DSP News Release: September 18, 2009
Location: 8000 Block of Portsville Road, Laurel
Date of Occurrence: September 18, 2009
Suspect(s): Ralph Merrill JR, age 52 of Laurel, DE
Resume: On September 18, 2009, members of the Delaware State Police Sussex Drug Unit, Governor’s Task Force, State Police Aviation Section and the Wicomico County Sheriffs Office concluded a one month investigation into a marijuana manufacturing case.
During the course of the investigation, investigators discovered several marijuana plants growing in the 8000 block of Portsville Road in Laurel, DE. The plants were found growing in the backyard of Ralph Merrill JR’s residence. Detectives were able to link the marijuana manufacturing to Merrill.
A total of 16 marijuana plants were found growing with a height of approximately 10 Feet each. These fully mature plants were found to have a combined weight of approximately 84 pounds.
Additional marijuana was located inside the residence along with drug paraphernalia and four firearms. Merrill was charged with manufacturing marijuana, maintaining a dwelling, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Merrill was arrested on the above charges and then released on an unsecured bond.
How do you "manufacture" marijuana? Has this guy cracked the secrets of photosynthesis? If so, he could solve all the famine in the world!
Come on lawmakers, get in touch with the English language and write clear, concise laws.
Those are some nice plants.
They weigh the dirt.
What a waste of evidence.
Geez..I feel so much safer now that this guy has been arrested
While being investigated multiple robberies, rapes, thefts, assults and other HARMFUL crimes continue. Great use of my tax dollars. We all can sleep safe tonight.
What a buzz kill that was.
Thankful they leave us moonshiners alone!
Thats my question-how in hell do you "manufacture" a botanical specimen?
You bunch of potheads get a life. It is against the law a holes. Until you goverment makes it legal then you will have to live with it. Manufacturing includes the growing/cultivating of the substance. Get off the LEOs backs for doing there jobs. NICE JOB PO PO. Keep up the good work. Lock em all up bunch of dirty bastages
Wicomico County Sheriffs office. Mike Lewis is the man. No limits to this man when it comes to fighting crime. Great Job Sheriff Lewis now he is helping to clean up Sussex County.
One month of investigation, and helicopter air time, what a huge waste of money. But, it is job security for law enforcement, and we are paying the bill. However, just try and get a public offical to stand up for decriminalizing it.
All of a sudden, common sense evaporates.
what a joke
Jammed up for the weekend. Now where do I go. Jk
@ 2:40 - Practice your grammer THEN comment. Maybe a puff would clear your head
4:32 Practice your spellnig of GRAMMAR
war on drigs! what a freakin joke! huge waste of resources. but then again look how many people it keeps employed, judges, lawyers probation officers cops jailers need I go on?
meanwhile the illegals are ruining the country and the rich are stealing us blind!
He needs to learn how to prune the plant.
Seeryisly, Practice your spelling of "SPELLNIG."
Has anyone considered the possibility that this man may have Glaucoma & was growing pot for personal medicinal reasons?
It's time for someone who believes this is ridiculous to stand up and say so...how about the legislators who grew up in the '70's and KNOWS how harmless pot is...God put it on earth, and it takes no "manufacturing".
Get some kahoonas, lawmakers. You've GOT to know this is a huge waste of tax money.
thomas you crazy
Thank you!
how can alcohol, cigs and salvia be legal but not pot? i dont understand how people can be so stupid to not realize that its not a bad thing. alcohol kills so many people, makes you unable to drive, and makes you act like a complete ass. same with salvia..you cant even function if you smoke it. so how in the hell can they allow those to be legal and not something that is actually helpful.. i mean really.. how many people do you know that has died from smoking a little herb??
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