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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Another Comment Worthy Of A Post

I figured that I would take this time to level the playing field a little bit. Joe, feel free to start a post on this one...

Many U.S. citizens criticized our current administration, but I can't help but to think if it would be any better had McCain & Palin taken office. The following Palin comments really make you wonder how people get as far as she did in life! Keep in mind that these were all actually said by Sarah Palin, not simply made up...try to use your best Palin accent while reading these inorder to get the full effect! Enjoy...

"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS's Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008

"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist while attempting to explain why as president she wouldn't be subjected to the same ethics investigations that compelled her to resign as governor of Alaska, ABC News interview, July 7, 2009

"We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. ... We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation." --Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in Greensoboro, N.C., Oct. 16, 2008

"Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―" --Sarah Palin, unable to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008

"All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years." --Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008

"They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan." --Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco, Oct. 5, 2008

"They're in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom." --Sarah Palin, getting the vice president's constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, Oct. 21, 2008

"I told the Congress, 'Thanks, but no thanks,' on that Bridge to Nowhere." –Sarah Palin, who was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it

"I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'" --Sarah Palin, as quoted by former City Council Member Nick Carney, after he raised objections about the $50,000 she spent renovating the mayor's office without approval of the city council

And you all thought that we are trouble with the Obama administation-it could have been worse!


Anonymous said...

We worship Michael Jackson and try our best to destroy the reputation of Sarah Palin.

And we wonder why our society is in such jeopardy?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your obviously a Palin basher, and quite ignorant if you think these piddly quotes with your twisted opinion of an explanation are anywhere close to the destruction this Country is now going threw.
McCain n Palin would never abandon the constitution, would never destroy the economy nor put our children and grand children in debt.

Anonymous said...

I believe that you should compare Obama with McCain. Obama the tax raising socialist that has to apologize for everything good with America, is so destroying America as we know it, McCain could not possibly have done worse. And why don't you compare Palin's comments to that of Biden as that was the office she was running for. Joe is still known today as one of the dimmest lights in the senate.

How are O's policys working out? Unemployment is STILL going up at high rates. When will he be held accountable or will he blame it on Bush for 4 years?

Anonymous said...

I guess you do not have enough room for all the stupid things Biden has said.

Anonymous said...

Sure, some of those are funny. She is not a polished speaker. She is however a very good leader.

If we were to list all the stupid things that Biden has said as a senator and now as VP it would be too long to read and would have to be amended on a daily basis.

As far as BO goes he has made some huge mistakes in such a short time. The media still loves him though so they are mostly hushed or excused.

Weither we would have been better off with Mcain... I don't doubt that we would have still headed in the same direction, towards socialism/fascism. The main difference would have been the velocity at which we are moving would have been slower.

Alex said...

This is unbelievable! How can someone semi-intelligent think that we would be better off with McCain/Palin.
When Hillary lost, I actually considered voting for McCain before he picked Palin. That was the end of his presidential hopes. There is a great chance that McCain would die while in office and we would be stuck with the hockey mom. You think that W was an embarrassment, imagine Ms. Palin on the world stage!

Anonymous said...

Sure, some of those are funny. She is not a polished speaker. She is however a very good leader.

Good leaders don't abandon their posts.

Anonymous said...

It's unbelievable that anyone should defend mccain palin obama or biden. What are you plucking idiots? have you not seen what politicians have bene doing to our country since the sixties and probably before I was born? You better wake up guys.

Anonymous said...

I'd take Palin over Obama or Biden. She believes in Amercia, does not hate, she believes in capitalism, not socialism, and I have not heard of her out and out lying like Obama and Biden are doing day in and day out.

Anonymous said...

Its a shame that you Palin basher's can only talk about her family and the apparently now the way she speaks. You can't say nothing negative about the way she is(WAS) running Alaska...Do you really think Obama could do better without his teleprompter???? Ah Ah Ah....

I would rather have Romney...

Anonymous said...

Everyone is better of with Ms. Palin fishing in Alaska. Let's hope she stays there doing just that.

Anonymous said...

Had a comment but you aren't worth the breath. When the tally is in on this administration you will beg for Palin or anyone to help.

chuck said...


She believes in America? Is that why she was married to a man who belonged to an Alaska Secessionist Party?

She doesn't hate? Is that why she riled up her supporters by implying Obama was a terrorist?

You've not heard of her out and out lying? You mean like when she kept saying she "thanks but no thanks" to that bridge to nowhere, but actually DID take the money for it? How about the plane she says she sold on ebay, that she didn't actually sell on ebay?

C'mon. This person is a political lightweight. And, to top it all off, she quit her job as Governor, while she was the frontrunner for her party.

Anonymous said...

wow...look at all the republicans getting defensive! You can dish it out EVERYDAY, but you can take it when somebody is ragging on your candidate that LOST huh? I was on the McCain wagon UNTIL he pick Palin as a running mate...what does that tell you about his decision making abilities? It said a lot to me. He was more concerned about pulling the gender card to get the win than he was about have a qualified individual as VP. The world would have laughed at us with Palin in office. His cabinet had the potential to be just as stupid! He had tremendous republican pool of highly intelligent and experienced people to choose from, and picks Palin? Now Biden was not a good pick either-if I were Obama I would have went with Hilary. I am confident that had McCain picked a better running mate the Republicans would have picked up the presidency... She is not a "good leader," she is a quitter!

and as for Anon 12:49 PM's comment

"How are O's policys working out? Unemployment is STILL going up at high rates. When will he be held accountable or will he blame it on Bush for 4 years?"

Well yes, I will blame it on Bush for a very long time-he did in fact put us in this situation to get out of! Has Obama made it worse? That's always up for discussion, but it's kind of hard to dig out when you're so damn deep already! Apparently dumbasses like you are not truly familiar with the history of depressions and can't just flip the switch and say everything is ok again! The Great Depression lasted over a decade, so 6 months into it really isn't that much huh? Not to mention that the with Technology (even the increase over the last decade) and investing going the way it is our economy (good or bad time) is so intertwined and connected to EVERYTHING that small things can affect the economy in big ways-nothing will ever be a quick fix...

And To Anon 1:20 PM,

Palin deserves a good bashing-she ran for offices in alaska stressing the importance of abstinence and birth control and look who gets knocked up? If you can't control your own house and advocate these things to your children then how are you going to get anybody to follow you? And Teleprompter or not, she would still sound and talk like a complete idiot idiot!

Anonymous said...


McCain is not a conservative, he is more of a democrat than some of the blue dogs out there.

And not all here are republicans. So quick to assume things huh, even if you do not know what you are talking about???

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:01 hit the nail right on the head: Her credibility disappears the very moment she walks away from her job as governor, period. No need to even invoke partisanship on a decision like that.

Anonymous said...

Chuck got it right on the head! She's an idiot, she's a liar, she's a quitter and she's a hippocrit!

Anon 1:32,
You couldn't even fill a breath with anything good about Palin. You basically said that because you couldn't find anything to refute it with without going back to Obama somehow...

That's the best thing about Republicans, they can complain about democratics alllll day long, but when it comes to defending their own they have no legs to stand on! Even when it comes to elections and debate, they always try to bash the other candidates more than they try promote their own good intentions. That's probably another reason why McCain lost it because he couldn't have a civilized debate without slinging mud at somebody.

chuck said...


If you supported Sarah Palin, then it's hard to believe that you weren't a Republican... at least that's what I think 1:46 meant.

Anonymous said...


You must be talking about Obama and Biden.

Here we go again with names as well. Those who do not have facts on their side, lie and clal people names to scare others into keeping their mouth shut. Typical thug politics...

just because you do not believe something, does not mean it is not true. I am not a republican, but a conservative. I do not belong to the republican party. Get over your steretypes and think for yourself.

Anonymous said...

God Bless the President of the United States, Barack Obama. God Damn the Governor of the great state of Alaska, Sarah (quitter) Palin.

Alex said...

While I mostly agree with Chuck, I have to say that there is a difference between a Republican with values and a crazy right wing bible thumping nut who cannot see past the first two amendments.
Now I do not live on the Eastern Shore, but understanding the demographics, I realize that majority of the people there are Republicans and there is nothing wrong with that. While I may disagree with a lot of your opinions, I am alaways interested in a new and INTELLIGENT argument.
What concerns me is people like Anon 1:15. You have not heard Palin lie - while that is debatable, I don't think that Palin is intelligent enough to even lie.
I disagree with Mr. Albero's opinions, when it comes to politics 85% of the time, but at least he is prepared to back up his arguments. (Again I am not talking about local Easter Shore issues simply because I do not live there.)
Guess this blog presents a great opportunity just to vent your hatred towards democrats, Obama, Muslims, etc., but please back it up.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone soooo nervous about Sarah. She is no longer a governor and so far is not running for anything. Why do you all waste so much time on her. I will say that she has more practical experience than Obama had and he ran for president for 2 years.

Anonymous said...

I am neither Democrat nor Republican.

I believe the McCain-Palin ticket was never meant to win. It was obviously a bad ticket and this is one of the ways the elite get what they want. We had no choice!

Think about it. The Republican got totally screwed by W Bush. He was not a conservative. He pretended to be stupid, but we all knew he was smarter than he acted. The Republicans got screwed by W.

So the pendulum swings back to the Democrats. Now they will get screwed. Obama doesn't CARE about people. The new health care isn't designed to help people, it is designed to help the corporations. Same with GM. The workers and in particular, the retirees got screwed. The bond holders got screwed. The bailout was for the BANKERS - not us. The bankers created the problem and now Obama's administration will give the Fed even more power.

Our politics are controlled by the elites who have corporate interests. These people do not care about the people.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who composed this post, Joe, but please thank them for the refresher course.

Amen to Chuck, whoever he is, and 1:46. It's always a relief when someone such as they come on board with accuracy and facts, rather than defensive blather.

Anonymous said...

Here was a man who wanted you to vote him POTUS and trust him to run the country. He picks Palin for backup? Absolutely demonstrated his lack of good judgement. To his defense he wanted two other people, before her, but they were unacceptable to the religious nut section of the republican party. A demonstration that he was not willing to standup for his true choice.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Idiots. There have been many governors, senators and representatives who have left their post to persue other causes. People from both major parties.

Liberals are so blind. Blind by hate and fear.

You whine about Palin while BO is stabbing you in the back and taking your wallet. Suckers.

chuck said...


I don't think I'm stereotyping anyone. Sarah Palin was the REPUBLICAN Vice Presidential candidate, so it is natural to assume that the majority of those who support her are Republicans. In addition, you call yourself a Conservative, which is the predominant political ideology of the Republican Party. It's not stretch to assume that you are a Republican. Of course, you could be a Libertarian, Independent, or a Democrat, but the odds are that you are a Republican. Oh well, you're not. So what?


I'm not nervous about Palin. In fact, I have BEGGED the Republicans to nominate her for President in 2012. That would be my political wish of the century.

Anonymous said...

To whomever sent this to Joe:
Quick - name some Supreme Court Decisions you disagree with. No cheating and looking them up online either!

You people are such hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

I love the way everyone argues about shades of socialism.

So few people are paying any attention. The right is left and the left is WAAAAAAYYY left.

While we quibble about all these losers and which of them strikes your particular chord or rubs you wrong... The entire government is out of control and out of line!

Obama sidesteps the Constitution as though it were a dog turd on the sidewalk. The power that is supposed to be with WE THE PEOPLE is being stolen and you are expected to pay the price and say thank you for the crumbs master.

This is not a Republican or Democrat thing... This is an AMERICAN thing! Both parties have been eroding our liberty for decades.

So you guys go ahead and argue if Palin or Biden is the biggest dope... The answer is, we are the dopes for letting it get out of control.

Anonymous said...

Here's the key one for all you Palin lovers:

"I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'" --Sarah Palin, as quoted by former City Council Member Nick Carney, after he raised objections about the $50,000 she spent renovating the mayor's office without approval of the city council."

Palin = Barrie Tilghman

Except Barrie hung on forever and Palin tossed the towel in early.

Anonymous said...

Nobody on the left is "nervous" about Sarah Palin, believe me! The only people who say that are nuts like rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. We on the left would LOVE Sarah Palin to run again. It would lead to a massive victory. She is a quitter and a crybaby (poor me, I'm such a victim!) and a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Who ever wrote this most be a real liberal democrat!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be as ignorant as the left. It is so easy to be a liberal, stand for nothing, sit behind a computer and type a few words and your whole lifes work is easy it is to be a loser liberal in this life. Smoke some pot, protest something important to everyone else, and then drink yourself into nothingness...

Anonymous said...

You Democrat fools are so wrong... Polls have already shown that support for Palin is UP since the resignation.

You say your not worried but she is far more mainstream than anybody else even considering a presidential run.

Do you libs even realize that twice as many people in this country say they are conservative rather than liberal?

The only people that trash Palin are the same idiots that still support Obama.

Anonymous said...

Those quotes are nothing compared to the stupid stuff Biden and Obama have come up with.

Anyone remember when our brilliant president visited all 57 states? But he was just tired... yeah right.

Remember when MENSA boy Biden asked his good buddy who had been confined to a wheelchair almost his entire life to stand up. The dumbass said stand up like 5 times. But he was just working real hard for the people and got mixed up right?

You lousy libs preach womens rights all the time but then you trash Palin who has done more for her state than that weasel community organizer has ever done.

Anonymous said...

Yall are a bunch of unamerican liberal a$$holes who rather bash either party. I do not care what you all say back, but YOUR president has done nothing yet except drive OUR damned country in the ground more. I didn't vote for him but you all did. By the way, Obama is YOUR President, not mine! O, something else, the government should not be owning all these businesses and wasting MY tax dollars that YOU voted for to be increased.

Anonymous said...

Slips of tongue in most of these. Remember, ALL AD LIB and WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER.
For example, what would you call the office of the Attorney General besides a govt' dept of law?
Off the cuff and not prepared for the ?
I think she does great, considering that most questions put to her are NOT REHEARSED, including the ones form that idiot Couric. BTW, where is she, anyhoo?

Anonymous said...

Those who knew & worked & played golf with him in Chicago felt BHO was obnoxious and a phoney! As I feel.

Anonymous said...

Such hatred for liberals, and such chest thumping from conservatives! Guess what, conservatives? You lost in the last election, big time. So it is time to face the fact that YOU are the minority, YOU are the odd people, and we liberals are the majority! Have a nice day.

chuck said...


I see you're cut from the same cloth as Palin. The Office of the Attorney General isn't in the White House, it's in the Justice Department. Maybe YOU should run for Alaskan Governor?


Maybe you missed the part where none of the people on this blog who are against Palin have tried to run for President?

Also, for the rest of you...
"lousy liberals"
"liberal idiots"
"liberal a$$holes"
"ignorant liberals"
etc, etc.

And, I don't see a single instance of anyone calling Conservatives names. Why is it that Conservatives, when confronted with the weaknesses within their ideology and candidates, can't refrain from calling people names? It's the true sign that you no longer can defend your own opinions.

Anonymous said...

Hey chuck,
Wanna go through a few more posts and find all the name calling from the left?

Very liberal tactic. Twist the truth and show half the evidence.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this blog. It makes me laugh everyday. Back and forth, back and forth. The issues isn't about the parties, it's about the individuals WE vote in office. They all need to come with return policies, if they screw up we return them for something better. The bashing is really stupid and equates to 5 yr olds on a playground having temper tantrums. Each party has it's problems. Since we all have so much to bitch about what exactly is the plan. Keep bitching? Or make some changes? Sounds to me the majority of you prefer to bitch, bitch, bitch and then speak of how you can do it so much better.

chuck said...


I'd love to. In fact, I'll do you one better: Go find a comment from me where I've called Conservatives "idiots" or "a$$holes" or "lousy".

Go ahead, hunt those down for me.

I won't hold my breath.

chuck said...


They DO come with return policies. It's called "your vote", and it comes around every 2, 4, and 6 years.

Anonymous said...

1:41: while what u said was true,
That was before AK. became a state. The secessionist party was all they had, you dolt.

Anonymous said...

i did NOT claim the "law dept" was in the white house. you've never struggled to find the right word?
how fortunate. that, i believe was this case.
(sometime it happens to us humans)

chuck said...


That doesn't even makes sense. Alaska became a state in 1959. Todd Palin was a member of the AIP up until 2003, and Palin, HERSELF, gave a speech to the AIP convention in 2008.

And, you said the Secessionist Party was all they had when they weren't a State? How the hell do you want to secede from something to which you don't yet belong?

Face it: The Palins were Secessionists. I can't think of anything more UN-American than that.


Then why are you trying to defend her? She got the name wrong, the location wrong, and the intent wrong... and it appears you did, too. If anyone was going to defend the President, it would be the White House Counsel, Not the Justice Department.