Not only did the Daily Times write an irresponsible article challenging Frank White today, they came back with yet ANOTHER second article going on the attack once again.
This is completely out of line and clear that the Daily Times is simply throwing their weight around in the hopes of destroying yet another Public Figure.
Lord knows I have done my own fair share of going after Public Officials but when a man is re-elected several times because he has been honorable and positive towards the economic and development of one community, the citizens of Princess Anne proved with their votes this is the man they chose to represent the entire community.
To top that off, he has been re-elected three or four times as Council President by the Town Council. No man or woman is perfect, we all know that. However, Ted Kennedy has proven for many years that you can make mistakes and still serve your community.
Frank White has taken many punches, faced several firing squads and has taken full responsibility of any of his actions. He received an $1,200.00 a year salary from Princess Anne and has held more get togethers at his home in which he never charged back the Town for these expenses.
"It's horrible what the Daily Times has done to me today and I will sue them for defamation of character" said Frank White.
I personally believe the Daily Times is out to crush anyone who has ever disagreed with them and Frank White is no stranger to abuse from the Daily Times. Over the years he has refused to speak to them because they twisted so many stories and refused to tell the facts. Why should someone allow interviews when they know, no matter what you say they're going to twist it.
The Daily Times has done this to Von Siggers, Rachel Polk, Terry Cohen, Debbie Campbell, Tim Spies, Davis Ruark and now Frank White. It's about time a Public Official stood their ground and sued this rag they call a newspaper. I think we ALL know who's behind these personal attacks and quite frankly I do not believe they're done. I believe they are a strong part of some one's political agenda and they're looking to do and say anything to sell papers because they're drifting off the face of the earth and our hits/visits at Salisbury News proves it each and every day.
They claimed no one could go up against them, yet ONE MAN has done so and I am destroying them. I hope Frank White tears them a new one and beats them in Court.
I'll be the first to admit I do not know enough about the situation to comment on Frank White, so I won't.
I do agree with your take on Polk, Cohen, and Spies. I'm still pondering Campbell.
However, the reports on Von Siggers and Ruark were not only fair, but warranted.
You have left out an important member of this community the Daily Times ruined 2 years ago, namely Dr. John McClean. I firmly believe the editor took it upon himself to destroy the career of one of the finest physicians to serve the lower shore. Sooner or later, what goes around will come around for Mr. Bassett.
Very protective aren't we.
Where is this so called press conference at 5:00 today? Being a tax payer I want to go and here him speak
I know nothing of Mr. White. However, are you saying Davis Ruark was not driving drunk while carrying a weapon? I do not think the Daily Slimes or you did enough to slay that guy. The proof is in the fact that he is still employed and not in jail where he belongs.
I know and respect Frank. He's made his mistakes and took responsibility for them like the man he is. Not everyone can say that, especially the staff of the Daily Trash. Back when he was the chief of the Pocomoke Police Dept. he was railroaded by the then county sheriff who himself was a joke. Typical of how democrats treat an elected republican.
Kick some butt, Frank!
Craig Theobald
AKA: Ironshire
Honestly Joe. Not bashing... but it really is hard to hear you say these things.
By saying "Lord knows I have done my own fair share of going after Public Officials" you acknowledge that do the same thing.
And with every person you bash there is someone on the other side (who you currently are) that is ticked.
Try to look at things from both sides on ALL topics!
If you are gonna be 1 sided then expect it in return.
The DT did not go after Davis Ruark. They simply printed the facts as they were a matter of public record. I hope you don't lose your own credibility by trying to defend these people at your own expense.
While I agree the Daily Times ran fair articles on Davis Ruark, where the steam rolled him was day after day, week after week, updates about his DUI as well as Frank White's. We GOT IT after the second or third day butu to continue daily for months, that was abusive, period. Then they allowed comment after comment, purposely looking to increase their hits.
Why so defensive????
Now more than ever, taxpayers need to know where their money is going. Since he is spending public money the facts should be public as well. I commend the Daily Times for bringing this to everyone's attention. Officials should be tightening their belts like everyone else, not indulging on a spending spree at public expense.
Seems to me they are reporting what we should know. Frank should have nothing to hide if the spending is justified.
I suggest you report the news as well and not take sides. Report fairly is all we ask.
I agree Frank has done nothing worse than the county commissioners have done but being a tax payer in the town it drains my pocketbook to pay more for town taxes and I do county taxes. Yes the good ole boy system still is running this county, things are overlooked if you are in the know in the system. Like the inter office affairs that go on in the county offices, I am glad to know that Princess Anne has in their bylaws that no office romances go on if there is one of the persons involved is removed from the office the romance began or their position is terminated. Sure hope the county will follow the same rules and not just look the other way when it is one of the good ole boys doing the romancing. I think everyone knows what office I am talking about.
Did Frank Hold The Press Conference Today?
If So Joe Let Us Know What Was Said If At All possible.
The daily Times reported facts that are open to the public. Look at the facts,not what you want to hide behind. It is time to say enough is enough. Put the facts out there and decide for yourself. The winners are the community. The loosers are the community. Actions are what matters, not that the person is your friend. America....just stop and think.
I have known Frank for years. I was a P-City resident while he was chief. I was also a customer of Melissa's before I was ripped off by Frank there. I truely believe he is a crook. I'm sorry Joe, I know he's your buddy & I respect you.
Take the veil off your eyes Joe. Frank White lacks integrity....I've personally known him since he was in high school. This is just more of the same....and you've been standing behind a fool.
One commenter using anonymous and sending in so many negative comments.
If it's NOT one person, then use your real name and show some credibility.
If you go on the attack and do not use your name, your comment is worthless.
Man, you'd think Frank was in the Mafia with so many men scared to use their name.
Come on little girls, man up and stand up with honor, use your name.
Trying to change the focus fo the comments doesn't change the fact that White is still doing bad things. He is your friend and you try to defend him. Ok, that's what friends do. He is still less then honorable.
Prove it.
Most people have seen threw that rag by now. Who really believes any of their Tripe?
from 10:14pm
This is the only comment I have left regarding my opinion of Frank White. I don't want to personally get involved in Frank White's affairs - leave that up to the people of Somerset County. My post was merely to clue you in, Joe, for standing behind someone who is less than honorable. You generally are the first in line to
discredit politicians lacking integrity!!
first of all frank is not honorable,he proved that in pocomoke and its public record. he shouldnt even hold public office. he was a disgrace in pocomoke and now princess anne,see the trend joe? there was no slander its public record. I live in pricess anne and have met him many times and will be glad to see him go. im just sorry it wont be soon
I said it yesterday, I'll say it again tonight...maybe it will get published this time.
I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him...which wouldn't be far.
Perhaps he's one of the reasons that Somerset county land taxes are highest in the state yet still considered the poorest county in the state?!
Joe, you just don't know this couple ...Check out his wife's criminal background. State of Texas vs. Melissa Arena. You may find a DWI Manslaughter Conviction. You may find a dead toddler by her actions. And she was not the innocent widower. They are both ruthless and deserve each other
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