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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Scenes From The Americana Hotel

Salisbury News provides the first images from the Americana Hotel CO evacuation this morning in Ocean City. Yes, we're everywhere.

There were only 2 patients taken to the Hospital. Most were treated on the scene. Due to a fast response and immediate evacuation the exposure was limited to fewer cases than estimated.

Crews are still on the scene ventilating. The original call was for sick subjects. They pulled the alarm as soon as they were on site to start the evacuation.



Anonymous said...

OCFD Has come a long way, great responce including mutial aid. The original call was quickly upgraded.

Anonymous said...

I bet its blown completly out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

First of all..Blown completly out of proportion! Are you insane CO is a serious problem. They had high readings of CO on all floors there are 94 rooms in this hotel that had to be evacuated. You are an a$$! until you are there doing their job you need to shut you trap.