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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Would YOU Like To Contact President Obama?

Well, here's his address. .


Anonymous said...

What would be the point? He says he wants dialogue but he does what he wants anyway.
Just look at time leading up to the porkulous bill being passed. He asked the Republicans in to the white house for their ideas, and then summarily ignored them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I am sure his direct email starts with "info". DUHHHHHHHHHH LOL

Tim Chaney said...

I sent him an email right before he started talking about bailing out private corporations. That was five months ago.

I never even got an e-mail reply. When ever I have contacted the Whitehouse or senators and congressmen in the past at least I got written documentaion acknowledging my concerns whether they agreed ot not.

I even got certfied documentation when I contacted MDE about sewage overflows and other pollution, sludge pit etc.

I don't really need government stationary, it's not like I collect it, an email reply would work just fine, save the trees.

Anonymous said...

Websters e-mail address!