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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Guess Who's Now Banned From Capitol Christmas Tree!

Forest Service forbids 'religious themes' on 5,000 decorations recognizing holiday

The U.S. Forest Service has banned the name of Jesus from decorations being assembled by children in Arizona for a blue spruce from the state that will become the Capitol Christmas Tree
this year, and a legal firm is challenging the censorship.

"Banning Christmas from the Capitol Christmas tree is just absurd. Christian students shouldn't be discriminated against for expressing their religious beliefs," said Jonathan Scruggs, litigation staff counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund.

"The First Amendment does not allow government officials to exclude schoolchildren's ornaments
for the capitol's Christmas tree merely because they communicate a religious viewpoint," he said yesterday.

The organization has sent a letter to state and federal officials, including Arizona Gov. Janice Brewer, who are supervising the program, calling on them to stop enforcement of the prohibition.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

This is both obsurd and sad!! If they are so worried about offending people who are not Christian, then perhaps they need to not even have the Christmas tree, since the purpose of the Christmas tree is to celebrate Christ!

Anonymous said...

Why do they call it a Christmas Tree then? Is not Christ the purpose of "Christ"mas.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:15 may be onto something. Get rid of it altogether, or let everybody (jewish, islmaic, shinto, taoist, etc) include a piece of their own imaginary friend on the tree.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this crap! It's been slowly going on for years. First the schools traded Christmas parties for "holiday" parties. Stores stopped saying merry christmas. Jesus has been taken out of parades. And now this?! What the hell is going on? If you atheists out there want to be atheist, fine. If you want to be any religion, fine. But Christmas is a valued tradition in this nation, and indeed around the world. Deal with it; no one is throwing acid in your face, cutting off your anatomy, or stringin you up for not celebrating it.

-Independent Obama Supporter

Anonymous said...

You want to know why they're taking Jesus out of everything? It's because they can't stop Jesus from doing his will. So they will spend forever trying to erase him from memories only to bring his people closer to him. Fools

Anonymous said...

I am standing up for my rights. I WANT CHRIST in Christmas. Isn't this the reason for the season?

Anonymous said...


Maybe you should organize a 12/26 event on the mall in DC. Make sure you have banners that quote the part in the Constitution that guarantees your right to have Christ in Christmas.

Oh, wait...

BTW - You will always have Christ in Christmas, because if you don't, it would be called Mas. Why get so worked up about spelling?

Anonymous said...

If they are putting up a tree for a holiday "Christmas" shouldnt the word be with it If not then dont put up the tree. And it this should be it dont have any holiday from any religion out in public. Is this suppose to ease the questions of other faiths. I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK SCREW THE REST

Anonymous said...


In the country that you want back, are there rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling?

Anonymous said...

We have given so much to all that comes to "OUR" land of the free. Only to have them take all they can from us and at our cost. After honoring China with special lighting. I hear they want my CHRIST removed from his BIRTHDAY. MAY I ASK WHAT NEXT? If there is anything left.

Anonymous said...

We're not going to have a Christmas tree this year either. We decided to have an ACORN tree this year thing is we have not decided what we are going to hang from it yet.

Anonymous said...

My grandson stated he need to learn Jewish for the Winter " show....Also he know knows how to sing a Spanish Song..entitled "Holiday in Argentina" also 67 ways to stuff a turkey song....what a moving "Christmas musical for all the other 95% Christian families listening...We couldn't get a number count of all the Stars of David on school walls and stage...Merry Christmas To WHO? all this at the West Ocean city "Blue ribbon" elementary school!

Moon Willow said...

"Christian students shouldn't be discriminated against for expressing their religious beliefs,"

Funny, Christians love to discriminate against any beliefs other than their own. anybody ever heard of the word "coexist"?

Christmas is a holiday hijacked by the Christians from the Pagan Yule, anyway, which celebrated the winter solstice and the return of the sun as the days steadily grow longer. In fact, most Christian celebrations are based on Pagan holidays. Anyone ever wonder why Easter is always a different Sunday every year? It's because Easter is always the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox, and is named for the pagan goddess of fertility, Oestre. That's why Easter symbols are eggs, bunnies and baby lambs---all fertility symbols.

10001110101 said...


Very interesting info.....