
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Friday, July 24, 2009

Salisbury Police Officers Being Shot At In Vehicles

A Salisbury Police Officer was shot at Wednesday night while patrolling Church Street in his vehicle. The thugs were in between two homes and shot at the Police car striking it. By the time the Officer turned around they had run off.

Mayor Ireton was made aware of this information yesterday morning but not a word of it has come out to the Press. Why, well, go figure! Looks like Mayor Ireton is quickly covering up the TRUTH and acting more like the former Mayor every day.

However, rather than the former Mayor being in control of her Department Heads, this time the Department Heads are in control of the Mayor. Follow up0 on this story MSM. Go out there and demand to take shots of the Police Vehicle with a bullet hole in it.

Yeah, we need more Firefighter and not Police Officers. If Webster had the stones he'd ask for 12 new Officers and accept 6 at a time. However, when you only ask for a couple per year and get them, well, you know where I'm going with this. Stop spending money on the Fire Department and get additional Police Officers. We don't need to have our Officer being shot at while simply patrolling the streets of Salisbury.

I checked with Council Members and they were NOT aware of this shooting either. We were also informed that things had gotten so bad in Salisbury earlier this week that the SPD had allegedly called the Sheriff's Department and the Fruitland Police to handle calls. You know how the Chief and 3rd floor employees don't work overtime.


Anonymous said...

New Administration = Same BS.
Ireton needs to be a man and tell us everything.

Anonymous said...

What does it take to get this mayor (with no balls) and this council (with no backbone) to realize that the police department is severely in need of at least 20 new positions and more money to keep experienced officers? The shooting at a police car is merely the beginning! Most of the SPD officers are hardworking and eager to help. But morale is down and crime is up.
Jim, step up to the plate and help us or step aside for someone who will fight for us. Let's not sugarcoat this situation. One of these thugs tried to KILL one of our officers. Live up to your campaign promises. I do believe your campaign slogan was "HELP IS ON THE WAY"! Were you referring to yourself or the mayor to follow you? We want our city back!

Anonymous said...

Not to worry!

Jim-Beau is doing a poll on our concerns about crime.

"Help is on the way" -- NOT.

Anonymous said...

8:49 --

And most of us "want our vote back".

Anonymous said...

I believe there are 8 SPD officer trainees in the academy right now. however, how many will actually make it or stay?

Anonymous said...

It will take one of us getting killed before the city acts. 12 isnt going to do it. the dept needs to DOUBLE in size to crush the tide of crime.

Anonymous said...

They don't work overtime because they don't have it! From what I understand, they can earn comp time, but who needs/wants comp time when you can just take off whenever you want?


Apparently there is no comradery over at SPD, or at least amoung Superiors and their subordinates.

I can tell you this much, if ANYTHING happens to me or my family due to Webster's neglect of crime prevention, you can bet that I'm marching my ass right down to the station and good ole Webster is going to wish that he had done something about it!

AND yes this is a THREAT! Actually more like a promise! Maybe Webster should live in fear to know what its like for the rest of Salisbury's residents...oh wait that's right, he's not a Salisbury resident, or even a Wicomico resident for that matter!


Anonymous said...

I said it before the election on this site Ireton does not have the balls for the job. I also it would only be a short time before Joe would be on him like stink on a skunk. Joe I read your blog every day and enjoy most of it but since the election it has became very boring. Have you mellowed out.

Anonymous said...

It's not the Mayors responsibility nor the publics if someone shoots at a cop. It's the Chief's.

Chiefy must ensure the safety of his officers. If he can't or decides not to, they'll take matters into their own hands and the public will get screwed.

Get out of the car, Chief. Put on a uniform. Get on to the streets. Protect your people and the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:02- Mayor Ireton's poll is very heavy on questions such as " What does the COMMUNITY need to do about law enforcement".
Granted, law enforcement benefits from active communities,but the push has to come from SPD.

Anonymous said...

Maybe there is a reason Ireton didn't release this information. Was he the one suppose to? Maybe by releasing the information you jepordize the investigation.
I don't know but I think that suddenly jumping on the new mayor and accusing him of being like the last nightmayor is too soon.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I did something stupid today....I went to JT's blog... I know, I know, I should be ashamed of myself, but it's just soooo tempting to go watch him waste his life away on his hatred for Joe! LOL

Regardless, I did see something interesting on there-the YTD crime stats newsletter for salisbury!

Crime Newsletter

Now here's the catch...Dumbass JT seems to think that crime is down too because we are half way through the year and things, like prostitution, are down 50% from last year. Can anybody see his mistake here? Its down 50% because we are only 50% of the way through 2009!!!

What about Rape? its currently up 25%! At the rate its going we are looking at 20 rapes in 2009-that's a 150% increase from 2008! Looks like burglary is going to clock in around 700 this year! That will be over a 100% increase over 2008!

No crime in Salisbury? Crime is on the decline? YOU HAVE LOST YOUR FLIPPIN' MINDS!!! There is absolutely proof in the numbers to indicate such and the best part about it is that we know that not all of the crime in salisbury is properly reported so it's actually worse!!!



Anonymous said...

Okay, here's a question...on the SPD calls for service, the only firearms incident on Wednesday night in Church Street is called "UNFOUNDED". Why? If an officer was shot at, why would they note UNFOUNDED as the incident disposition? Is it a coverup? Has anybody seen the damage to the car? If so, then we need to get on SPD about THEIR reporting as well.

Tim Chaney said...

I have been saying this for a long while now. I don't want to have to mourn a fallen officer Damnit!

Crime was the big issue of the election. I saw Officer Rich Weber walking a beat and thanked him.

They are working with what they have to work with, we need those 12 new officers bad.

Anonymous said...

The eight in training are filling vacant spots. They are NOT new positions.

Tim Chaney said...

Yes we need to fill the eight AND add 12 more. I believe that would make 100.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is ever going to change with simple words, its just not going to happen. Salisbury is like a little micro-cosim of the rest of the nation, we are in the fight of our lives already, we are at war for our nations survival. Words dont work anymore.

Anonymous said...

Grrrrreat....Salisbury police officers being shot at while patrolling....Delmar will learn of this and they will stop ALL patrolling of the town!
They hardly do it now...this will scare them even more and now they'll hide down in the PD building even more now!
Good going Webster! You're not only affecting YOUR police force but you are affected others as well.
Are you and Delmar's Chief brothers, the actions are similar.

Anonymous said...

Cohen and Campbell supported going after 8 new ones from the stimulus package, even though Webster asked for less. Why less? And why are there that many vacant spots again???

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me how Chief Webster wearing a uniform is going to stop crime. The people in Salisbury should be a shame of themselves. Poor voter turn out at the elections. results in what you have representing you now. You have allowed one department to become a show place and let the core of your city go. Now you complain about what you are having now. The worst is yet to come. If you get on the mayor to bad..he might do what he did as a council member. Leave... Poor Salisbury.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

First of all crime is not the fault of the mayor, council or police chief. Try placing blame on the CRIMINALS! Of course there is no question that something needs to be done to help fight crime but placing blame on anyone but the criminals is ridiculous. And as for the Mayor how can you expect one man to change things over night? We all know the mess he "assumed" and MUST give him the chance to clean it up. Bashing him immediately (after you so strongly supported him) for not doing exactly what you want or handling things as you would Joe doesn't help anything. Everyone should lighten up and try brainstorming on ideas to help take our city back from these useless criminals.

joealbero said...

anonymous 11:08,

Look, I like Jim, everyone knows that. However, Jim knew exactly what he was walking into before he took the job and quite frankly I do understand that Jim has to make things work while he is in the process of change. However, do NOT come here and tell me that he did NOT say he would reevaluate every department head as soon as he became Mayor.

He has NOT fulfilled his promise and quite frankly citizens are pissed off. It's not what "Joe wants" it's more about what Jim promissed. Think about that one for a little while.

Chimera said...

Blame the criminals,sure but blame the city too.The criminals know they do not have to fear the SPD and that is dangerous.Get a proactive chief in office and get some offiers hired and start going into the streets.

Anonymous said...

I want all of you to think about this : We don't need more officers,
they need to react to the crimes.
We don't need officers restricted to what they can do and what they can't do. If you run from the police , you need to be tased or
get the hell beat out of you. It's not just Salisbury , it's everywhere. Look at the news. An
officer is afraid to react to situations like he should.
Yesterday I saw a man take a pistol from the Walmart(BB pistol)
and stick it down his pants and beat feet.I told the lady who opened the case and she went hunting for him. I hope she called security or the police , the gun looks like a 45 or 9 mm.
I think they got him on camera.

Anonymous said...

How do you know he is not reevaluating dept heads? He can't fire Chiefy just because Joe Albero says so. While i respect you and all you do to keep us informed (which you do very well) I just don't think turning this back into a Mayor bashing blog is useful. I am sure Mayor Ireton wants to make sure all of his moves are warrented and done in the corerct fashion. I will certainly take you advice and think about "Jim not fulfilling his promise" and then I will say to myself.....he isn't superman or Houdini so I will give him a little more time then decide if I wan't my vote back. Running this mess of a city has to be a difficult job and I believe he needs the chance to prove himself just as we would want others to do if we were in his situation.

joealbero said...

anonymous 2:17, I thank you for your comment but herhaps, (with all due respect) you need to look at every one's comments. It's NOT just what Joe Alberoi wants and or what Joe Albero would do. It's what the PEOPLE/TAXPAYERS want.

Anonymous said...

ok ok Joe....I did read the comments and was simply stating my opinion as they did theirs. I was only referring to you directly since your opinion and your blog seem to carry a lot of weight and acquire many "followers" who may not always think on their own. I don't disagree that the Chief STINKS and needs to go but for now will agree to disagree on the Mayor issue and just hope in a few months I'm right.

Anonymous said...

No one to blame here but the president. This act occured the same night Ohbama put targets on the backs of every police officer in America. Is it any wonder when the leader of our nation makes an inflamatory statement of the magnitude that he did. With no idea of the possible conflict it could cause on the streets accross this country.

This is a dangerous man that could implode our strained relationship with the communities in which the police deal daily.

To the thug that fired the shot I hope they hunt you down like the dog that you are. I hope your family has to face the stress and anguish this officers family will deal with over this incident. The police need to saturate that neighborhood and shake down every street corner thug until they give this punk up. This is not this punks first rodeo i am sure of that. I am sure he is preying on those who live around him.

This city needs a cleansing of thugs and criminals. The police you work by the sweat of their brows and work three times harder to lock any and all violators in that area. Who give crap what color they are. Send a loud and clear message this behavior will bring heat to all thugs. it wont take long when you disrupt their drug business to give the little turd up. The area law enforcement leaders need to unite the effort and target the area for at least two weeks. Non stop highly proactive patrol. I guess this makes me somewhat of a racist. I hate all crimnals.

Anonymous said...

doesnt matter if ya lock em up the courts just let em go...i say fill the prison with what it gets a litle nasty in there with bunk em...sleep them 3 to a real tall walls and just toss some food over the side...the survival of the fittest will thin alot of em out...make it somewhere they dont want to go

Unknown said...

I pack heat when I go into salisbury. F*** it, Im not going to be a target and a news story. I seen how the judges go easy on criminals and with me defending myself with a 45, well,,,,,we will see.

Anonymous said...

heres the $100,000,000.00 ?

why is the SPD more concerned with college parties?

Bottom line is they need to get their priorities straight!

its always quoted the population is 30,000...when we know the daily population is probally around 100K...spd doesn't need 12 officers


citygoer said...

Crime in Salisbury has far deeper roots that most can fathom. Low pay scale, high poverty levels, few life/family supporting jobs, lack of work ethic among the locals, education/graduate levels that are subpar, few activities for young ppl, high gang/drug activities and an overall backwards way of doing things. The area is run by good ol boy rednecks who like their big firemen toys and drink the shore kool-aid while making sure their personal agenda is first. Fix the education dropout rates, add REAL jobs and cut through the entitlement crap that so many ppl have around here and crime will drop. A few after school activities that dont involve hanging out at Walmart or harassing ppl at the park would also help. Ppl(adults and kids) are bored around here(there isnt much to do) this leads to crime, plain and simple. Its not going to get better, Salisbury isnt proactive it only reacts. Typical of small slow minded towns.