Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care
Republicans see a backdoor move toward 'amnesty'
President Obama said this week that his health care plan won't cover illegal immigrants, but argued that's all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage.
He also staked out a position that anyone in the country legally should be covered - a major break with the 1996 welfare reform bill, which limited most federal public assistance programs only to citizens and longtime immigrants.
"Even though I do not believe we can extend coverage to those who are here illegally, I also don't simply believe we can simply ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken," Mr. Obama said Wednesday evening in a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. "That's why I strongly support making sure folks who are here legally have access to affordable, quality health insurance under this plan, just like everybody else.
Mr. Obama added, "If anything, this debate underscores the necessity of passing comprehensive immigration reform and resolving the issue of 12 million undocumented people living and working in this country once and for all."
Republicans said that amounts to an amnesty, calling it a backdoor effort to make sure current illegal immigrants get health care.
GO HERE to read more.
Now Now, be carefull what you say or you will be called a racist.
Obama is an idiot! Anyone who voted for him is an idiot!
The quote of the day..
"It is ironic that the president told the American people that illegal immigrants should not be covered by the health care bill, but now just days later he's talking about letting them in the back door," said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee.
But don't dare call him a liar, right?
Does anyone still believe he is not a liar?
12 million, ???
Gee, I don't see how "slimey bastard" could carry any racial connotation. But for a group of socialists to be upset when someone calls them out as liars and then this comes out, well, you can just imagine how they try to slither back under their rocks.
Obama claims the immigration system is broken?
** How about ENFORCING the existing LAWS and securing the borders.
Obama wants to resolve the issue of the 12 million illegal aliens living here.
**Implement E-Verify, end chain migration, anchor babies, entitlements (food, housing, medical) and sanctuary cities and deport those not self deporting.
Quite simple.
He lied!!!!
Remember the Alamo! Don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes , (you may have to aim a little low , their height is a little less than ours)
Now we know why he REALLY wanted to push for "health care reform."
A back door way to the REAL endgame, "immigration reform" , AKA amnesty.
The illegals have been, and are, the 800 pound gorilla in the room.
Just for sake of argument, what would happen if tomorrow they all were legal and started paying taxes and paying into their health care and social security and everything else us legals do. and live their live here in the US. How would that effect us adversely?
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