Publisher Rick Jenson has called it quits today with the Daily Times and is researching work elsewhere in the Country.
Clearly those who are left are looking for ways out as Gannett continues to make cuts to downsize while Department Heads actually have been receiving bonuses from corporate.
That's right. While the Daily Times completely eliminated the day shift production people, (all of them) they offered some employees the opportunity to stay on with seniority but only offered them jobs if they would work the night shift.
While Gannett forced all of their employees to take one week long furloughs, get this, each and every person working for Gannett filed for unemployment for that one week and got it. So while employees were getting benefits from being forced to take time off, ultimately the Department Heads were getting bonuses because they laid so many people off, Gannett started making a profit and spread the love to a select few.
Now that they're cut by at least 50% and people are working 10 times harder just to keep their job, the upper management is making a nice bonus for every one else's hard work.
Its no wonder Obama doesn't want municipalities to allow one week long furloughs, because they'll qualify for unemployment and instead screw them with pay cuts. At least Gannett let them take a portion of what they had paid into all these years.
Best Wishes to Rick Jensen.
It's only a matter of time. This week as well as last week we picked up a weekly produced by The Daily Times in our driveway. Are they testing the waters on that publication? It's a sign of the time with the internet and blogs.
Have you checked Greg Bassett? I heard he has been on furlough also and not just a week.
Typical. Apparently-no one knows the definition of leadership there. Strategically, it gives you more room to take it all.
A smart one of the bunch... When do the others follow?
Good riddance -- Jensen did nothing to stop the terror of Bassett, Carmean, Susan Parker and allowed Laura D to stay after her hatchet jobs on Terri Cohen and Debbie Campbell.
Did he announce his resignation and will be around a couple weeks, or was today his last day?
From what I understand today was it.
Joe...they are literally taking your name.
Here is a headline from today's online:
Salisbury news: Film society to show 'Henry Poole'
Holy cow, Joe...here's a bunch of them!
# Salisbury news: Police calls for Thursday, Sept. 17
# Salisbury news: Chipman Center receives rehab grant
# Salisbury news: Nutrition director discusses locally grown food
# Salisbury news: Last day to buy tickets for NAACP banquet
# Wicomico County NAACP to hold monthly meeting
# Salisbury news: Molly Hatchet to perform tonight at Break Time; tickets available
well, there ya go Joe. Pick him up for the 1st of the year SBY break-out
I used to wake-up in the morning, turn on the coffee pot and computer. After the computer booted-up I would click onto the Daily Times weblink first before checking the rest of the news -(SBYnews, WBOC).
About a month ago I finally decided to make a switch. I now decided to click onto SBYnews first thing in the morning instead of The Daily Times. I find it more refreshing, satisfying, because SBYnews is flat out a better news source.
I just hope the rest of The Daily Times newsreaders decide to try and make the switch.
SBYnews is just like the old Marlboro commercial;
You get a lot to like with a SBYnews
Come to SBYnews Country
Come to where the flavor is.
I stand corrected. It's my understanding he will be with the Daily Times for about another month and from what I have gathered he is leaving for very honorable reasons. If he'd like to say what they are, that's his decision. However, they're private reasons, all of which I will not discuss but my hat is certainly tipped to him for making such a wise choice.
They'll replace him with another puppet to do Bassetts bidding.
Employees do not pay into unemployment. That is an employer tax they pay SUTA and FUTA along with half the FICA.
The bulk carriers who deliver papers to stores were forced to take steep pay cuts so they basically are working the same hours for less money,and stillpaying out the nose for their gas costs.
When I read about supervisors getting bonuses and the workers getting screwed I thought you were talking about PRMC, my bad.
There comes a point in time when some industries fail. Newspapers are next in line. Next will be dvd's and cd's. In order for these companies to survive they need to adapt which the daily times is not doing.
Eric Shaler could afford to leave his wife just got a $13.000.00 a year raise from the board of ed. And they said there were no raises handed out this year HA HA
If he is so honorable how is it that he allows his employeed - Basset, Seyler, Carment, Parker, and Laura to do the dishonorable things that they do to our city through their biased excuse for reporting? Looks like he still has a few weeks to restore some dignity and common sense before he closes this chapter.
He needs to take his worthless newspaper with him when he leaves.
There is no chance that any story will be reported without a slant. Which makes it opinion and not news. There are still people who would want a daily newspaper (our family included) if it weren't so biased and partisan.
Good riddance to the whole thing.
The Daily Times sucks and Jensen is a worthless piece of crap the man did nothing at the paper ever.
looks like you'll be the only player in town soon joe,congrats to you,just like fox news on the national level your strategy seems to be working,now if you can just get a republican prez and congress back in then everything will be rosy again just like the bush years,oh darn it i forgot it was on HIS charge that we got attacked by terrorists and the economy started its freefall.
It is in poor taste when a company has to lay of employees and force those that are left to do the work of 3 or more but decided to give bonuses to those that probably do nothing more than sit at a computer and talk on the phone. It's a shame that those who actually did all the work in order for managment to earn those bonuses are left out of a financial thank-you. I'm sure this is the way of the corporate world but I will not knowingly contribute to their bonuses while hard working people struggle.
Another paper is needed in Salisbury and I hope they don't employ the same fat a@# girl in accounting who was at the bar a couple of weeks ago complaining about how others look. Let's see how you look when you eventually get your unemployment check.
Wow, so much hate out there! Some of you people are unbelievable.
8:49 You must be an employee who collected one of those bonuses...I wonder if you were working yourself to the bone and was snubbed out of a bonus how would you feel? Sounds like maye you were one of Jensen's puppets.
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