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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Parking Violations In The City Of Salisbury

A Salisbury News Reader wirtes in:

"On Aug. 29th 2009 I receive a letter from the MVA stating that I owe a 35 dollars for a citation that happened on may 15th 2009 at 9am. I called all three police branches none of which has my citation number in the system, Salisbury City tells me to call the parking finance dept. Monday morning as their office is closed on the weekend.

So in the mean time I'm searching the Internet for any info on my citation number and nothing is coming up. Monday morning my mother calls the finance dept. with concern to the matter and gets no info other than its a parking ticket, and had it been paid with in the first 30 days it would have been 10 bucks but now that its 4 months old its $35 dollars to the finance dept and 30 bucks to the MVA for something I'm just now hearing about. I then call back to the finance office and ask for a supervisor, i get her voice mail (Jerry Moore).

After explaining my situation on her voice mail a few hours pass and I receive a call back with a response of "weather or someone could have removed your ticket, which we are not responsible for and not our fault" well this isn't my fault either.

Now I'm not saying I wasn't there, I very well could have been but this was 4 months ago I cant remember what I did last week, let alone 4 months ago. I ask "why cant I take this to court," Moore says, "you could have called for a court date which is on the back of the ticket." How can I call for a court date if I didn't receive a ticket. Moore also says "this happens often" well if this has and still happens why not do something about it with the era in life we are in why didn't I receive an email.

How are they so sure that I received my ticket if it wasn't put in my hand? after all I'm the one who has to come up with the money to pay for this not my car. My next move is contact the Mayor since I spoke with the highest supervisor in the finance dept with no help."
Thanks for your time hope this doesn't happen to anyone else but something needs to be done with this situation.

Has this happened to YOU? I'm posting this message as we'd really like to see if this is an ongoing problem, yet there's been no place to voice it, until now.


Anonymous said...

I bet Mayor Ireton won't do a thing about it. Go to the council meeting. Let's see how the witch treats this subject. I also think from now on that no one should give their address out except for what they write down.

Anonymous said...

We all heard this BS before Joe lol. When this person said "How are they so sure that I received my ticket if it wasnt put in my hands?" That statement alone tells me that this person did receive a ticket and wants to complain and try to beat the system. This person must be talking about lot 10, court parking on Calvert st. You parked with out paying, plain and simple. Or you let some one use your vehicle to go to a mettered lot, yet you are still responsable, or you paid but stayed longer than you thought but was too lazy to toss a few more coins. BTW, the mayor isn't going to help you. Did you see the 2 monday nights go? The mayor is only for himself and not the people of Salisbury. Your going to fight this $35 dollar ticket? If you even have a job, your willing to take off a day to fight the system. More than likely, your a high school drop out living on food stamps with a criminal record. Joe, we have a lot of these in Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

The mayor stepped up and shut down Webster. So there.

Anonymous said...

"the era in life we are in why didn't I receive an email."

Do you have your email printed on your car? How are they supposed to send an email???

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. Same thing happened to me, couldn't renew registration on my car until I took care of it. When I went in they didn't have it either, said prob County. They took my money!

They said the ticket was issue off of Riverside Drive, residental area. Don't recall ever being there.

Very strange. Everyone should dig a little deeper on this one.

Thank you for post.

Anonymous said...

I have no sympathy for this loser. Damn, get a parking ticket? pay for the damn thing. Nooooooo, let's just blame the "man" or the "system" instead of taking some personal responsibility. You make me sick.

Anonymous said...

I can sympathize with this post-a few years ago I got something from this parking violation offices saying that I had not paid a parking ticket from over a year earlier. I did remember it but I also remember paying the fine. In cash. It was $2. Guess I should have written a check for the two bucks because they claimed to have no record of it being paid and now it was ended up being a $25 fine. Or they would contact DMV and my license (sp?) would end up being suspended for having an outstanding fine.

Anonymous said...

Oh but dont forget the 30 dollar flag violation fee MVA will assess to this. My son didnt tell me about a ticket he got...a month went by, and I got a notice from MVA stating they wanted 30 bucks to take the flag off the registration. Had to pay it, no way around it. At least you didnt get towed to the tune of 200 bucks or more.

keliheja said...

This happened to my husband over twenty years ago. They suspended his license and no one would take the payment. Every dept. we went to said it wasn't theirs and no one would accept the money. It wasn't until we moved to Florida and he tried to get a license here that we could get some help. It actually took someone from the DMV in Broward County to get it taken care of. We went in person to every agency, several times, and no one could help us up there. Their whole systems is screwy and it always has been.

And who are you all to quickly judge whether someone got the ticket or not? Were you there? How is someone supposed to know whether they got the ticket if the person who put it on the car didn't make sure it stayed on the car. Whose fault is that?

Chimera said...

Parking enforcement in Salisbury is a frickin nightmare.However,you know if you got a ticket most of the time,because alot of places downtown are good for that.

Anonymous said...

It happened to me about 10 years ago in Salisbury, downtown in one of those lots, and I admit I got the ticket but I threw it in the glove box and forgot about it. The next time I parked in one of those lots, several months later, I came back out and my car was gone. I called it in stolen and come to find out it had been towed because of that ticket that I had forgotten all about so I had to pay the towing and the ticket. But hey, it was my fault. I learned to pay the tickets as soon as I get them. Of course, if you didn't see yours you couldn't have known. But you aren't the first one it has happened to. And yeah, the ticket went from like $2 up to like $25.

Anonymous said...

The real question is... Why the hell do we have to pay for parking in the first place? Pay parking is reson enough not to go downtown. It's just another tax. A tax that is not equally or fairly applied.

Anonymous said...

This person is talking to the wrong people. You need to talk with CCU.
If you walk into the MVA in Salisbury, go to your left through the doors like you're headed for the restroom. The first open door on your left is where you need to be going.
They have access to all the parking ticket stuff and you should have a document number for them to look up.
Your document should be from the Central Collection Unit CCU and there would also be a CCU Account Number along with the agency who supposedly wrote the ticket.
If you don't have that, then your story is not true and you've been exposed as a liar.

Anonymous said...

I had an incident recently where I had a parking ticket on my truck from SBY PD, however there was none of my vehicle information on it. I took it to the finance dept and told them why do i have to pay for it when they have no proof of who it wen to. They took the ticket and said I didnt have to pay it. what a waste of time and money.

Anonymous said...

One solution to the problem: mail the ticket to the address at which the vehicle is registered.

Anonymous said...

this crap has been going on forever, I do feel for you and I think something needs to be done, but no one's listening. Just another way for the City to make money. And let me tell you if you piss that parking guy off! he'll wait for your meter to run out. what a shame. I think they need to free up all the street parking and make all the lots with a gate and everyone can pay by the hour. There now take that to your council meeting.

Anonymous said...

Send you an email? Wow. You really thought that one thru.

Anonymous said...

OK, OK, I just have to point out another rediculously funny line from your rant. "My next move is to contact the mayor since I spoke with the highest supervisor in the finance dept with no help.

So let me get this straight, was the supervisor standing on a ladder or was he/she on drugs? And, you spoke to them with no help? Do you normally need help to speak? This is just too funny considering you wanted so many peolpe to read it.

Next time get a 4th grader to proof read please.

Moon Willow said...

9:09: Judge much? You must be a vey mean-spirited person to decide that the poster is a high school dropout with a criminal record living on food stamps. Exactly which part of the post did you glean this from? You're a mean one.

Poster, stop wasting your time and pay the ticket. It's not like you've been charged with murder!

Susan said...

I know the person who posted this; I am the one who suggested he contact Salisbury News Blog. I thought you kind citizens of Salisbury might be able to tell him who to contact. His point was not the ticket; he can’t remember if he was there, he is willing to pay the ticket. It’s the other $55 added on because the “weather or someone” removed the ticket from his truck, the fact that he no longer has the option to defend himself in this matter, the fact that our fair city could give a rat’s bottom about its citizens.

He is not now, or has he ever been, a drug using, welfare abusing, or food stamp using deadbeat. He is a high school grad who has TWO jobs. (9:09 you’re a jerk)

And no, 9:20, his e-mail address is not on the truck, but it is registered and the MVA found him to charge him with more fines.

I hope no one else thinks that they can turn to you citizens of Salisbury for help; most of you are just mean people.

Sorry Joe, just had to rant.

Anonymous said...

Not quite the same situation but around the same time. I got a ticket for leaving my car in the city lot adjacent to market street inn on the day after st patricks day. I got a little sauced and did the responsible thing and cabbed it home. At 8:30 in the morning when I returned I already had a ticket awaiting me. On St Pats day couldn't they give me a slight bit of leeway???

Rob S

Anonymous said...

All these "studies" about how to attract people to downtown and yet the "experts" who participate cannot get it through thier heads that we live in an essentially rural area and it is a royal PIA to park downtown.

Bel Air had the same issue and they built a FREE garage...visit thier downtown's thriving.

Anonymous said...

9:12 said: "So let me get this straight, was the supervisor standing on a ladder or was he/she on drugs? And, you spoke to them with no help? Do you normally need help to speak? This is just too funny considering you wanted so many peolpe to read it.

Next time get a 4th grader to proof read please."

Maybe he should proof read his own blog. Learn how to spell "people" before you use the word

Kelly said...

Anytime a parking ticket is left on a car there is only a 50/50 chance of the owner getting the ticket in order to pay the fine. As many of the comments show.

I think 6:14 had a wonderful ideal of mailing the ticket to the owner.

9:09 Your right Salisbury is full of "high school drop out living on food stamps with a criminal record. Joe, we have a lot of these in Salisbury." And you just proved Salisbury is, also full of jackasses like you.

This guy happens to work for me and has for almost 2 years and is one of my better employees.

Keep thinking the worst out of life and people and that is what you are going to get.

Joe, thanks for letting me have my say in this.