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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Democrat Hoyer Calls Public Debate “un-American”

ANNAPOLIS— In a time of vigorous and necessary public debate on the government takeover of our health care system, the Republican Party of Maryland (MDGOP) denounces statements made by Democrat Steny Hoyer, U.S. House of Representatives Majority Leader and Maryland’s own Democrat Congressman. In an Op-Ed essay published by USA TODAY, Hoyer, joined by the Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, called the vocal views expressed by concerned citizens “simply un-American.”
“When did being American become so un-American and when did the Democrat Party become so intolerant of democracy and debate?” asked Dr. Jim Pelura, Chairman of the MDGOP.
Maryland citizens from all walks of life, who have been attending Town Hall meetings, are visibly upset. They have been speaking out on what they feel is a huge government takeover of their bodies and lives.
“What we’ve seen is that these citizens are not un-American, as Congressman Hoyer states, they are simply better informed about HR bill 3200 than their Democrat legislators,” said Pelura. “And they are seriously concerned about being shut out of the loop on this very important issue.” Other Democrats and their special interest allies have joined Congressman Steny Hoyer in trying to stifle dissent.
* Democrat Speaker Pelosi accused opponents of government run health care “of carrying swastikas.”
* The White House has established a snitch site on the Web which states, “If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy…” send them the information. (Update…Early this week, the White House has removed this website…in response to pressure from outraged citizens.)
* The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is sending members to events to “if necessary, out-shout opponents of government run health care.” Already, a member of this union has been arrested for beating a voter handing out “Don’t Tread On Me Flags.”

“The Democrats must stop the threats and allow for civil debate on this issue,” said Pelura


Anonymous said...

When are you guys going to start calling the Democratic party, the Democratic party, and not the Democrat party? Grow up please.


Anonymous said...

Remember when the Democraps were crying that if you disagree with the Bush administration you were called un American. What a bunch of cry baby hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

it is the democrat party, NOT the democratic party.......

Anonymous said...

At least the current administration hasn't outed any CIA operatives for disagreeing with them.

Anonymous said...

1:37, the difference is that valid criticism against going to war in Iraq was being call "unamerican". Shouting false rumors about death panels and euthansia is not fair and objecive debate.

Joe and the rest of you loonies on the right (or left): nobody is calling constructive criticism of the plan "unAmerican". It is you guys comparing the effort to Hitler and Stalin thats the problem. You forgot the key word in U.S.A. is united. Since when have we come to the point that just because you and I have a different idea, we are no longer united; it is you against me and I can slander you anyway I want in order to get my way.

Civilized debate = I introduce facts to support + you introduce a factual rebuttalas well as your own ideas. There are alot of people doing this right now but their voices are drowned out by the screamers from both sides.

Anonymous said...

The last Administration didn't oust any CIA agents either !

Anonymous said...

Its time to vote Steny out of office
he is a pompous arrogant bast%$3@

Anonymous said...

If democrats could convict Lewis Libby for making false statements about a crime that has been proven he never committed what will happen to us after Obama care is passed. nice try on changing the subject though

Anonymous said...

We owe a debt of gratitude to these Democrats. I can think of no better way to unite the Republican party. In the process I expect they will also infuriate a good many independents and some sane Democrats.
"All that is necessary for Republicans to triumph is to let the Democrat leadership continue to speak"

Anonymous said...


But by then, the damage to our country might be too late to fix. I feel like the government is way out of control and only going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

amen 3:03
The more they say, the worse for the dems

Orsonwells said...

2:21, When the government charges hard and tries to run through bogus legislation (for the third time) and we as American Citizens finally catch the culprits and stand up and say STOP, YOU BA$+&#DS!, this does not represent any unamerican value. This is us doing what we must do by our duty to the Constitution of the united States of America.

Anonymous said...

Call me a Tea-Bagger or Astro-Turf, anything your heart desires. The Far Left must be driven back. The Obama Health Care Fiasco is a Circus at best. It is all about control and money. He doesn't give a S&*t about our health,This person is buying VOTES.
Mr Obama, my vote is not for sale.

Anonymous said...

When the argument is fabricated, death panels, killing grandma, access to your bank accounts. All lies, you lose the debate. No solutions just scare tactics.

Anonymous said...

And when Obama tells us that he can cut costs, improve quality, and expand coverage and you believe him, I have to ask: "What color is the sky in the world you live in."

Orsonwells said...

9:35, you lose the debate for not reading the bill. I have read the bill and found the "Death Panel, rationing care, killing grandma, and access to bank accounts".
If you have not found these items in the bill, then you are advocating passing it without knowing what is in it.

Anonymous said...

9:35 What a weak statement, Do you have proof these statements are lies ? They're true if they weren't the dems would come out and point to a page number to their bill and say read it yourself but they can't. This is a despicable bill and anyone who supports it is a socialist. It's funny how the Canadian health care system is failing and are looking at our system for ideas while the dems are getting ready to destroy it. You lost the debate by not backing up your stupid statement !

Anonymous said...

Apparently, it's not un American for 2 "new" black panthers to stand outside a philly polling place with billie clubs, an act that was tolerated by the district super, and from which charges stemmed. They didn't appear in court, were found GUILTY of voter intimidation since they failed to appear to defend themselves. The present DOJ's second in command (I believe)has cleared ALL CHARGES.
Apparently, this is very American.

Anonymous said...

Steny's position is EXACTLY where Pelosi was, just 2 short years ago.

Bob said...

Did anyone know that Salisbury made National radio news yesterday? It would appear that someone named only as "Patrick" sent an e-mail to WBOC expressing his displeasure that BOC wasn't adequately covering the people who are opposed to "Obamacare". The following day Patrick received an e-mail from the WHITE HOUSE which attemted to sell him on the proposed healthcare plan. He had never sent any correspondence to the Whitehouse and he states that the Whitehouse would have no way of knowing of his opposition to the plan had BOC not forwarded the e-mail to them. It looks like the "give up your neightbor" plan of Obamas is still in full force.

Anonymous said...

8:43 yes I heard it on the radio and now I'm never watching WBOC again.