security. Do you people remember the reason we have a dept of homeland security? MUSLIMS. Dou you remember the reason we had a massacre at Ft. Hood? A muslim. I just think the position they were appointed too is the problem.
Remember this oldie but goodie:
It takes a crook to catch one!
Political correctness is fine, right up to the point where it gets you killed.
The bigoted and ignorant idea that just because you are a Muslim means you support terrorism is ridiculous. It's like saying just because you were Catholic (or Irish) in the 1970's or 1980's that you supported the IRA's terrorism.
Just remember, when our strong ally England was undergoing Catholic Irish terrorism in the 1980's we had an Irishman as commander-in-chief. By the logic of the bigots here, Ronald Reagan was a supporter of terrorism because of his nationality.
Better safe than sorry.
10:28 wrote: "The bigoted and ignorant idea that just because you are a Muslim means you support terrorism is ridiculous."
So, where were all the nightly news reports of so-called "moderate" muslims denouncing Hasan's actions? In all of the mainstream media, I don't think I've heard one story about this. I'm sure they are out there, but the moderate muslims have got to start being more vocal about the issue of their more radical elements. Otherwise, they will all be lumped together. The moderate muslims' silence is deafening.
9:59 What other religion are we at war with ? Islam doesn't want to peacefully coexist their purpose is to spread Islam either by peace or the point of a sword and that is right out of their so called Holy book !
I don't understand what all you alleged "Christians" are so afraid of. Isn't the goal of your faith is to get to your heaven asap? So what if you are killed today? You'll be singing hoseannas with the almighty for eternity in the next instant! Stop holding onto material and worldly possessions - if you truly think your religion is the true path, fly to Tehran or Kabul and start preaching on the street! Your brothers in Abraham aren't afraid to die for their religion - why are you?
The IRA was a secret MI6 operation.
Just like Al Qeuda (Al CIA'da) is a secret CIA operation.
You need to become a little more skeptical of the main stream media, with all due respect.
Thank you
I've been paying special attention to the muslim outbreaks all over the world. Recently the Philippines had 46 people slaughtered by muslims. I don't recall ever hearing about a christian radical group or a buddist radical group or a hindu radical group that murders people.
You guys better wake up , I don't trust any muslim. Lock and load people. The islam or muslim religion states that NO religion is correct except for islam and all religions should be put to death. You elected this idiot obama , now do something about it!
Amen , you have it right. muslims should not have a government job period. Muslims should not be in our military. Muslims should not be in out country.muslims should not beeeeeeee
obama is a clown and muslim himself.he needs to be pushed out of office along with the people he has appointed into bogus positions.muslims are a different breed of people and dont need to be here.
@9:44 & 12:14
Spoken like true Conservatard Rethuglicans.
12:10 -- I live in what's called "reality." You're welcome to join me here any time.
12:11 -- As to Hindu violence, look up the Gujurat massacre. There is also a very strong (and often violent) Hindu nationalist movement in India. No Christian radical group that massacres people? The IRA, maybe? The Ulster (Protestant) terrorist squads in Northern Ireland? Or read a little history about the how religious groups killed each other throughout European history.
There is nothing more inherently violent about Islam than there is about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, or any other religion. Some people always pervert religions in order to justify their violence. Only the ignorant think that these heretics are truly representative of the rest of the religion.
The greatest threat to our security is the muslim in chief-hussien osama.
12:39 The fact you have been reduced to childish name calling highlights the fact that you cede the point !
Wow, who knew so many uneducated, ignorant, racist idiots live right here on the Eastern Shore?
This site is rapidly turning into a poor man's freerepublic.com.
Anon 3:00 - It is amazing isn't it? Even my children ask why people on the Eastern Shore think the way they do. Unfortunately, the only answer I have for them is: ignorance.
To all of you politically correct idiots. Who attacked the twin towers,who bombed the Cole, who blew up the Cobalt Towers, who blew up the train in Spain. Maybe it hasn't always been this way, but in todays world virtually all terrorist attacks are commited ny Muslims. We accept Muslims in our military and because of political correctness the Ft Hood massacre occurs. What the hellis it going to take to get your peoples attention, a nuke in Times Square. There comes a time where you just have to be vigilant and say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck., or in this case radical Muslims.
It does not make me feel very warm and fuzzy inside. These two just may go muslim in the near future as the other one just did on a military base of all places.
I think it is kind of funny that the news report states "devout muslim" but you would never see so and so appointed to whatever position, a devout Catholic or whatever religion. What difference does it make what religion they are.
5:57 The people on the Eastern shore think the way they do because they think you should try it !
5:27 sorry you kid has to grow up as ignorant and uneducated as his parent .
They may "go muslim" what does that mean?
Pray to Mecca?
Remember, a devout Catholic ordered the Holocaust. And every German soldier had "God With Us" imprinted on their belt buckle.
Were you happy that your Christian people carried out the Holocaust?
I'm sure you people believe that Jesus (even if he existed) was white and had blue eyes and brown hair.
If Muslims aren't the ones doing the attacking, then we are being lied to in the media. If Muslims are being used as patsies to hide the author of the "terror" - then for what purpose?
The guilty ones are profiteering from the wars against Islam. The Christians and Muslims should REFUSE to fight their wars!
Where are you folks getting your information? The main stream media. And you are repeating their talking points verbatim.
Who owns the media?
Who operates within our federal government in appointed positions of power - and possess dual citizenship?
What foreign government (enemy or ally) benefits MOST from Americans killing Muslims?
Think. Please wake yourselves from this slumber and think.
Seems you are the ignorant one. Islam is NOT a race.
When will people learn that "Muslim" and "radical Islamic fundamentalist" are not the same thing?
Organized religion is the root of all evil.
8:01 Your an idiot ! you judge all the same that makes you not only ignorant but prejudice !
Run religion out of Washington.
This country was founded on religion so where would you be without it ?
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